Your Romeo

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God I missed this car. I've spent the last 3 weeks in America as soon as I get back tomorrow we're killing Dante we should be doing it today but I can't go any longer without seeing Aurora.

It's 9 AM now so I know she's awake maybe I can see her before I leave tonight at 5 PM. Not talk to her, see her. I heard she goes out a lot and that she doesn't talk unless it's to George for the most part. But if you talk to her first she's still the same person except when you talk about the wedding.

The wedding is June 30th, meaning it's in a month and few weeks and she still hasn't gotten a dress, she doesn't want to.

I park my car in my garage and step out. I walk up to the front door and take a deep breath. I open it and walk to the door leading to the living section. I see my parents at the kitchen. My mom looks up and runs over to me. She kisses my left cheek and then my right.

She grabs my cheeks and I instantly thought of Aurora, "figlio mio mi sei mancato (my son i've missed you)" My mom lets out hugging me. I don't leave Italy often, my mom makes sure of that she doesn't like me leaving but I have to sometimes.

I kiss her forehead as a symbol of love, "Where is she?" I ask hugging my mom. My dads eyes roll, "No." He demands. He doesn't have to say anything further. "May I go to my room?" I ask. My dad takes a big ass chicken out the freezer as he waves me away.

I get to my room and open the door, I see a box on the bed. Closing my door and getting closer I realize the box is Auroras. I take my suit jacket off and set it on my desk chair. Undoing my buttons as I sit on my bed.

I grab the box and open it. "Fuck." I let out as soon as I see the pregnancy tests. Aurora is pregnant. Is it mine?

I grab the ClearBlue test and see the 3+ weeks. My heart starts racing as I remember our night together. But I also remember her sleeping with someone else. I look to the side and see a onesie, "Suprise, you're going to be a dad." I stare at it. I don't know what to say or what to think.

I grab it out of the box and hold it up. I let out a "Fuck." Once again when I realize tears are coming out of my eyes. I'm having s baby with the love of my life but I can't even talk to her, she probably thinks I hate her i'm pretty sure that's what I said. I look into the box and see a note,

Dear Matteo,

I have never met someone like you, you are my one and only and the love of my life if you hate me or not. Our wedding will still happen in June I just might have a little bump if that's ok with you? I love you Matteo and I know you'll be a good dad until the end of your time.

ti amo sempre, Aurora

I cant help but chuckle reading it. I can imagine Aurora saying this to me, reassuring me. I love Aurora, I will always love Aurora until the end of time. It's good to know she will too.

I look back into the box and see a little paper that says, "You have no aim." I bust into a pit of laughter. I have the perfect aim but with her I just want to have every piece of her for as long as possible.

After a couple of seconds my laughing becomes sobs. Light sobs no one will hear. I lost Aurora and I can't have her back until her dad dies. Her dad who no matter what she loves.

A thought pops into my head as i'm thinking about killing Dante, if I'm killing him tomorrow what's stopping me from talking to her today?

I grab a notepad and pen from the top of my dresser and start writing,

My Dearest Aurora,

There's nothing more to say to you but I love you. You will forever be il mio cuore. Hearing this news is shocking and I can't believe it. I wish I could explain the feelings i'm having at this very moment. I am so so sorry for everything that went down my love. I'll explain it all later. I don't know when I'll give this to you but just know, my sweet girl, you and this baby mean the absolute world to me. Whatever you want to do, we can do until the end of time.

I love you amore, Till death,
Your Romeo.

(my heart)

I don't cry. But finding out i'm going to be a dad seems like an appropriate time to cry. I wipe my tears and stand up. I take my shirt completely off for comfort before starting to walk out of the room.

Something about that box is calling my name. I turn around and take a picture of it, starting a new photo album 'caro bambino' Darling baby.

I look at my other albums, 'luca', 'genitori' parents, and 'principessa della mafia' Mafia Princess. I call her Mafia Princess for two reasons:
1. Aurora is my favorite disney princess.
2. Shes in the mafia and her bitch ass dad is a Mafia King.

I put my phone away and start walking out of my room until I see George. I hand him the note, "Give this to her as soon as I leave. Not sooner, not later. Understood?" I know he knows. He's Auroras best friend he has to know. He nods like he's trying to make it known that he knows.

"Oh fuck." I hear a familiar voice wince. I turn around and see her in a black sports bra and my black sweatpants holding her stomach in pain. She runs past me and George ending up in her bathroom.

I run in after her seeing her throwing up. I go to the floor taking the hair tie that I keep on my wrist for her off and putting her hair up.

I begin to rub her back as she calms down, "Girl or Boy?" She asks. which catches me by surprise, "uh- um." I never stutter. I'm always very sure of what I say and I can tell she can tell, "There's a chance it's not yours you know." She says pulling herself up slightly so her back is against the wall.

I know there's a chance but I'd raise the child anyway. I love Aurora so I love whoever's child she's carrying. I sit up a little bit to flush the toilet and close it before sitting on the seat, "Girl." Her eyes rush to mine as a wave of emotions fly through both of us.

Within a matter of seconds she's crying. I go down to her and pull her into me. She turns slightly so her head is in my chest. She sobs endlessly into my bare chest. Aurora will forever be my safe place and I will always make sure I am hers, "I wrote you a letter back." Her head pops up as she wipes her tears, "George!" I call.

He comes in with the letter in hand, he smiles at her and sends me a glare that turns into a second of warmth. He hands it to her.

Word count: 1282

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