Good Girl

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When washing my hair is over Matteo grabs my rag and puts soap on it. "Can I?" He asks, I nod in response. He slowly rubs my back with the rag. He goes down and further down sending want throughout my body.

He stands up and turns me around. I lift my head up as he gets my neck. He knows how much I hate that so I quickly turn and rinse it off.

When I turn back he slowly rubs the rag on boobs, not breaking the eye contact we share.  He goes down my stomach and down to my legs, and back up again. The whole time I'm watching his growing erection. I turn and rinse myself off.

As soon as I turn back to him he pushes me against the shower wall, "Do you know what you're doing to me?" I try my best not to smile. I know exactly what I'm doing to him. I blink my eyes and shake my head as my hand slowly reaches down his body.

The water hitting us I grab onto his dick, slowly stroking it. Neither of us like head that much but I'll happily give him a hand job. He so lightly let's out a groan as his hand slips onto my neck. "Fuck Aurora," he groans.

A smile spreads across my face as I watch him enjoy what I'm doing to him. His hand goes from my neck to my cheek as goes into kiss me. I stroke him once again, he groans against my lips before slamming them into mine.

The feeling of lust between us is heavy. I let go of his dick as he turns me around pushing my head into the wall but still somehow being gentle. "Are you sure?" he whispers in my ear. "I'm sure." I say in response.

He slowly enters me as we both let out a gasp. This feeling is something I've missed. His hand pushes on my lower back as he goes in and out of me at a steady pace.

"Fuck Matteo I can't take it!" I whimper. He shoves himself into me as his hand goes to my throat turning my head slightly. Our eyes lock as he comes closer, "But you're taking it so well amore." God I could melt just by his words.

I moan out louder as he goes in and out faster, he slaps my ass causing a feeling of pain and pleasure rush through me, "Stay quiet or I'm stopping." He demands while his two fingers slip into my mouth.

"You feel so fucking good." He lightly moans in my ear. His strokes start getting sloppy and my moans turn into whimpers.

I can barley stand, "Fuck Matteo I'm-" he cuts me off, "it's ok baby, cum for me." I moan into his hand as tears escape my eyes. "Good girl," he whispers in my ear as he leaves me, "Now get on your knees."

I do as I'm told, getting on my knees and stroking him off as I wait for his cum to overload my mouth. "Fuck Aurora" He groans as he explodes into my mouth.

This was definitely an experience.

He holds my hand as I sit down on the ground. I'll stay here until he's done washing.


10 minutes later and he's all done. I'm wrapped in a towel with one on my head and he has a towel wrapped around his waist. I grab my phone and check the time 9:00 PM. Fuck. "Matteo, you have to push the reservations back." I turn facing him.

"I rented the restaurant for the night, they're waiting for us." I turn back around, giving him an impressed hmm sound. I take my hair out of the towel and begin to brush it down. He stands behind me, just watching.

When I finish up we both walk into the bedroom. He grabs both of our outfits placing them on the bed. I'm wearing a black spaghetti strap kinda long dress and he's wearing a basic white suit.

I grab my dress and start slipping it on, sitting down. After I have it on I take my red underwear and put them on. I walk over to the mirror examining myself. I look pretty for the most part. I turn to the side and rub my stomach slightly, I don't want a bump.

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