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⚠️ a slightly NSFW image.

I hear a sudden knock on the door, I guess it worked. I lift my hair out of the water making sure it's curly. "Come in." I call out moving to the edge of the bath. Making sure I'm fully covered with bubbles I watch him stand right above me.

"Can I join you?" He asks so obviously staring. "I think you can." I watch as he takes off his pants and his shirt. He stops and makes eye contact with me before taking off his boxers revealing the boner he has. My breathing speeds up but I don't think he noticed.

As he gets settled in I move over to him. He watches my every move. I reach him, just floating above. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling me closer to him while his arms wrap around my lower back.

"I want to be fucked really good." I whisper in his ear kissing down to his neck. I latch on sucking down moving my one hand to his chin to control where I suck because his head keeps going back.

After a couple of seconds and a defined mark I look back up at him, "Understand?" I can feel his dick fidget under me making me smile. "Yes ma'am." He says pulling me closer brushing his lips onto mine. Ma'am? I liked that, I liked that a lot.

I give him one gentle kiss before pulling my head back. "Aurora why are you doing this to me." He groans. "Do you want me?" I ask as a way to get consent. "I want you." He whispers.

I lift myself up grabbing onto him placing myself on his cock. "Fuck." escapes his lips as one of his hands go to my waist and the other goes to my breast.

I slowly ride back and forth tiny moans escaping the grasp of my lips. I can see Matteo getting visibly frustrated, that makes me happy. "Do you want me to go faster?" I ask. "Yes." He says calmly.

"Beg." His eyes don't leave me. The want, no the need between us is heavy. He looks.. excited and sexually frustrated. "Please Aurora." He mutters holding on to me tighter trying to move my hips. "I don't think I heard you." I spit back, I like this game.

"Please Aurora, go faster." He begs pulling my hips forward. Grabbing on to his face I pull him up from leaning down bringing his face to mine.

I start to ride again, this time faster and I can't control the moans coming out of my mouth. Matteo's head goes back as he adds movement to mine. Me going forward him going backwards. "Look at me Romeo." I say sarcastically out of breath. His eyes come to mine with a smirk on his face.

His grips on my lower back stopping me from moving while lifting me up. Without missing a beat all of him is in me and half of him is out, again and again faster and faster. My body shakes as he puts me back down. I slowly ride again whimpering glad my friends are rooms away.

"You look so pretty on top." Matteo says out of breath as I once again cum on him. "You look better on top."  I continue to ride him determined to make him completely finish just by me riding.

"Aurora, please" he moans out as I slow down again. "Please..." I start. He looks up at me as his breathing hitches, "Keep going like this." He exhales throwing his head back. I keep my pace as small moans and heaving breathing comes out of us both.

"Fuck." He moans. I stop and stay where I am because it feels good. He picks me up as I am and takes me right outside of the bath. He sets me down throwing me a towel and giving me a small kiss.

"Thank you amore. I'll be in the room in a second." I wrap myself with my towel and leave to the room.

Last night Emma got us matching Playboy underwear, I set his on the bed and put mine on as well as a black crop top.

He opens the bathroom door completely naked and dried off. My breath hitches slightly as he gets closer to me. I hurry to the bed watching him put on his and a white shirt.

He gets into the bed pushing himself closer to me. "Can I take a picture to show Emma?" I ask completely gasping for air. "You can do whatever you want." I take my phone off the night stand going to take a picture.

Right before I click the button his hand moves to my ass grabbing and massaging it. I moan quietly squirming my body.

I put my phone down turning my body to him

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I put my phone down turning my body to him. "Round 2?" I ask calmly. A sinful smirk comes across his face, "Turn back around." He demands. I turn around feeling his cold rings move my underwear out of the way.

I hear him spit on his hand while his other one goes to my neck. When his tip slowly enters I feel pain flush all across my body to the point it turns to pleasure. He lets go of my neck wrapping my hair around his hand pulling it back.

I let out a slight moan causing a deep chuckle to come from him. "I knew you would like that, you little slut." He spits at me as he slams his whole dick inside of me. My eyes fill with tears, I can't help the loud moans that I'm squealing out.

He goes faster and deeper with each stroke, I can feel my body decaying at his touch. While still stroking inside of me he uses my hair to turn my face to his giving me a wet, sloppy kiss.

We lock into the eye contact, before his hand on my waist goes to my clit rubbing it in full circles slowly. Each time I shake more and more, "It's pathetic how you quiver at my touch." He takes his fingers pushing them in my mouth.

Behind me I hear low groans until finally it's louder almost as loud as my moans. He flips me around getting on top. He moves my crop top before taking my hand and strokes himself with it, now quivering at my touch.

He cums all over my stomach tossing himself back next to me. After a second of no talking I finally break it, "Thank you." I turn my head over to him kissing him gently as I attempt to get up. "Stop." He says getting up and grabbing a towel. He places the towel over my stomach cleaning up his future children that unfortunately will not be used.

He throws the towel to the floor grabbing my hand helping me sit up. "Go to the bathroom amore." He says taking my hand holding it as I limp over to the bathroom. "Did I hurt you?" I ask him curious since he did get shot like 2 weeks ago. "No you didn't. I told you I would heal faster. I have the mafia in my blood baby." I can't hold in the pit of laughter that statement just put me in.

word count : 1172
Instagram: justalvoer_
Tiktok: Ihrtwattpad

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