cold blooded killer

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When we get up it's some italian song playing.

Marco takes me to the dance floor as about 50 people are on it too. "Can I hold your waist?" He asks. I can't stop thinking about Matteo, this is our spot but there is no me and Matteo anymore just an arranged thing and a few kids down the line but as he's made it clear I probably won't live past 30 so I guess I have to live life now, "Yes."

He puts one hand on my waist and holds my hand up with the other one. His hands are big, bigger than Matteo's. I put my hand on his shoulder. "So, Marco, How many girls have you talked to tonight." He lets out a chuckle, "Just you. Do you speak Italian amore?"

I immediately cringe at someone other than Matteo calling me that. I shake my head. He lifts his head down to my ear and whispers, "voglio fotterti così forte (I want to fuck you so hard)" I have no idea what he's saying but he said it very normal. "Hey not fair I just told you I don't speak Italian." I whine. "Do you want me to tell you" I nod.

His hand that was once on mine dropped and is now on my chin pushing it up, before I knew it my lips are on his. It's normal, no fireworks nothing.

I've never had a kiss that didn't burn my insides with sensation just kisses from guys I love. When he pulls away he whispers something else in my ear, "Wanna go to the bathroom?" I look at him for a second before simply nodding.

What is the worst that can happen? We make it to the bathroom and lock the door. He starts to take off his shirt. I see his defined abs but I can't stop thinking about the fact that Matteo's initials are carved in my thigh. How is this going to work?

I take off my shirt as he takes off his pants. He picks me up and puts me on the sink. When he pulls it out I'm very unimpressed but he seems very excited about this. He puts it in and gasps. I feel him going in and out slowly, "Faster" I say. He goes faster causing a little pleaser, "Fuck, Aurora who's pussy is this?" He moans out into my ear.

Matteo's. But I feel like he wouldn't like that answer so I think pretending like I didn't hear it would be better.

He keeps going small moans escaping my lips. I can tell he's about to cum because it's getting worse and worse. He finally does, but he doesn't pull out.

I push him off of me when I realize he hasn't. He looks petrified, "I'll buy you a Plan B, what's your cashapp?" I look at him and I can't help but laugh. "I can buy it myself. Thanks for the night. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." I say while walking out.

I see George across the dance floor and walk over to him, "I'm ready to leave." He nods and escorts me out. When he gets to the car he pushes the start button and looks at me, "Who was that guy?" I think he can tell I look nervous, "We need to get a Plan B".

George pretends to throw up causing me to roll my eyes, "I'll bring it to you tomorrow it's time to go home."

2 hours later:


I'm about to leave to go on the plane that got delayed when I hear the door open. I look at it and see Aurora in a beautiful dress and George, "Hello Matteo, I want you to know I went out tonight and fucked an Italian man in a club bathroom not just any club, our club. Now you have an actual reason to kill me. Goodnight, I love you."

My jaw clenched at the thought of her with another guy, another guy touching her in the ways I do. I need to kill Dante and come back to her.

I see George walking behind her "Hey!" I yelled out to George. His body turned to me as he walked closer, "Why the fuck would you let her fuck some random person at some random club. Do you want to be fired." My blood started to boil when he gave me a laugh. "Sit." He said pointing to the chair. I listened because he does know Aurora better than I do.

"No one can let Aurora do anything. Aurora is strong she does what she wants when she wants." I was about to chime in but he kept going.

"You don't know the cold blooded killer I do, you know her beauty. I bet she didn't tell you that when she was 15 and her dad killed her mom she went on a killing spree, killing 30 people in a month, bad people. People like her dad." He paused.

I honestly did not know this information. Aurora just seems so sweet, I mean she can throw a punch, she can shoot, and she does have good knife work but killing, I didn't see that.

"That's when he was the proudest of her and he hated that he was proud so he would hurt her more. Aurora could kill you or anyone else in this house in a heartbeat, without thought. Do not underestimate her, if she want to fuck some random at a club she can because she can protect herself. And you just broke her heart you're lucky she loves you or else you would be dead by now." He walked away before I could say anything.

Not only is my future wife a killer, I need to kill her dad before June so we can have the wedding of her dreams.

The next day:


I feel like the equivalent to death today. I sit up and see a pill, water, and a note on my bed stand. I grab the note first, "to my beautiful chosen daughter, This is the plan B use it well and don't take it too late. We do not want the baby of some random guy at the club running around. Today is a big day, you get to go wedding dress shopping for your future love less marriage !! all love, Georgie"

Shit. Today is wedding dress shopping day. We let Enzo and Sofia take control of the wedding. All I know is it's Mafia themed whatever that means.

I look back on the note. Whenever George writes me notes he says Georgie, it's what I used to call him when I was a kid and now when I want something. He also thinks he's funny, he is not.

I grab the pill and take the water. Wow what a delight. Plan B because I fucked a random at a club. Not just any random a random with a small dick. I miss Matteo's.

Why am I in heat at 7 in the morning?

Word Count: 1182

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed! vote for another chapter soon🤘🏽

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