wellness nights and dates

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Later that night:

"I don't know Char, I love him. I know I do, but marriage is a lot. Being the 'Queen' of a mafia is a lot." I sigh laying down.

Matteo took everyone out for the night but me and Char stayed behind with Leo. Emma is currently getting her hair braided for the wedding and has been all day.

"How about we do one of those wellness night like we did when we were younger" I immediately stand up. "Yes, I love that idea. No McDonalds this time though."

Char and I have been dealing with Depression and Anxiety since we were younger and to help eachother we have wellness nights. But life got ahead of us. We would get McDonalds, do our nails, do face masks, and talk, for hours.

I grab all of the supplies and meet her in the bathroom. When I meet her phone dings. She looks at it in awe. "What's up." I ask, remotely confused.

She turns her phone showing me Emma's new hair. It looks absolutely stunning.

We continue to the face masks

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We continue to the face masks. She puts the brown face mask on my face in silence. "How are things with you and Emma." I break the silence. I do that often.

"Really good, we decided to go to Germany together. We leave in next June." I audibly gasp and back away. "You're leaving?" Her smile turns to a slight frown.

"I'm gonna miss you so much Aurora." Tears flow from her eyes before dragging me into a hug. "I love you Charlotte. We're going to make the most of this next month." I pull away holding her face. "I promise."

Charlotte is my little sister, my mini me. To think she'll be turning 17 in a few weeks is crazy to me, but her moving to GERMANY is even crazier. "Has she decided what's she going to do there?" I ask.

"Art school, I'm going to school to teach. Noah agreed to let us out of the mafia, but we can still do jobs." A slow let out is what they need. It'll keep the money flowing even if they don't need it, they're literally millionaires alone. Also, trust fund babies.

Char has always dreamed of teaching but my dad would have never let her out the mafia.

"Kindergarten teacher by day, killer by night. Such a nice title." We burst out laughing as I grab the blue face mask for her. I begin to apply it when Charlotte talks again, "When are you going to start curling your hair again?" I pause for a second.

"Straight hair is more acceptable here." I give her a stern reply. "No it's not, you just don't want to wear it curly." She knows me best.

"I don't know."
"Yes, you do."

I finish applying her face mask. "I don't want him to leave me when I wake up one day because of my hair."

"He won't Aurora. Matteo would never leave you. Especially for your hair." I mean, I guess she's right.

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