I need to leave now.

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"Blair" I hear my perfect, perfect girlfriend yell. My name is Charlotte but she calls me Blair, my middle name, i'm guessing for dramatics since she is the most dramatic person I know.

"Yes my beautiful girlfriend" I say in a lovey voice which earns me a slap to the chest. Like I said Dramatic. "I don't think she's ok. What if someone is hurting her? What if she's hurt? or scared?"

I look at her confused, "She said she was ok Em, you just have to believe her for now. You know how she is. She won't come to us until she's ready" Em climbs on top of me as I'm sitting up on my bed and hugs me while I rub her back.

Aurora is our best friend and she was sent away to marry some mafia bitch boy. Her dad is such a dick. Why would he do that. He knows how she is, she's a head ass and can get herself killed around people like that, mafia leaders who don't know her especially. She doesn't take shit from anyone and she somehow does it in the nicest ways.

Aurora is the peaceful one in the group, always smiling but something about her eyes. It's cliché but her eyes tell you a different story. They're beautiful and when she's upset and smiles her eyes don't have that same sparkle as they usually do.

I love Rory with my whole heart. But at some points I want to strangle her. Why does she let people walk all over her?

"Baby, we should visit her" Em questions as she looks at me smiling. This is actually a good idea because her birthday is coming up.

January 16th Rory turns 18. I'm sure we could go then. "We could wait for her birthday Em." I cup my hands onto her cheek as she rests in it. "That's a good idea" she says with her eyes closed.

She's so pretty. I got so lucky with her. There's no one like her. She is the reason for all hope in the world. Emma is perfect. Emma gives me a reason to live everyday. We've been dating since we were 14 we're 16 now. Emma is my breathe of fresh air.

I lean up and kiss her. A gentle kiss and press my forehead against hers. "I love you" I whisper as I kiss her forehead. I look at her but it's a different look in her eyes. It's a look of want of need or desire. How the fuck did this bitch get horny that fucking fast? Am am I complaining? Absolutely not.

She grabs my chin turning my face, looking at the hickeys she already put there. She kissed my jaw and tilted my head back. I held onto her back like she was going to leave. She sends kisses down to my neck until she reaches my spot. She kisses it lightly than rubs it. Fuck she always knows exactly how to set me off.

She sucks on it for a second, pleaser rushes to the surface. "What the fuck are you doing?" We both jump and look at the door.


Noah is like a big brother to us. He's annoying but a big brother. He's a lot like Emma in the sense of fighting for each other in any way you may need but he has zero sense of humor. He's so fucking dry.

"What does it look like we're doing dummy. Please fucking leave." Em lets out through her teeth. Giving him a death stare so scary it makes me want to leave. He stands there for a second like he's thinking and than he walks his bitchy ass to the edge of the bed and sits. "No."

Emma and I groan as she gets off of me. "Char, Em, what do you guys think is wrong with Drea." He looks concerned more than confused.

" I don't know Noah. But when she gets like this you just have to give her time. We were thinking about going to Italy for her birthday to surprise her." When Em said that last part his face lit up.

People think Noah and Rory are still together because of how they act. But I promise you their not, but I think their soulmates, in a way.

"Yes. 100% yes." is all he says before walking out. I look at Em. "Where were we" I say while pulling her back on me.


Their going to have sex aren't they. I should go back in there and break it up. Just as i'm about to step foot in the room a bodyguard in front of her door stops me, "Noah. Stop." I look at him he looks traumatized. What the fuck are they doing in there.

As i'm walking to anywhere but that room I get a call Mom-Less Whore Finally this bitch is calling me. "Hello My love, what's up" It's quiet for a second. "The sky. Noah we need to talk"

She says that with a bit of uncertainty which leads me to believe I need to get on a plane right now. "Noah I need to leave. I need to leave now."

"Baby I know but you can't. Your father will kill you if you leave. Besides getting married what's the problem. Is he hurting you?"

As much as I want her home. I just can't take her home. It's not hard to tell that her dad is abusive but worse. We all know we just don't say anything because Aurora tries to be the "perfect mafia princess" for her dad.

"No he's not. I feel safe here. I don't think he would let anyone hurt me. But he hates me so much. He's mean" I laugh for a second.  He's  in the mafia. Of course he's going to be mean.

"Aurora. You're Aurora Andrea Nadir. Shut the fuck up and kill the man or cut off his dick. You're going to be his wife if he likes it or not. He has to deal with it. and if he doesn't than you fuck as many times until you have a son and you put money into prostitution because you both will be dry as hell with no sex." After I said that she hung up.

Mom-Less Whore: You will never guess what Noey just said to me.

Noey is a dumbass name she gave me when we were together in middle school. I hate it. and I hate her.

Noah: they're having sex.
Mom-Less Whore: and you're letting them? they're 16 Noah.
Noah: Mad you get no sex?
Char: Bitch. We do what we want.
Emmie: I was horny. deal with it.
Emmie: if you get no sex i'll gladly have some with you bae.

I hate these people.

sorry for the short chapter been busy ☹️

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