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I wake up to the sound of my phone going off My Romeo I should change that. I decline the call and go to his contact Matteo seems like a better fit after what I did last night.

I was angry and upset, I want to go back but I said what I said and I have to stand by that. I didn't mean everything but hearing what I did makes me mad. I'm not sure why.

Matteo is my everything and always will be, but I think distance is the only way this marriage will work. I grab my phone to check the time 8:00 AM.

Oh shit, I have to go dress shopping at 9. We already went once but we didn't find anything I liked.

I get off the hotel bed that is so fucking uncomfortable and run over to my closet. I take out a very simple outfit I can take on and off.

My hair doesn't look completely horrible so putting some water on it and brushing it seems like a good idea

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My hair doesn't look completely horrible so putting some water on it and brushing it seems like a good idea.


It's now 9:30 and I just got to the dress place. I see Sofia waiting outside. I get out of the uber and rush to her, "I'm so sorry I woke up late." she looks at me and sighs almost like she just wants this whole thing to be over. Trust me girl I do too.

I walk inside and hear a familiar voice, I turn around to see Char and Em sitting down in the back in front of mirrors. I can't stop myself from running up to them, throwing my arms around both of them. My back tells me not to but I can't stop myself.

Both of them turn slightly to get into the hug, "I missed you guys so much, what are you doing here? I thought I wouldn't see you guys until the 30th." Em laughs, "We're your bridesmaids of course we're here helping you pick out the dress, we leave tonight though. Noah and Luca are with Matteo picking out a suit." Noah's here. That's the last thing I want.

I slowly walk over to the stage as I'm greeted by a nice short lady with bouncy brown hair and light skin, "Hey girls how can I help you today?" She smiles. I see Sofia coming through and sitting down. "I'm the bride. I'm getting married June 30th. These are my bridesmaids Charlotte and Emma, and this is grooms mom Sofia."

The girl takes me back and asks me what kind of vibe I'm looking for. This is the first time I'm being asked this question and it's driving me kind of crazy. I don't even want a wedding why would I want a dress or know what kind I want. "Can we just try on a lot." The girl who's name I'm guessing is Cameron, and I'm also guessing she's the only one here that's from America, looks scared like she doesn't think she'll find me a dress.

"I see it marked here that you want a white dress and a black dress for the reception." I slowly nod my head. I have no idea what I want here. She leaves the room and comes back with one dress.

Hours later:


"I just don't understand why she left. I thought I was doing her a favor." I say with slurred speech taking another sip.

It's 9 PM. I got my suit and so did Luca, Noah, my dad, and José. Now it's only me Luca and Noah in the living room downing every bottle we can find. My dad has work to take care of and José had to go back to his family in one of the safe houses.

"You killed her dad Matteo" Luca laughs out. "Oh shit it's 9 o'clock we were supposed to be meeting the girls at 8:30" Noah says. They quickly get their stuff together and say their goodbyes not giving leaving another thought.

As I watch them walk out of the door I call George, who was sitting on a couch talking to us. He hasn't smiled or laughed since Aurora left. I feel horrible. "Can you bring these drinks upstairs in Aurouas room?" I ask starting to walk upstairs with a bottle of vodka in my hand. "Auroras room." I hear him whisper behind me.

I open Auroras door for George as he quickly places the drinks down and runs out. I go to her bed laying down. I open my phone, texting her one more time won't hurt.

Matteo: Aurora please come home, I need you.
My Mafia Princess: Matteo please leave me alone.

God, women drive me crazy. I slowly close my eyes as I feel the vodka slip from my hands.


"Matteo answer the fucking phone!" I quietly yell into my phone. This is the third time I've called him and still no answer. "Luca, I can't let them get hurt." Aurora whispers. I try and move closer to her but this closet is only so big.

As we continue to hide from the monstrous things outside this closet all you can hear is gunshots, "Distract me." I let out. I can't stop thinking about Noah. He's out there, I don't think I doubt his abilities but he's drunk right now. More than drunk, fighting some fucking Russians. "I'm pregnant." My eyes snap to her, Matteo has been with us, how is she pregnant?

Her eyes slowly look at mine as they fill with tears, "I'm fucking pregnant, yes it's Matteo's but I ran away from him last night. I don't want my child to have to hide away in a fucking closet while their dad kills some fucking Russians."

"Babe, it'll all work out. Matteo loves you more than he loved that fuck twat. He wouldn't let any danger come to you or that child." A smile forms on her face as I reach to brush away her tears.

Our heads turn as we hear a gunshot and a scream, the scream of Charlotte. "Charlotte!" Aurora yells trying to get up. I grab her hand but she pushes me away powering through the door, "Stay here." she insists.

I'm not trained for this. I never got trained in the Mafia. When my dad died Enzo brought me into his office and told me I never have to deal with any of this ever again. I got my free pass out of there. Matteo has taught me some things but not a lot. Not enough for me to fight off the people outside.

I hear my phone ring aurora lover I don't think I've ever clicked accept faster. Before either of us get a chance to speak there's a gunshot. "What the fuck, where are you?" He yells in my ear. "Auroras hotel. Daisy's mafia." The phone hangs up.

aurora lover: Send your location.

He should be here in 5 minutes. Matteo is stronger than all of us. He would do anything to protect us.

Word Count: 1168

daily reminder to drink water and eat whatever the fuck you want  😻

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