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"Ok guys, we're estimating that it'll take about 2 weeks to completely heal, it was clean and stayed in with no infection. But infection can occur so keep an eye on the wound. You will be discharged in 3 days if everything goes to plan." The nurse smiles and walks out.

Matteo woke up at 8 so we've been here all day. He's lucky he survived. The doctor told me the wedding should still go on. "Aurora look at me." Matteo begs again for the 8th time since he woke up.

I look and smile for a second each time but the truth it I can't look at him without the thought of him being gone exploring through my mind.

He's my mafia husband he's going to be shot and I guess that's what I have to deal with but I don't think it'll get easier.

"Ok fine, look at the TV, but we're leaving." My head turns to him, "Excuse me?"  There's no way he's leaving. Even big mafia leaders can still fucking die. "You heard me Aurora, we're leaving. I have business." He says trying to stand up.

I cringe as he groans out slightly from the pain. "No. We're staying here." I demand standing up walking over to him. "Get me my fucking clothes Aurora." Even bent over slightly he's taller than me and scarier. He's giving me his "I don't care what you say" look and that look is fucking demanding.

"Whatever. Die at home than." I walk over to the bag with his things in it and throw it at him. If he's going to be a dick he can do it to the doctors but I'm leaving. I grab my phone along with the keys to his car and start to walk out.

"What the fuck Aurora" He yells. I turn around and slowly walk forward. "What the fuck Aurora? Are you fucking serious," I stop as he just stares at me blankly.

"I should be saying what the fuck to you. My life has been turned upside down in a month Matteo. I just drove this car," I jingle the keys, "This fucking car here with you passing the fuck out in the passenger seat. I drove this car here pregnant and fucking afraid I was going to lose the love of my life." My yells turn into a pit of voice cracks.

I take a deep breath as he just stand there fucking staring, "So, if you want to leave this room and die at home do it. But I'm not fucking watching it." I turn back around and towards the door. I don't know where I'm going but I have a card, my phone, and a Leo's case manager on speed dial. Maybe I can make something happen.


Did she just actually leave me here? She's mad I guess. My wound hurts but not enough for me to sit down. I should recover in a week or two so what's wrong with her?

I grab my phone to call her. After ringing for a solid 3 seconds it hangs up.

Matteo: Aurora please come back.
My mafia princess: I don't have the time Matteo.
Matteo: Please Aurora just pick up the phone.

My mafia princess pops up on my phone. I immediately answer. "I have to tell you something." She says. I can hear the sounds of the hospital, she hasn't left yet, "What did you do?" I question.

I hear her stop to take a breath, "I'm getting Leo tomorrow, and I know you're hurt but," I cut her off by bursting into laughter. I feel my stomach pump in pain so I slowly stop.

I already got Leo. I signed the paperwork as soon as I could. This was supposed to be a surprise, I even got the case manager to play along. He should be coming tomorrow.

"Matteo, why are you laughing." I sit on the bed as the pain absorbs me, "One, this isn't my first time getting shot. I've healed faster than 2 weeks before. And two, Aurora all you have to do is pick up Leo. I adopted him officially weeks ago. I know how hard you've worked to get him and I know how stressed you are so I did it myself."

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