He loves me?

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3 months later:


"No Matteo. I already said no. You gave them my dad, they'll leave us alone now." I say as I put on my converses: 
(her outfit)

" I say as I put on my converses:  (her outfit)

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"Noah turns 18 tomorrow. The Mafia will be his. Think smart Matteo" I stand up and look at myself in his mirror.

The past three months have been draining. I've been staying in bed doing nothing. Enzo and Sofia have been freaking out over the guards, and Matteo is like 5 seconds away from a killing spree.

I convinced him to let my dad go so we're okay with the American Mafia for now. But Matteo has been on edge I honestly am not sure what to do. He spends 50% of his time with me, 50% at the warehouse doing God knows what.

He walks out. He's wearing a dark suit.

No one should ever look that hot

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No one should ever look that hot. "Whatever you say". He groans as he puts his hands on my cheeks causing a feeling to go throughout my body.

Today we can finally train the new kids in the Mafia. I say kids because they are literally kids. 15-17.

Matteo looks at my outfit and signals for me to turn around. I do as I'm told. He grabs one of my hair ties that are on his wrist and he puts my hair into a pony tail before kissing my cheek. "It'll get in the way." I turn around and put my hands on his waist. I lay my head in his chest before groaning.

I grab his hand and start going downstairs. As we make our way to his car I can't stop thinking about Noah. Noah is about to turn 18 and as soon as he does he has to run a Mafia.

My train of thought is interrupted by Matteo letting go of my hand and opening my door for me.

I get in waiting for him to sit in his seat. "Here's how it's going to go," He starts while backing out of the driveway.

"We'll get there and the kids will be waiting for us. It's a really small group today I made sure of it."

"They'll be in a room with a shooting range. We'll be in there for about an hour. Anyone who doesn't get it has to stay behind while the guards help them to get it."

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