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We finally arrived at the cabin. I look over and see Aurora sleep. I get out of the car, walking over to her side. I open her door and scoop her up, it's a big truck so its easy.

As I walk into the house she cuddles into me. I look down at her while walking up the stairs, "This is dangerous Aurora. Why do you have to be so perfect." I make way into the room and set her on the bed.

She twitches a little and sits up. "Come lay down with me." I look at her and groan. Does she know how much I want to? "No, if your up now you need to put your hair up, change your clothes, and take some advil."

She looks at me, "Yes daddy" She says mockingly but as soon as she says it we lock eyes, the things I would do to her. "Get the fuck up Aurora."

I walk over to her and hold out my hand she rolls her eyes and takes it. Her attitude makes me want to fuck her more. I take her into the bathroom for her to brush her teeth and take advil. We do it together. When we're done she shuts the door in my face for her to change. She really thinks she's funny.

After we're both changed I look at her. She has on an oversized Nike hoodie with flannel red pants. I have on sweats and a t-shirt. As i'm staring I notice her playing with the strings of the hoodie, "Who's is that?" She looks at me for a second, "Noah's. he gave it to me a couple years ago when we were together but now we're just friends." She climbs in the bed as I get off, "Get back right now" I do as she says.

She pulls herself closer to me, I look down at her head on my chest and start playing with her hair. As i'm massaging the roots of her hair she speaks, "You know Matteo you're not a bad guy." She looks up at me, "I don't think you'll be a bad husband." She likes me?

I chuckle and tell her to go to sleep. Eventually she falls asleep. I'm still playing with her hair. She's too good for me. She shouldn't have to deal with me. I'm damaged goods. "Why do you have to be so good darling." I whisper as I kiss her temple. Lingering there for a second.

I want to have this moment forever. I want to feel this safe and comfortable forever. I don't want to go back. I don't want to keep fucking girls just to leave. I want to love but I only want it with her. But I can't do it with her. I'll break her. I'll tear her apart. So I have to leave her alone. Do the best option, Get married and never speak again, I'll use her for a son that's all.

The next morning:

I'm awoken by the smell of bacon. I look to my side and see Aurora not there. I suddenly feel myself craving her touch. Craving the feeling of her breath, the feeling of her warm body.

I get up and make my way downstairs. Aurora sees me and she stumbles looking a little embarrassed, "Hey Matteo. I want to formally apologize for last night. Here's breakfast." I want to smile. I want to take her face and smash my lips into hers. But I can't.

I look at her and nod, "I really don't give a fuck about last night. Everything that happened was a mistake we can both agree on that. I hate you. I always will. This retreat won't do anything about that. I don't want to marry a perfect little mafia princess but I have to. So can we stop pretending like we're going to like each other?" I look at her in her eyes and I can tell she wants to cry, Why did I do that?

"dick" is all I hear as she pushes by me and makes her way upstairs slamming the door. I walk over to the bacon that's written out as 'Romeo' This girl is so pure and kind.


Why would he say that? I thought we had a fun night last night. I thought we connected and bonded.

Aurora: hey guys
man-whore: i thought you forgot about us. How's everything?
Aurora: it's great! How are you guys.
Emma: wow i'm so glad you're happy without us
Mini Me: Backstabbing bitch
Emma: I miss you so much babe. I just want to kiss your stupid ugly face
Mini Me: felt
man-whore: I do not want to kiss your face but i do miss you :(
Aurora: I miss you guys too. I'm sorry I haven't talked to you guys just been busy. Have you guys ever been to Italy?
man-whore: no. but i have to go soon. I'm next in line after you to be in charge of the American Mafia meaning i'll be doing the business with you a little after you get married.
Aurora: did you just mansplain
Emma: not cool noah.

I put my phone down. I hate lying to them but it's better they think Im having the time of my life and not worry.

I get up to shower. When I get out I do my hair and just leave it out. Today I'm going to wear a brown shirt with tan khakis.

 Today I'm going to wear a brown shirt with tan khakis

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When I come downstairs Mr. Mean ass isn't there. Where did he go? "MATTEO" I yell. I get absolutely no response. IS HE DEAD OR HURT? Where are the guards? Why can't I find anyone?

I run outside in hopes of finding him with my mind racing. I run out crying and see him outside rolling a blunt.

I let myself breathe for a second. I look at him, He doesn't seem to be paying attention, I just walk back inside. I do not want to deal with this today. My anxiety is on 10 and he's at a 3.

Word count: 1013

Hey bad bitches. short but juicy chapters >>

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