for life

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10 PM:

"I'm sorry, I really didn't think he would be up this late," I say walking back from putting Leo to sleep. "Are you guys ready?" I ask looking at everyone. Char in a black crop top with butterfly ripped jeans and black shoes. That's weird, she never wears black.

Looking over at Emma I see why. Emma's wearing the same thing but in white, "Did you guys swap outfits?" I ask sarcastically sitting next to Matteo. "They did." He whispers in my ear.

"We did not." Char groans throwing her hands up. "Come on, let's go" She says walking out, Emma gives us a fake smile and walks out.

Emma is shy, she's in the background but she's one of the most important people in our group, I feel bad for her.

30 minutes later:


It's hard here right now, we got to the club about 10 minutes ago and everyone broke into couples.

Luca and Noah at the bar in their matching outfits Emma and I picked out, Matteo and Aurora dancing in pits of laughter on the dance floor, then there's me and Emma, sitting here, in silence. No laughter, no dancing, no drinking, just sitting.

The silence is deafening. Since before I can remember there was never a moment in time Emma and I had nothing to say, but here we are.

We haven't truly talked since our fight about a week ago. Emma told me she wants to move to Germany for college but i'm happy here and content with the life I created in my head years ago. But Emma loves school so much and I know she wants to get out of the Mafia.

That's not me though, I want to raise a family in the mafia I grew up in, I want to be with my friends, stay with my parents until I can't anymore but she doesn't understand. She loves her parents but she just wants to leave.

She's been mean to me, more than mean. Hurting my feelings left and right trying to degrade me in every way possible and it actually hurts worse than ever. She's been smoking weed more than normal which is a high rate and I'm worried for her.

I want to talk to her because I'm not throwing 3 years out the window but I can't do it sober. "I'll be back." I mutter under my breathe starting my walk to my second favorite gays at the bar.

"Hey mama!" Luca shouts to me when I stand in the middle of him and Noah. "Hey guys!" I say back plastering a smile on my face. "What can I get you pretty lady?" The bartender asks me with a smile. She's about medium height, long black hair in a ponytail and from what I can tell a fantastic body, she's beautiful, and she just called me pretty.

The thought makes my cheeks blush which I can see she notices. I quickly sputter out my order, "Can I get a full bottle of crown apple?" I ask smiling looking down. "Coming right up for you." She says back.

I feel a kick to my leg. Looking up I see a very angry looking Noah. "Here you go, that'll be-" I cut her off. "Put it on Matteo De-Lucas tab babe." She looks at me smiling and walks away.

I take a sip from the bottle before being pulled away to the side. "Noah, what?" I groan. "What the fuck is wrong with you, you get in a fight with Emma so you flirt with a bartender? Are you okay Charlotte?" The words slip out of his mouth into my soul and immediately start eating me alive.

"I didn't mean to I-" My voice cracks and I'm immediately filled with sobs, "I can't do this without her Noah." Sobs leave my body quickly and quietly as Noah pulls me in gripping my neck.

I sink into his hug lightly sobbing. "I know Char, I know." He rubs my back as tears flow from my eyes. I turn my head looking to the club. My eyes reach Emma, the one I was looking for.

I watch as her beautiful smile is being eaten up by a pretty darkskin girl with pretty long locs. The smile is one I've been searching for but haven't been able to give.

When her eyes catch mine she looks angry. I let myself out of Noah's grip wiping my eyes and exhaling.

"Thank you, Noah. I have to go to the bathroom to touch my self up, watch my drink?" I say through a fake smile. Noah can always tell, and I know he knows. "Okay Char." He reply's sitting back down.

I barge into the bathroom, no one in the stalls, very quiet. The small blasts of music can be heard. Walking over to the mirror I can feel tears coming back to my eyes.

Reaching the mirror I look at my eyes, they're red, like I'm high, not that bad. I jump as the door slams open and locks.

"What the fuck Char!" Emma shouts walking closer to me. "What Emma," I exhale, "I'm tired. I can't do this right now."

"I'm fucking tired, tired of picking up your pieces and getting nothing in return." She yells walking closer to me. "Tired of dealing with everyone thinking I'm the bad guy." I back up to the wall as she continues to get closer and my heart beats faster.

She finally reaches me as my back slams into the wall. "Are you sorry?" She asks moving my hair, "Yes, I'm sorry. For all of it, this is all my fault." I fight back tears as she leans into me kissing me gently on the cheek, she's a little shorter than me but she's also very scary.

"You, my pretty, pretty girl, are not at fault for this." Her voice cracks as tears stream down my face slowly. "You are amazing, and breathtaking, you are a fashion icon," She laughs, "Nothing you do will ever make me not love you. I can't imagine not loving you." I watch as a tear goes down her cheek.

I put my hand on her wiping it away. I slowly pull her into a kiss, she pulls away fast when our lips touch. Staring for a second, I can feel her body slowly getting closer to me, until she pulls me back into that kiss.

"I love you Emma, I love you for eternity's." I rest my forehead on hers. "You and me for life pretty."

Sorry for not updating guys!
Word Count: 1109
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