glove box

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"George distract me." I let out, still with my eyes closed. George let out a chuckle, "You wanna know my deepest secret?" My eyes immediately turn to him. I nod as he looks down, "It's about your mom. Are you sure you want to know?" I don't think I do, but anything to distract me. I nod again putting my head down.

"Your mom and I  planned to run away with you," He pauses I guess waiting for a response. My head throws itself up the biggest headache pounding my head, "We were in love since she gave birth. I wrote her letters, I think I still have some. Your mother was something, she was powerful and beautiful. You remind me a lot of her and I love you for that. When she died I lost her but I still have you. And I'll have you until the end of my life, my love. You can always depend on me."

He stops and starts to sniffle causing me to open my eyes and look at him even if it hurt, "My mom and you. That would have been fun," I pause putting my feet back in the car, "Come on, lets drive I need a bed." George nods and goes to his car. I'm still in so much pain but we need to find somewhere to stay.


Oh my God we killed him. I watch as a couple guards pull Dante's lifeless body out of the room we were in as I cleaned my hands. Noah put the job on me because he's a pussy. All I did was shoot him, after telling him to suck five cocks and that Aurora and I are having a baby.

Time to go home. I check the time, my phone is still on Italy time stamp its 1 AM. I need to start going home. I go downstairs and see Noah and Luca kissing. I should call Aurora. "Hey, Its done." Their heads turn to me. It makes me feel so full inside knowing Luca is happy. He's wanted this his whole life, I know his dad is proud of him.

"Matteo I can't thank you enough." I stay at a distance across the table. I nod my head and continue to watch them, "Are you guys going to get married?" I ask. Noah laughs, "We're going to change the rules as soon as you leave. We'll be married soon. Expect an invite."

I smile at them, Noah looks at me weird almost like he didn't know I did that with anyone else besides Aurora. They've seen me smile drunk, I usually keep a straight face, they've learned what my different nods mean.

"I'm going to start heading home," I pause and walk towards Noah, "Congratulations on the job. I look forward to working with you, and I can't wait for the wedding invitation" I say while taking his hand to shake it.

"Thank you, Matteo. I'll see you next month at the wedding." I turn to Luca and pull him into an embrace. I usually see him everyday but now he lives here with Noah. I'm happy for him. But I'm going to miss him more than life. This boy is my son, my best friend, my only friend.

"Va bene amico, ti amo, ci vediamo presto (Alright buddy I love you I'll see you soon)" He looks at me and nods, "Ti amo fratello, vai a sistemare le cose con Aurora. (I love you bro, go fix things with Aurora)."

I walk out of the house seeing Emma and Charlotte walking towards the door. Staying with them for weeks has changed my view on them. I don't hate them, in fact I love them.

They've told me stories of Aurora, told me how much they love her, and told me how much she's changed around me. I love them like my own family I think.

"Hey M-Dog, did you do it?" Charlotte says. M-Dog is the nickname she gave me after I called her C-Dog. It's... cute I guess. "Yeah it's done Noah and Luca should be in there changing the rules now." Emma smiles at Charlotte.

Everyone around here looks at eachother with such love, hope, and acceptance. I can see why Aurora loves it here so much considering her dad. Emma comes up to me and hugs me along with Charlotte. After a couple of seconds I let go, "Bye M-dog." I wave and go to find my car.

4 hours later:

It's 5 AM and I'm walking into my home. When I peek into Auroras garage I don't see her car. Running into the house I can't help but think something is wrong.

When I get inside I see my parents on the couch, "papà dov'è Aurora (dad where's Aurora)" His eyes fill with tears before he pushes them back.

"figlio, I kicked her out. I couldn't lie to her, I love her too much to lie. Seeing her everyday and letting her think you hated her, hurt me."

What the fuck, "cazzo cosa. L'hai fatta uscire senza aiuto, senza assistenza. (You fucking what. You let her out with no help, no assistance.)

My blood begins to boil as I walk out of the house and into my car. I pick up my phone and begin calling her. As it rings I back out of my driveway.

I'm halfway down the street it hangs up. Shit. I look up as my tears begin a tour around my face. I will kill anyone who tries to hurt her.

I stretch my arm and get my gun out of the glove box putting it by my side. I grab my phone and call George. My heart is beating faster than I'm driving right now. He picks up, "Yes sir" I sigh in relief. There's a 2% chance he's not with her.

"Fanculo George where the hell is Aurora. (Fuck)." I yell. George hesitates on the phone causing me to freak out even more than I was.

What's the fucking reason for hesitation, just fucking tell me what's wrong. "GEORGE FUCKING ANSWER ME" I scream out in pain. I just want to know where she is, I just want to knows she safe.

"She's in the hospital Matteo. She was in an accident." My vision goes spotty, I swerve my car over and begin to pant. I feel like my lungs and chest are working against me. I hear a muffled version of George's voice. Trying to focus on it I bang the steering wheel again and again just wanting to get to her. Finally I hear it , "Matteo are you there?" Her voice.

Word Count: 1121
Sorry for the short chapter 👎🏽👎🏽
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