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"Are you okay Aurora?" I ask looking away from the street and over to her. "I'm fine." she muttered. So she isn't okay?

"Aurora what's wrong?" I question putting a hand on her thigh touching her skin, pulling my hand up a little touching her floral dress.

She looks over at me with tired eyes before looking back out the window. I take my hand off her thigh paying more attention to driving, she obviously doesn't want me talking to her.

We left the house about 30 minutes ago, Now I'm taking her to a lake for a picnic, because she mentioned she did this with her mom.

"I love you." she says grabbing my hand and putting it back on her thigh. She lightly plays with my rings as her leg bounces underneath. I notice she's actually wearing her ring. That means she's probably going to lose it. Nobody trusts her to wear it.

We park on the side of the road by the lake. "Baby," I start, her eyes slowly move over to me, "I love you." She smiles as I bring her hand up kissing it lightly.

I put her hand down lightly turning off the car. "Stay in the car." I remind her like I do everytime.

I get out and walk to the trunk of the rented Audi. I grab a basic pistol putting it in my belt, can never be too safe.

I also grab the picnic basket that holds berries, a blanket, pancakes, a personalized necklace that says Viv for her mom, and a personalized bracelet that has a lion on it to represent Leo.

I think she'll like it. Walking over to her door I can see her staring out into nothing. I open her door and grab her hand.

After we walked the solid 3 minutes over to the dock Aurora is already in a better mood. I place down the blanket and wait for her to sit down.

I give her the camera she gave me and sit down. I take out all of the food and set it up. I watch her as she watches over the lake.


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"Amore." I call out to her. "Yes." She says smiling.

I grab the box with the necklace and bracelet and hand it to her. She smiles at me again before opening it. She looks up at me with a beaming smile. "Thank you Romeo." She exclaims as she moves over to me pulling me into an embrace. She pulls away kissing my cheek.

"I love you so much, Matteo." She whispers looking down. "I love you, Aurora." I say back.


"It is 9 in the morning Emma, I am not arguing with you right now." I mumbled back to her yells.

"You don't want to talk now, you don't want to talk at night. Do you just want to break up Charlotte."

My heart sinks to the floor. The thought of me not having Emma doesn't seem right, it doesn't seem reasonable. She told me at the club we're forever. Did she find someone else? Someone better? Someone Prettier?

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