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The Next Morning:

"Okay, I'm done. Are you guys ready to go?" I ask Leo and Matteo. Leo came in here this morning and woke us up, it's now 10. We've been in our room, we got changed and I just finished straightening my hair.

"Yup, are we just gonna say bye and leave?" Matteo asks me. We're going to this cute vintage coffee place for a family date since Matteo planned a date for just us later today.

I walk to the edge of the bed looking at them laying down. "That sounds good," I turn my head and attention to Leo, "Are you ready to go bubba?" He stands up slowly walking to me. I'll take that as a yes.

I wait for Matteo to get up before leaving the room. When I do leave I see Noah and Char making a tiktok while Luca and Emma laugh at them. They do look ridiculous.

When the tiktoks over I clear my throat to get everyone's attention. "Oh hey!" Char exclaims walking over to us grabbing Leo right out of my hands.

Char loves kids especially Leo. They go sit down as Emma walks over to Matteo pulling him into her whispering something in his ear.

She smiles at me as she walks away. I look back at Matteo who's hands on his chin as if he's thinking, I know Emma's gay but a pit of jealousy forms in my stomach. He pulls me in and whispers in my ear, "Hickeys." fuck. I grab his face turning his head.

"AURORAS A VAMPIRE!" Noah yells behind me. I turn around slapping his stomach, "Shut up." I grit through my teeth. He gives me a snarky look and walks away.

"Okay, give me the baby," I say shaking off what just happens. When I take Leo she immediately pouts. "We'll be back, we're going to brunch. Be ready for the beach by the time we get back." I say in response to her face.


"Can I have a waffle with extra butter on the side as well as pickles on the side please, can I also have orange juice and apple juice and mickey mouse pancakes." I say to the waitress who can't be more than 14. I'm having very intense craving and I think Leo will like the pancakes.

"I want eggs and a pancake with coffee." Matteo says to the waitress. Being in America is reminding me how heavy his accent really is. The waitress looks starstruck making me giggle. I turn to Leo so it isn't obvious.

"Um, yeah okay I'll be right back with your drinks." She takes our menus and hurry's away.

"You scared her." I say taking one of the flowers from the middle of the table and playing with it. "She should be scared. I run the italian mafia." Matteo says out loud. Not very loud but loud enough.

I kick him under the table, "Do you wanna say that shit again." I roll my eyes at his dumbfound face and look over at Leo.

He's drawing on the back of a paper that the host gave us and he seems to be having the time of his life. "Are you still mad or can I take a picture of you two that I can send to papá?" Matteo asks snapping me out of thought.

"You can." I lean towards Leo smiling waiting for Matteo to take the picture. "I think we should see Enzo when we get back but with Leo." I propose while the waitress puts our drink on the table. I hand Leo his apple juice, "Thank you," Matteo pauses, "Dominique." He smiles. He definitely did that on purpose.

"I think it's a good idea for them to get to know eachother before the wedding." He says back to me. "Can I take a picture of you with the flower amore?" A smile spreads across my face, I love when he does that.


I turn looking at myself in my floral bikini, I wouldn't say my bump is there but it's definitely there. "Mamma!" Leo yells running into the bathroom. He has on a grey shirt and shorts that Noah got for him.

I lean down to his level, "Yes bubba." He wraps his arms around my neck pulling me into a hug as Matteo walks in. "Zia Char said hurry. (Aunt)" He says pulling out of the hug. I turn my head to Matteo looking at him leaning on the door.

"Well I'm ready, are you and daddy ready?" I ask him. He quickly runs over to Matteo, "Are you ready?" Matteo looks over at me. "Yeah I'm ready." When Leo goes to run over to me Matteo grabs him, "Time to go, everyone left us here." He grabs my hand, "You're Mamma takes too long." He whispers in his ear, Leo look over at me laughing hysterically.



We've been at the beach for about an hour now, Leo likes it. Although Aurora spent all that time in the morning doing her hair just for it to curl back up when Leo forced her in the water.

Now Leo's tired and laying on Auroras chest. I think they both have become very attached to one another, which I think is important. When we get married I'm never going to be home, or not as much as I am now.

 When we get married I'm never going to be home, or not as much as I am now

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These moments with my friends are going to be rare when I'm the leader. "You're so obsessed with yourself." Emma scoffs. I turn around looking at Char and Emma bickering over Charlotte taking a picture of herself, trouble in paradise?

"You have a problem with everything I do Em. Can you please just stop until the wedding is over." Charlotte snaps back setting her phone down. I knew something was up, Char has her sparkle but it's died down. Especially when she's around Emma, like she's scared to be herself.

"Matteo." Luca says in a singsong voice sitting down next to me. I look over at him giving him a "hm".

"Matteo, I just can't believe you're getting married and you're about to be a father of two." I let out a sigh looking over the ocean.

"né posso io uomo (Neither can I man.)" He puts his arm around me pointing to Aurora and Leo who are now sitting up playing in the sand, "I'm proud of you, and so are they," he pauses when his voice cracks, "continue to be great Matteo, Sofia would want you to do everything you could do for them."

I pull him into a hug stopping myself from flooding with tears. Luca is my little brother, the one I fought to protect growing up no matter what. Hearing him say he's proud of me is one of the only things I need to hear. "I'm proud of you too Luca, look at you in a healthy relationship for once." He stands up grabbing Leo's bucket for the sand and throwing it at me.

"Look at you, a father of two at 18." He says smiling walking away. "Ok, sono stata maleducata. (okay, that was rude)!" I yell out to him. In response I get him kissing his middle finger. I hate siblings.

As much as I hate him, I miss him. I miss the fact that I spent every waking hour with him, I miss the fact that no matter how much I cried he was there for me, but he's happy now and so am I.

"Amore, do you think you're ready for the date?" I planned a lunch date for me and Aurora at one of her favorite places according  to Noah. Char said she would watch Leo and I trust her, somewhat.

"Yeah, Leo's ready to leave me anyways." She says as Leo runs over to Emma. I stand up waiting for her to reach me, when she does she wraps her arm around mine shooting me a smile. "We're going back to the house now. We'll be back by like," I stop looking at my watch 2:30 PM. "4 is when we should be back."

Everyone gives us approving looks while Leo runs back to us giving us both individual hugs before running back to Emma.

Word Count: 1382
Instagram: justalvoer_
tiktok: ihrtwattpad

make sure to vote ! also I read all of your comments and I absolutely love them lmao !

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