Birthday Balls

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A few hours later :


They've been gone for a few hours now and her friends should be here any minute now. When I walk down to the kitchen I hear my door to the "House area" opening.

Our house has an actual door and then two staircases One for the Mafia things and one leads to the luxury part. But theres a door right in front that leads to the house. We have a mansion just not a normal one.

In come 4 bodyguards that aren't mine with 2 medium height girls holding hands and a tall blonde boy. The one girl has wavy blonde hair and is taller then the girl with darker skin and super curly hair. The guy is tall maybe a little shorter then me, same height as Luca.

"Hi, are you Matteo?" One of the girls comes up to me and says. Trying to shake my hand. I shake it hesitantly. "I'm charlotte but you can call me Char if you want, this is my girlfriend Emma you can call her Em if you want, and this is Noah just Noah." Noah. Her ex-boyfriend?

"Yup, Hello. You guys can go decorate the ballroom. Leave that door that you came in, go down the stairs not up that's the Mafia stuff like offices and bunkers for the guards, they will kill you. The ball room will be there it's the only door. It takes up the whole downstairs. It's huge have fun."

They Leave. God they annoy me already. Walking up the stairs i'm thinking about the gift I got her. Fuck what if she doesn't like the car?

Should I ask her friends? No.

I should. As i'm walking down the stairs to the ballroom I hear a lot of noise. I thought it was only them and guards?

I grip my gun as I walk in, all I see is them. How can 3 people make so much noise. When they see me they get up and stop. "I wanted to know if you think Aurora would like her present"

They look at me and follow as I lead them up the stairs and into the garage dedicated to Aurora. Which was just made. When we get there the light blue lamborghini is in there.

"Woah" Charlotte lets out

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"Woah" Charlotte lets out. "Yes I know. Do you think she'll like it." I question rolling my eyes. "She might fuck you for it" Noah says. Why did he say that? Should I kill him?

I walk away and go back into my room. I hate this day so much.

8:30 PM


"Yes you are having a ball Aurora, when we get home you will go in your room and change into the ball gown we got you" Enzo finally tells me as we're pulling into the driveway. Great another fucking ball.

I walk right up to my room and see a beautiful red ball gown on a mannequin in my room.

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