for the best

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Song can be played throughout any part it's not there for a reason!


"Do you want to ride with George or me?" I ask her. She turns her head to me as she gives me her thinking face, "George." She walks over to me kissing my cheek. As she starts to walk away I grab her arm slightly pulling her back.

She looks at me confused while I cup her face and give her an actual kiss like I deserve, "I love you" I whisper in her ear. She just smiles and walks away.

Her going with George doesn't hurt me in any way but I wish she would come with me. I open my car door and get in. I take one hit from my green disposable and let it fill my car up.

As I'm about to pull off the passenger side door opens as Aurora gets in, "Me and George are mad at each other right now." she says crossing her arms. Trying to not to laugh I ask why.

"He's so annoying. He won't talk to me because of last night. But I just wanted us to find a hotel I was so tired." I don't know if I should take Aurora to my home or buy us a new one.

I start to drive off following George who was leading us back home. "I'm tired Matteo." She says with a yawn, "Go to sleep Aurora." She smiles for a second before laying her head to the side. I slowly put my hand on her thigh. Aurora likes physical contact, her hand goes over top of mine as she slowly drifts off.

4 Hours later:


As we pull into the drive way I check the time 1:57 PM. We got here at a good time. I look over at Aurora who has been sleep this whole time. I start to move my hand before she slams it back down looking at me, "come on amore we're home."

She turns her head, "They don't want me here." I get out of the car and start to walk over to her opening her door, "I actually have to tell you something." her eyes open slightly as she takes my hand.


My mom and dad aren't home so we just go to my room and let George go in his after he put everything back in Auroas room the right way. He insisted he did that.

"Sit please." She does as she's told and sits on the bed. I make my way to her sitting next to her. I pull my hands through my hair before her hand goes on my thigh. She turns my head to her, "Matteo just tell me, please you're freaking me out."

Looking into her eyes I know I have to tell her. My biggest fear is her hating me, "I had to kill your dad," her hand immediately leaves my face.

"Aurora, I'm sorry. That's why I was gone. That's why Noah tried to kill us. That's why I said that stuff to you it was break your heart or Luca dies." Her eyes shoot to mine.

"He was going to kill Luca, why? What does he have to do with this? He's not even in a mafia." I don't want to out Noah. This is going to be hard to explain. I take a deep breathe, "I'm going to explain it all, you don't talk." She slowly nods.

"Luca and Noah are close, your dad told Noah he's not giving up his spot until you were hurt enough to want to kill yourself, so he wouldn't be breaking any deals. When I went with them that night Noah told me it's break your heart or kill Luca. They've known for a while and that's why they've been distant."

I finally look at her as I see streams of tears painting her face. She quickly wipes them away when she sees me staring, "Amore I'm sorry I really-" She interrupts me, "I'm going out. Don't follow me." She just walks out. No I love you, no hug, no kiss, she just left. She didn't even let me explain why my dad kicked her out.

The door quietly closes. She was far too calm. The room feels empty, that's how my life has been the past 3 weeks. Empty. The only thing I have is pictures. I open my phone to see my lockscreen, the ultrasound picture. I still can't believe I'm going to be a dad.

I'm excited but I'm scared. How am I going to tell my parents? More importantly how are we going to hide her pregnancy at the wedding? I open my phone to my home screen,

 How am I going to tell my parents? More importantly how are we going to hide her pregnancy at the wedding? I open my phone to my home screen,

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a picture of Aurora. While she was healing I took her out for the night. I have another picture from that night.

I open up my gallery and go to the album marked Mother of my child I changed it today.

I can't help but smile looking at a picture of her and thinking of this moment

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I can't help but smile looking at a picture of her and thinking of this moment. That night is when I gave her a fake diamond ring while drunk.

Oh shit I still have to propose.

I get a notification telling me Aurora stopped sharing her location with me along with a text,

My Mafia Princess: I need a break from this. from us. I don't think I can do it anymore. The baby and I need to be under no stress. I can't do that around you. I'll see you hopefully earlier than the wedding but if not I'll see you than.

My heart sinks to floor. She just left me. She's under stress and it's my fault.

Matteo: Aurora. Come home please.

I pick up the phone and call her. No answer. My eyes start to fill and my head is silent.

My Mafia Princess: it's for the best Matteo. I'll send you ultrasound pictures if I get anymore. I'll text you updates about the baby I promise. But the baby and the stupid commitment my dad signed us to are the only things keeping us together right now. Remember that. don't text me for anything else.

I don't understand. I thought she loved me. I thought we were soulmates, and that nothing would ever come between us. Especially not me killing her abuser.

My next option is my mom. Maybe she'll tell her to talk to me again.

Word Count: 1066

Hey babes! How are you today? Make sure to interact. I'm crafting a new story right now 😻😻. I also want to thank you guys for all the views and love on my tiktok!

Instagram: justalvoer_
Tiktok: ihrtwattpad.

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