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Its silent for a second, "Yes. Degrading Kink. You called me a slut, it definitely turned me on." I look at her confused for a second until she started laughing so hard she couldn't breathe. I'm still confused but watching her like this make me feel at peace in a way. I don't know why. I hate her.

"Matteo do you have a middle name? Don't kill me I just want to know, because your last name is De-Luca so do you really need a middle name."

I clear my throat debating on if I should tell her. "My middle name is Romeo. My mom picked it out" It was quiet for a second until once again she started laughing. This time she went to hit my shoulder but I flinched making her immediately take her arm back.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to cross any boundaries" I felt bad so I just nodded and turned up the music. The rest of the car ride was boring. The whole time I just wanted her to talk again. But she didn't. I wonder what's she's thinking about.


I made him uncomfortable. I hate making people uncomfortable.

We eventually pull into the "retreat" which is really just a cabin in the woods with a lot of security. I take a deep breath and walk into the cabin not waiting for slow ass Romeo.

This cabin is small but beautiful.

When you walk in you see a grey medium size couch, enough room for two people. A kitchen area with a nice table, a fireplace, and stairs. I walk up the stairs and see 2 doors. I open one and see it's a bedroom.

A white themed bedroom I think. There's one bed, of course. I see a walk in closet. It has outfits for me and Matteo. I walk out of the room and open the other door. My jaw drops to the floor. It's a bathroom with a walk in shower with the shower head on top. It's beautiful.

I hear rumbling downstairs so I decide to go see what it is. I see Matteo going through the refrigerator, "Hello Romeo" He looks and me and groans, "What do you want Aurora?"

That's a little rude. Maybe I should leave him alone. Just as I was about to leave the room he speaks, "Do you want to go out tonight. There's a club I can get us into" I'm confused. we're barely legal. How can we get in?

"Yea sure." I let out. He tells me I need to be ready by 5. Great it's 4:30. I go upstairs and look at what I have. I grab a pair of ripped jeans and a stunning top with a very low V line. With some black heels.

My hair looks fine so I grab my purse and leave the room

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My hair looks fine so I grab my purse and leave the room. It's about 4:50 now. Matteo looks at me as a I walk down the stairs. He looks almost ... confused. Why?

I look at him staring at my boobs and can't help but make his comment, "What a slut". He looks at me smiles with his tounge in his cheek and starts standing up as he's talking, "I have a degrading kink". I look at him and roll my eyes. While he grabs his keys.

As we're walking outside I feel cold air hit my body. I hurry and get in the car waiting for Matteo to get in. He walks so fucking slow.

When he gets in the car he looks at me. "Not gonna ask me about my degrading kink looks like you're not ever going to be me" He says before turning around. "Romeo please shut the fuck up. Where are we going?" He looks at me confused before turning out of the driveway of the cabin.

"Le Mura" I look at him confused, "What did you just say." He laughs and goes on a rant about how he was born in Italy and he speaks Italian. He said a few words very fast that I barely heard, his accent heavy, and hot. He has an accent with english words too but not as heavy.

But Le Mura is just the name of the club. When he's finally done I tell him to tell me something in Italian.


I take a moment to decide what I want to say. "Sei carina" (You are very pretty). She looks at me confused. Her face is scrunched up like she's thinking. It's actually kind of cute.

"Romeo did you just tell me you're in love with me." She says as she fake swoons. I look at her and shake my head. "Never".

word count : 782

Short Chapter I'm sorry baes.

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