Thank you, Romeo

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We wait outside the restaurant as the rest of the group take their last hits of the blunt I brought. I won't take a hit because Auroras next to me. I have her in front of me while my hands wrap around her waist. I don't like leaving her out of things and for obvious reasons she can't do this.

"Emma you really need rehab." Char laughs out. I watch as smoke comes out of Chars mouth. Emma has smoked almost the whole blunt. I laugh a little as they look over at us. I feel and hear Auroras slight giggle. This is my safe space.

Aurora looks up at me, "You know you can go over there, I'm cool here." I smile at her while shaking my head. Her head goes back to watching them as my grip around her tightens, "I like it better here." I whisper in her ear as I place a kiss on her neck.

Finally they're done and ready to walk inside. I start the walk, no one besides me and Luca know Italian so we're walking in the front. Sometimes I think about that and sometimes Aurora brings it up.

Our accents aren't heavy but I believe it's because we grew up with Americans. For the most part, our teachers were all American.

When we walk in it's a beautiful all red and black restaurant, very fancy, very expensive. Not to me though I'm very rich.

"Matteo De-Luca?" The blonde haired boy asks. "Sí" I respond. He begins walking us to a nice candle lit table right in the middle. "Qualcuno sarà con te da un momento all'altro (Someone will be with you any moment.)"

I pull the first chair out for Aurora and sit in the one right next to it. As soon as we sit down a tall women in a black dress comes up to us, "Posso offrirvi qualcosa da bere (May I offer you guys anything to drink)" Everyone turns to me besides Noah, Noah turns to Luca.

"What do you guys want to drink?" I repeat. "The most expensive Italian wine." Char says, I look around at everyone who nods in agreement, "What do you want amore?" I ask Aurora putting my hand on her leg, "Water please." She says through a smile.

I turn back to the waiter, "Possiamo avere una bottiglia di Barolo Riserva Monfortino e un bicchiere d'acqua, per favore? (Can we have a glass of Barolo Riserva Montortino and a glass of water please?)" I ask. She just smiles, nods, and leaves.

"Aurora, did I ever tell you how Sam hit me up last week?" Char asks from across the table. Auroras head immediately goes up from playing with my rings, "Who is Sam?" I question looking at Aurora.

"My ex-girlfriend." Aurora says lightly before going back to my rings. If I had a drink right now I would spit it out. "I thought you only dated Noah."

Charlotte looks at me, "She doesn't count Sam because it was in 6th grade. But she really liked her."

How did I not know Aurora was bisexual. "I didn't think it was important to mention." Aurora says looking at me. It is important but if she doesn't think so than I don't think so.

The waiter comes out with our drinks and cups placing them in front of us, "Grazie (Thank you)" She steps back from the table, "Ragazzi avete deciso cosa volete mangiare? (Have you guys decided what you want to eat?)

"What do you guys want to eat?" I repeat once again. Luca looks to the lady for a second, "Posso avere due bistecche ben cotte? (Can I have two well done steaks)" The lady nods looking back at me smiling.

"prendo la pasta (I'll take pasta)" I say. It's weird but pasta is my favorite food, growing up here will make it easy. "What do you want Aurora?" I ask rubbing her leg, "Whatever you're getting and a salad please."

I turn back to the lady, "Un'altra pasta e un'insalata. (Another pasta and a salad)" Char turns to Luca, I'm assuming she'll  tell him her order. "Due risotti ai funghi per favore. (Two Mushroom Risottos please.)" The lady nods and walks away.

I turn to Aurora as everyone around us starts a conversation, "What's wrong?" she looks like she's in a state of uncertainty but I could be wrong, "I'm fine my love, just cold." she responds. She moves her chair closer to me and snuggles into me.

I lightly push her off and take off my jacket wrapping it around her. "Thank you." she smiles.


"Come on it's time to get out of the car Aurora." She doesn't look at me, she keeps her eyes on the moon. It's about 12 now, everyone went inside like 10 minutes ago. The dinner was nice, we talked about a lot, I learned about Sam, and I learned her favorite flowers are dandelions.

I undo my tie slightly as Aurora opens the door. I grab my phone and get out of the car. I walk over to the other side and see her standing there, waiting for me to grab her arm.

When we get into the elevator to go into our room she stares at herself in the mirror, "Take a picture." She demands. "Why do you always want to take a picture?" I groan walking up to her. I grab my phone and snap a quick picture.

The elevator doors open as I admire the picture, "Come on

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The elevator doors open as I admire the picture, "Come on." Aurora says grabbing my hand and dragging me out. She seems annoyed but I can tell about what.

"Aurora?" I let out as she opens our hotel door. "Shhhh everyone's trying to sleep." She whispers as she lets go of my hand. I stop for a second watching her walk away, maybe it's me having a child, maybe it's our child, maybe it's just me. Maybe she doesn't love me anymore.

Shaking my head to shake those thoughts I start walking again. She has already closed our door. I walk into our room seeing her removing her dress, "I don't want to be pregnant." She sighs while her dress slides off.

That's not what I was expecting, "Why not?" I ask sitting on the bed. She turns to me as she puts on one of my hoodies and nothing else. "I don't think I can do it." her voice cracks slightly.

I stand up, walking towards her. When I reach her I slide my hands up the bottom of the hoodie to her waist, "You will be an amazing mother Aurora. An amazing mother because you had an amazing mother." I kiss her lightly on the cheek removing my hands.

I believe what I said with my whole being. Aurora will be a good mother, the best mother. Aurora is funny, and smart, and she has a smile that you can just melt into. Aurora is perfect already, motherhood is just something for her to make perfect in her own way.

"Thank you, Romeo." She exhales as a tear goes down her cheek. Grabbing her hand I start walking over to her side of the bed, which is always left. I watch as she slips into the bed before I walk over to my side.

"I love you Matteo." She says cuddling into me. "I love you Aurora."

Word Count : 1251
Sorry for such a late and short chapter !!
I have a lot going on but i'm going to keep trying to update.

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