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As I get up again to put the boxers and sweatpants on I feel my legs fall beneath me. As I end up on the floor with a small bang Matteo's eyes fly to me. He runs over and picks me up holding my arm, "Are you okay?" he asks. How do I tell him my legs hurt so bad that I never want him to come near me again.

"Yup help me put these on." He sets me on the bed and grabs the boxer sliding them on. then with the sweatpants, I stand up taking his arm and grabbing my phone. "Where are we going?" I asked he didn't answer for a second. I hate when he does this. "We're going to a park."

"Matteo it's 9 o'clock at night why are we going to a park." He just looks at me and rolls his eyes. Okay then.

As we get in the car I feel immediate release of pain from my legs. "We live an hour away from the nearest park that's where we'll go." I ignore him because of his attitude earlier but I'm actually really excited. Me and my friends used to do stuff like this all the time.

I can feel my eyes shutting so I close for a second.


She's always sleeping. I look over as I stop at a stop sign. I put my hand over her hair, moving it out of her face. This world has been so evil to her when she truly deserves nothing but the best.


When I parked at the park I got out of my side and walked over to hers. I opened the door making sure she doesn't fall and got down, "Come on Aurora wake up." I say kissing her temple. She wakes up and looks at me, "We're at the park?" She asks. I nod and help her out, she's still limping, fuck.

When we got to the actual park there was no one here and it looked a little haunted. I could tell she was scared. She was walking in front of me. I grabbed her waist causing her to jump. I grabbed her tighter and wrapped my arms around putting my chin on top of her head. "Swings." She says. I chuckle as she runs to the swings dragging me with her. Even if it hurt her.

As I get one when of the swings Aurora takes a breath "Bringing me to the park isn't very Mafia boss of you Matteo." It isn't but being with her and watching her reminds me to live.

I don't want to end up like her dad or so many other people who forget to be with their families. Aurora is my family.

"June, it's coming up. We have to get married." She looked at me and her face that was once smiling had a frown, "You didn't propose." Is all she said before turning away.

"I will as s-" Before I could finish there were gunshots. I get off the swing and grab Aurora throwing her behind me. She sinks into my back. I look forward and see about 30 people spread out and it isn't the Russian Mafia. It's the American one, I can tell by the symbols on their guns this is why they got in trouble with the cops.

They keep shooting. I grab my gun out of my sweatpants and start shooting back. "We want Matteo." I hear someone scream. Was that ... Noah? "Noah?" Aurora pops her head out to look they're still pretty far and they're shooting at well not me but they definitely heard her scream that.

I can hear him call it off. And they all turn into a huddle. I turn, "Amore, I need you to go to the car get in the drivers seat, If i'm not there in 5 minutes drive off okay?"

She looks at me with tears streaming down her face, "No Matteo please, just come with me. I can't lose you, I need you." She needs me and those are her friends. I'm not going to fight back. I'm going to let them take me.

I get a piece of hair out of her face and leave my hand there. I smile at her looking into her eyes that I got lost in one too many times, "There's 3 guns in the car. One in the glovebox drive with it next to you. Don't get pulled over. I love you amore." I kiss her cheek and give her the keys. "I love you Matteo." She says kissing me. This kiss could go on forever but it can't because they're coming closer. I break it off and watch her run back to the car.

"ITS JUST ME" I scream and once again the shooting continues. I shoot back. I just killed like 12 people in the span of 5 minutes. "Matteo just come with us" Noah says. I stop shooting and watch him and his little group come towards me. I set my gun on the ground. This better be a good idea.

Noah takes my hands and puts them in hand cuffs. "How's Aurora?" He asks while him and everyone around him is laughing harder than anyone can laugh. I should have killed all of them. Not spared them at all.

"We're going back to the warehouse we have here. We have a few questions for you." I grunt as they push me along. It is going to be so fun when I kill him.


"we're here." The driver says. I look over and see a beaten up building with no security on the outside. It took us 3 hours to get here so we probably aren't in Rome anymore. He opens the van door and pulls me out messing up my Gucci shirt. I really can not wait to kill him.

There is no security around at all. Are they dumb? He's pulling me into what seems like their torture room but it's dirty and smells. It's just me and Noah in this room. No guards.

"Dante. He's here #1" Noah says into a walkie talkie that I think they got at the dollar store. The realization hits, Noah's in charge, why would Dante come.

30 seconds later Dante comes in. He's in a wheelchair and looks like he's about to die.

I look at him for a solid 2 seconds before actually dying in laughter. Noah puts a gun to my face I look at him and chuckle why would I be scared of him?

The gun is literally shaking, "Why the fuck am I here." Dante rolls over to me, "It's funny you would ask that. We need you to do something," I interrupt him by involuntarily scoffing.

He sends me a glare and continues, "Break Auroras heart. I want it to be a loveless marriage. It's what that whore deserves." Did he just call her a whore? She has like 2 bodies, and both of them are in this room. I'm the whore.

I look over at Noah as Dante rolls out. "You son of a bitch. You want me to hurt your best friend." He looks at me and breaks down crying. What the fuck is going on, "No I don't want you to hurt Aurora but breaking her heart until we can kill Dante doesn't seem as bad as him killing the love of my life and your only friend" Luca. He going to kill Luca.

"YOU'RE WITH LUCA" I scream. I feel like Aurora, I didn't mean to scream it just came out. He slowly nods and wipes his tears. "You can leave if you agree to it." I sigh. "I'll do it."

Word count : 1281

Hope you guys enjoyed 💃🏽

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