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I've been home for about 4 hours now. I'm sitting in the second living room looking outside every couple of minutes. I took a nap as soon as I got home. I've stopped myself from calling Matteo about 19 times.

I pull out my phone and look at his location. He's about to pull in. "HE'S ABOUT TO PULL IN!" I yell.

I jump up running out of the room to the left and down the stairs. I turn to the kitchen going to the refrigerator. I take out the yogurt I bought, and the carrots. I move to the counter and grab the muffins they said he liked.

I sit at the island completely out of breathe. I look down for a second and hear the door open. I look up to see the kid from the pictures run in immediately stopping when he sees me. He turns running back to Matteo trapping himself around his leg.

Matteo laughs as Leo slowly hides behind him. Is Leo... scared? I kind of expected it since I'm new but so is Matteo. "They had us do bonding exercises for 2 hours." Matteo says picking up Leo. It's like he can read my mind.

Matteo sets Leo on the island with his arms around him. "Leo, this is your," he stops for a second staring, "Leo this is your mamma (mama)." My heart sinks as they both stare at me for what feels like an eternity. I finally have the courage to break the silence, "Hi Leo, I'm Aurora." I say putting my hand out.

For a split second he doesn't do anything until he places his hand in mine. I can't help but smile up at Matteo who was already smiling at me. "Down" Leo says looking at Matteo.

5 hours later:

The past 5 hours has been instresting. It's now  time for me to make dinner while Leo and Matteo continue to wrestle. In these 3 hours i've learned a lot, Leo is actually super nice, he doesn't cry a lot, he speaks some italian but not a lot, and Matteo absolutely adores him.

I take the blanket off of me and get up starting my walk to the door, "Where are you going?" Matteo questions out of breathe. "To cook dinner." He looks at me in disbelief, "We have a chef. Let me call him, what do you want?"

I look down at my stomach. The baby and I want pizza. "Pizza please!" I exclaim getting back onto the couch. As Matteo gets up to get his phone Leo starts his climb onto the couch, he acually made it this time without falling.

He grabs the blanket, "Share." he says covering himself. I move over to my side as he snuggles into me. I give him a light kiss on his forehead while he yawns. "Pizza should be here in an hour."

1 hour later:

Pizza came sooner than expected, we're all fed and laying down. We changed Leo into a white onesie so he can go to sleep in it and now we're in our room since Leo didn't want to sleep in his bed.

He's laying on my legs wrapped in a blanket as Matteo and I are cuddled up under our blanket. I obviously took a picture just to remember Leo's first night here.

"Today was a success." Matteo says kissing my temple. I turn my head to face his, I give him a smile, "Today was better than a success my love." Matteo clicks around for a second but ends up on PJ Masks which happens to be Leo's favorite.


It took about 20 minutes for Leo to fall asleep. "Aurora," my eyes go to his, "Thank you." Is all he says before placing a kiss on my forehead. I lay my head down on his shoulder being perfectly content with my surroundings. With my family, my new family.

The next morning:

I wake up to no one in my bed but the distant sound of Matteo's laugh grabs my attention. I get up and look at the mess of a bed, ugh boys. I grab my phone and start my walk down the hall.

I open the door to see Leo falling off the messed up couch and Matteo laughing his ass off. I take a picture as Matteo catches his breath.

I go over swooping up Leo who can't stop giggling. I hold him like a baby as I tickle him endlessly. I place a little kiss on his nose and hold him right. "Are one of you going to tell me what happened in here?" I ask as I put down Leo, he immediately runs to Matteo.

"We were... playing. Come on let's go get breakfast." Matteo says trying to change the subject. Leo runs out of the room as Matteo grabs my hand. "Walk Leo." Matteo yells out. I watch Matteo's face turn as we watch Leo waddle down the stairs.

"Do you think he'll call me dad?" I can't help but smile at the idea. "You know Matteo, I think he'll recognize that you're his dad, that you're going to love him like a dad. To answer the question, I think he will." He stops walking as Leo stops at the end of the stairs.

"I love you." He pulls me in and places a kiss on my temple. Leo runs up to us wrapping his arms around both of our legs. "Love." Leo excitedly says.

I take that as his way of saying I love you. I think? He's old enough to say I love you. He talks pretty vividly. Sometimes he doesn't make a lot of sense but most of the time he does.

Suddenly a man with a chef outfit comes out, "Signore, la sua colazione è finita. (Sir, your breakfast is done)." He says not taking his eyes off of Matteo, "Grazie, puoi andartene. (thank you, you may leave)."

As the man walks away Matteo let's go of me and grabs Leo. He lightly puts him on his shoulders as they walk towards the kitchen, "You're so heavy piccolo (little one)" Matteo says. Leo giggles, "I'm strong." He laughs out as both of them burst into laughter.

I follow behind watching as Leo bends down grabbing Matteo's face and places a kiss on his cheek, probably doing what he sees Matteo do to me.

We reach the table, "Let me help." I say softly grabbing Leo and placing him back in Matteo's arms. I sit where I normally sit, and Matteo sits next to me placing Leo in the chair next to him.

Leo immediately burst into a pit of tears and sobs. Matteo quickly grabs him as he calms down just wanting to be in his arms. "Are you okay bubba?" I ask as he grabs at the food Matteo just put in front of him. "No." He wines.

Matteo grabs a fork and puts it in front of Leo's face. He immediately turns his frown 'upside down'. I grab my phone and take a picture while they aren't looking.

"Matteo," they both look up at me, "I love you

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"Matteo," they both look up at me, "I love you." He smiles at me as Leo giggles. His hand reaches over to me as he rubs my growing belly, "I will love you forever amore, Forever."

Love. A funny word that we toss around far too often but with him in many different moments I know what love is, and right here, right now is one of those moments. A moment that I feel at peace, a moment I don't feel like my whole world is caving in. I'm happy, and I'm happy with them.

Word Count: 1285

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