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I saw my dad get up and stare at me. My stomach cramped but when  I look at my friends I feel safe.

"As most of you know the American Mafia has been going through a rough time with the police" I didn't know that.

"I would like to take this moment to thank the Italian Mafia for helping us get the police off of us and for agreeing to work with us." so it isn't my surprise?

"I would like to bring up Lorenzo De-Luca." When he says that, a man comes up, he's in a dark suit. He's a nice looking man with a lot of tattoos he's looks 50. On his arm he has an older lady in a long red dress, the dress suits her it holds her curves nicely and looks absolutely amazing on her. She has dark straight hair that goes down to her mid back. She has her arm wrapped around his and a smile on her face, wow she's beautiful.

"Thank you Dante. As everyone knows I've been the leader of the Italian Mafia since I was 17 years old. Right after I married this crazy women. In a couple of days I turn 58." He pauses and everyone claps.

"I want to thank Dante and his daughter for giving my family what we need for my son, Matteo to be in charge. I can not wait to do more business with you guys. Thank you"  My friends look at me and my heart is racing. He wouldn't do that. Would he? 

I look at my friends and I shrug my shoulders like I don't care but I can feel my heart racing, my breathing going faster, and i'm starting to sweat.

Everyone starts to leave and just as me and my friends start to go upstairs my dad stops me. "Surprise! You're leaving" I look at him confused. "You can finally pack your shit and get the fuck out. You are to marry the italian boy by the end of this year. Until then you're staying with them." he storms off.

I look at my friends with tears in my eyes. I lock eyes with Noah as a tear makes it way down my cheek. Noah's eyes turn to Emma. She grabs a knife out of her I don't even know where but Char stops her. Noah tries to get to my dad but I hug him before he could.

My arms are wrapped around his waist and his around my neck. I can feel his unsteady breaths as I lay my head in his chest. He leans down and whispers in my ear, "let's go to your room and pack" I look up and nod. Everyone follows.

1 Hour Later:

I'm all packed up. I'm trying to distract myself by talking to everyone but it all goes quiet when a boy walks in my room. He's about 6'3 maybe 6'4, he has kind of tan skin but not really he's wearing a suit, an ugly one.

His fluffy hair laying almost perfectly. And one visible tattoo on his finger, it's a cross. what a cliché.  He didn't look up at us as he talked, he was too busy on his phone. "Hurry up we're leaving. You get to take one bodyguard of your choice with you" He than looks up. His face shows absolutely no emotion. It's a little scary.

I gulp and get up. As does everyone else. Noah grabs me and wraps his arms around my waist. I suddenly feel safe. I feel even more safe when Char and Em do the same.

They let go and start talking at once about me always contacting them and to never stop talking to them and to be safe and I'm pretty sure someone said they would kill my dad.

When I'm done with my goodbyes I go outside my room and see the man I was looking for, George.

I give him one of my suitcases, get on my tiptoes and tap his shoulder. "Let's go you're coming with me." He nods and walks behind me.

We get to the 3 cars outside. A Lamborghini, A limo, and a really dark truck. Some guys come up to George, take my bag put it in the Limo and tell George to get in the dark truck. George sends me a smile and gets in. The guy who I saw talking on the stage comes up to me.

"You must be Aurora, I'm Lorenzo but you can call me Enzo. and this is my beautiful wife Sofia." I send them a forced smile.

As I was about to say something Sofia cuts me off, "This is a bad thing trust me I know and I hate it but I hope you can try and make it work. you can marry him but never talk to him I don't care we just need a break" I feel for her I really do.

I nod and Enzo goes back to talking, "Okay, so you're getting in the lamborghini with Matteo, our son. It's going to the airport. we're going back to Italy" I freeze but find my way into the car.

This car smells like weed. I look over and see him hitting a pen. I tap his shoulder, he sends me an angry look, I send one back, "Can I hit that?" he looks at me with no expression, "Fuck no". I groan and sit back in the seat. Fuck this.

I was tossing and turning in the seat and groaned really loud. "What the actual fuck is wrong with you. Can you just sit  still goddamn" I looked at him and I could feel my eyes heat up. Out of nowhere tears are streaming out of my eyes, "fuck" I whisper as I wipe them away.

He scoffs and looks away. I'm not sure why i'm crying but i'm pretty sure it's because my future husband hates me already.

We pulled into the airport and I saw a Jet. I hate Jets. All of my stuff was carried onto the Jet. When I go in I sit in a seat by myself and begin to drifted off.

Word Count : 1038

KIND OF SHORT CHAPTER IM SO SORRY!! I'll update faster for you guys and make a long chapter next. I love you!!

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