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As he walked out of the room I could feel my body start to fall. With the slam of my door, my eyes slam shut.


As I watch Matteo huff and puff down the hall I hear a thud in Auroras room. Usually she'll scream that she's fine but she didn't causing me and Matteo to turn but Matteo shakes his head and keeps walking.

Running into her room I see her on the ground. My heart racing and the feeling of being unable to breathe is hitting me.  I walk over to her and check her pulse. It's still going. Letting out an exhale I call out her name not getting a response.

I pick her up and make my way to the hospital rooms.

"Is that Aurora?" A nurse calls. I nod and place her onto a bed. I can't help but pace back and forth as she gets checked out. Aurora is like my child, my own blood. I would do anything to keep her safe.

I'm not a relationship guy, In fact I hate relationships so I'm not having any kids, being with Aurora since she was born has helped me mentally in so many ways. Aurora will forever be my reason to live another day, Aurora is my daughter, my sunshine.

"She's awake" a nurse calls out to me and the doctor. We both go over to her. She looks at me as tears form in her eyes, "George, what happened?" I look at her and than the doctors, "You passed out my love, did you eat today?" She looks around and nods.

"Aurora, are you sexually active?" The doctor asks her. This is nasty. I like to believe she isn't but I can also hear into her room. But whenever she's in Matteo's room I don't have to stay out there, I get to sleep.

She stares at me for a second before turning back to the doctor, "Yes, why is that important?"

"Do you use protection?" I really would like to leave, "Sometimes." She looks down playing with her nails. "We're going to need a pregnancy test." Is Aurora pregnant?

She looks up at me as tears stream down her face. I send her a smile and take her hand leading her to the bathroom. A nurse hands me the test that I hand to her.

5 Minutes later:

Standing outside the bathroom door trying to keep my cool is hard. I want to grab Matteo and kill him. "OH THANK GOD" Aurora yells before opening the door. I take the test from her and see one line. The nurse comes up and takes it.

"I'm going to say you just need to eat something and go to bed. You should be fine. Come back in a week. " The doctor says.

The Next Morning:


I hear my God awful alarm go off and I prepare myself for the day. As I turn it off and sit up I realize Matteo isn't next to me which means everything that happened last night actually happened and I got like 2 hours of sleep. But hey at least I'm not pregnant.

Do I deserve more sleep? Yes.

I look at my phone while laying in bed and see a text from Luca.

Lucaaaaa: Hey babe! Matteo's coming to the US for like a month to visit... you comin too?
Aurora: We broke up last night. I will not be coming but I love you and miss you!
Lucaaaaa: I'm calling you so we can talk about this later. I love you babes.

Why the actual fuck is Matteo going to America and for a month? He's going to be fucking lots of bitches so maybe I should do the same. I am going to sleep this breakup off and go to the club. Only problem, I don't know Italian.

9:30 PM:

I literally slept for a good 8 hours. I just got out the shower all shaved. Looking into my closet I realize I have nothing. Then I see this beautiful dress that is right next to a flannel.

I put it on and look in the mirror, "His fucking loss" I turn around and put on heels

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I put it on and look in the mirror, "His fucking loss" I turn around and put on heels.

Walking out of my room I see my favorite person, "Hello George, Are you ready?" I ask looking up at his blue eyes that are beaming at me, "You look beautiful Aurora, Let's go."

When I get outside I see him. He's standing over his car as he puts his suitcase in. He looks over at me as I look away. I can feel his eyes on me. George takes my hand and brings me into the Jeep. "You're okay Aurora, let's go".

2 hour later:

I decided on going to the club I went to with Matteo since it's mostly for tourist aka people who speak english but Matteo told me italian people go there to pick up "cute americans".

I take off my seatbelt and look at the door, "Go in, there are 5 guards in there and 6 on the outside. I'll be in soon." I smile and get out of the car.

I show the man my ID and walk inside, immediately walking to the bar. At the bar are two guys in sweats talking to each other, a guy in a button up and jeans talking to a girl in a long dress, and another man sitting by himself in a black suit. "A bottle of henny please." The bartender takes my card and hands me the henny. I hate henny but I need to feel something.

I sit down and take a sip. "Why Henny?" I look up to see the guy who was sitting by himself now about 6'5 hovering next to me staring down at me with his beautiful green eyes. I can tell he's Italian because he has the same accent as Matteo.

"Trying to forget. Would you like some?" He sits on the stool next to me and raises an eyebrow as he takes the drink, "Tell me mysterious American girl, what must you forget?" My eyes become locked with his as he hands the drink back to me, I take a long, long sip before speaking again, "A man. A bad man. Are you a bad man mysterious Italian guy?"

He chuckles a little. His raspy deep voice sending shivers down my spine not as many as Matteo's does but his voice will work.

"Mysterious American girl I am not a bad man, I am a good man." I nod. No man is a good man.

"What's your name." Trying to decide If I should lie or not I realize I have nothing to lie for, "Aurora, and yours?" I ask passing the bottle back to him. After he takes a sip he lets out my answer, "Marco. It's nice to meet you Aurora." He hold out his hand. I grab it.

He brings it up to his lips not losing eye contact and gives me a small kiss. "Would you like to dance?" I ask him, he stands up still holding my hand, "sì (yes)"

Word count: 1184

Hope you enjoy :)

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