i need to go home.

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Song at the top can be played whenever!


"Please stop" Char let's out as a plea. We've been here for hours and we're about to leave. This trip to the aquarium was fun. Right now we're laughing about the way Char walked out of the aquarium. Laughing so hard I hurt.

I called Matteo to just tell him I love him a couple minutes ago. I miss him more than anything but i'm having fun so that's all that matters.

"Come on let's go for a walk" Noah says. We all look at him as George continues  to the car, "I'll drive behind you." In this moment I don't feel like I belong. They don't like me anymore. I can tell.  I tried to kill their boss why would like me.

"Rory what's wrong?" Emma says making me snap out of my thoughts. I don't want to tell them I feel this way and them pity me. Besides today isn't about me we have 3 hours before they have to go home. I want to make the most out of it. I look at Emma with her sweet smile and golden eyes you could be swallowed by.

"Nothing. Can we sit down? I know you have something Noah" We sit down on a curb looking at Noah until he pulls out a whole ass bag of fully rolled blunts.

Yes I need that. I grab the bag from him and look at it, "Hmm looks fake" As everyone laughs about this his eyes snap at me as he takes the bag pulling one out and lighting it. He is very serious about weed. As the air around him fills with smoke I feel the desire to take a hit.

"Can I take a hit?" I ask. He shakes his head no and hands the bag to me I hand out each of the blunts to everyone. This is what I miss. I miss times where I could do this with my friends.

The times I get lost in the moment. There's no mafia there's just normal teens who just ran from their parents to have fun. Watching a room fill with smoke as we can't help but laugh. But now we're growing up and we can't run from our parents or the mafia because now we have to run it.

I look over and see Char cuddled up with Noah talking about something. Emma talking to Luca and me just... here. I feel alone. I know Char and Noah got closer in the months I've been gone but you think they would ask about me. They haven't, not once.

We don't talk anymore. We used to be close but space split us apart. I love them but maybe we won't ever be as close.

I take a hit as I feel my lungs being filled. I let it out and feel relief. That is until a see a very familiar car fly by. Noah looks up and stands putting all us behind him and Luca. Holding his hand to where I'm assuming his gun is.

The car spins back and it's exactly who I thought it was. The car stops and my mind is spinning.

As he gets out of the car looking at me so frantic I can't help but walk up to him. He pulls me into a hug gripping the back of my head, "Aurora what the fuck happened." Now I'm confused. Why does he think something happened to me, and why is he so frantic right now.

"Matteo what are you talking about, I'm fine. Why are you here, shouldn't you be at work?" I question causing his face to bunch up.

"You called me and told me you loved me than hung up." I look over at my friends as Char screams out, "YOU TOLD HIM YOU LOVED HIM AND DIDN'T TELL US."

I would have told you if you asked but you didn't. I just nod. As they have their celebrations I turn back to Matteo, "I felt lonely and I missed you so I called you. It was dumb I'm sorry it won't happen again, You can leave if you want" I say in a whisper so my friends won't hear.

He changes his grips to my checks. I don't know why he loves holding my face so much, "You wanna go home amore?" Yes. Yes I do, but I can't do that to my friends.

They're here for me. I don't want to be that person. "No I'll stay here" I say kissing his cheek. "I love you" he whispers in my ear. I send him a smile and walk towards my friends.

A grab the blunt I put back in the bag and take a hit, "Aurora what are you doing?" Matteo yells at me. Shit. "Drugs" Luca yells back. "Care to say that any louder" Char sarcastically says as she lays back on emma. Everything is spinning. I'm allowed to smoke on my medication.

I want to go home. I need to go home.

Two hours later:


As I get onto the plane I can't help but think about my future. Noah, the Mafia king. To my friends I'm not the bad guy I'm actually nice but to others I don't know.

Something about today was weird.

After we got to Matteo's house from the literal sidewalk Aurora said her goodbyes and sent us on our way. We don't talk much anymore but you think she would still want us with her.

After her birthday party none of us really talked anymore. Something about her fucking someone and lying about it was weird to me.

Than she almost died, and almost killed her dad. I understand the dad part. I will be killing him as soon as he's not in charge anymore. But I didn't hear about her almost dying until like Yesterday. She didn't even bring it up.

Me and Char have gotten really close since I nominated her as my head fighter. She tells me every thing and I tell her everything. She was the first person I told that I was Bisexual. She's been supporting me and even helped me come out to Emma.

Then Luca came to visit us while he was staying in New York and we were in LA since that's where the American Mafia is stationed. Me and Luca got close and I fell in love with him. Every part of him.

He's so kind but evil at the same time. He's been welcoming, His touch could save me from a million bullets. But no one outside of Char and Em can know because I can't change the mafia rules on gay marriage if I'm not already in charge.

Word Count: 1122

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