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As I'm watching her put her dress on I can't help but get flashbacks. She's so beautiful. Everything she did was perfect, every kiss was just right, she tasted amazing.

She got up and came up to me,  "Matteo" I look at her, "Your hair is messed up and i'm cold" She says as she grabs one of the blankets and putting it in my hand as she grabs the other.

"Can I hold your hand?" I ask her, she stares at me for a minute, "Matteo, you just saw every inch of my body and fucked me, yes you can hold my hand." She looks up at me and smiles. Her smile sends waves throughout me. Waves that make me feel safe and secure.

When we get to the car we put the blankets in the back and get in."Matteo my legs hurt so bad right now. Please never come near me again when horny."

I chuckle making her cheeks turn a small bit of pink, "So never".

She looks at me confused, "You make me horny, you make me very horny" I say looking at her not breaking eye contact while letting my hand slide up her thigh,

"Cara (dear) you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that to you. How long I've wanted to completely slut you out. That was not my all. That was me making you feel very comfortable." I place a kiss on her cheek and let my hand go back to the steering wheel.

She clears her throat and faces forward. This girl drives me so crazy. "Where do you want to go to eat?" She asks me not looking at me. " It's late, how about McDonald's? " I look at her awaiting her approval. She looks at me and nods than turns her head.

30 minutes later

We arrived at the drive thru, I look over at Aurora sleep. She looks peaceful and happy. I take my phone out and take a picture of her. She's honestly the prettiest girl I've ever seen. I would simply die for her, and I haven't even known her that long. I could never stop talking to her. "Cosa ti porto da mangiare? (what can I get you to eat?)" Shit I don't know her order.

"Posso avere un grande mac con un milkshake al cioccolato e pepite da 10 pezzi con un milkshake al cioccolato? (Can I have a big mac with a chocolate milkshake and 10 piece nuggets with a chocolate milkshake?)"

When I got the food I pull into the parking lot and shake Aurora. She flinched harder than she normally does making me want to kill her dad even more, "Hey baby, this is your food I just got you nuggets and a chocolate milkshake".

She wiped her eyes and looked at me, "Thank you Romeo. You really know your way" She stops to yawn, "To a lady's heart". She finishes causing me to laugh.

After sitting silently and eating for about 10 minutes in silence, she breaks it. "Matteo I'm scared".

"Of what Aurora?"

"Of this. Of marriage, of kids, of the mafia, of you, I'm scared of it. I don't know if I'll survive it." She explains to me, looking down.

She's scared of me? I don't know how to comfort her. I understand her. I understand her concern I'm just confused. "You'll be perfect at it Aurora. Everything you do is perfect. Trust me no one will ever hurt you, no one will ever get close enough to touch you."

She looks at me as she takes a sip of her drink. She gets her phone and starts facetiming  someone. I hear a voice, a familiar voice, Lucas voice. "Hey baby what's up" I hear.

Not everyone knows this about Luca and I don't tell anyone because it's not my place but he's gay. So when he says stuff like that it doesn't matter to me. He doesn't like her. "Hey my love, did I wake you up?" Does she know he's gay? Does she like him?

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