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"Can you people wake the hell up!" I groan as Charlottes yell plays through my ears. "Okay, we're up." Aurora yawns out.

I turn onto my stomach grabbing a pillow. I feel Aurora place a kiss on the back of my hair before her side of the bed becomes empty.

"Can I put pants on?" Aurora says. I hear the door slam a couple seconds later which is when I decide to turn around and sit up.

I stare as she puts on a pair of black jeans, "Can we go with them?" Aurora asks as she struggles to pull her jeans up.

"Elaborate." I get out of the blanket immediately feeling the air hit my bare chest.

"I mean go back for a night or two. I miss some of the people in the mafia." She doesn't make eye contact as she looks around for something. She always does this, like she's scared of me.

"I can't go but you can," I pause looking up at her, "If you can't go I won't go." she says looking in the mirror, she's wearing a black crop top and black ripped jeans. I could just stare at her staring at herself for hours.

"HELLO WE HAVE A FLIGHT TO CATCH!" Char yells banging on the door. "HELLO ITS YOUR OWN PRIVATE JET!" Aurora yells back walking towards me. I sit on the edge of the bed waiting for her to reach me.

When she does she opens my legs looking me in my eyes, she slowly sits on my left leg, "I love you." I say rubbing her thigh. "I love you, now get ready." She gets up and hovers over me.

My hands move up her legs to her waist, I make sure not to break eye contact. When I reach her waist I pull her in. Looking up to her is kinda... hot. "Don't tell me what to do." I say standing up, now towering over her. Which I know she likes.

She escapes my grip, "Yes sir." She says not breaking eye contact. I immediately feel something come over me. Shit. Maybe it's the fact that it's the morning or maybe Luca was right, I do have a sir kink and that's the reason I sleep with all of my assistants.

I gulp looking away for a second thinking of my dead grandmother or anything to make this feeling go away. Her hand slowly moves to my jaw line as she turns my face towards hers, "Get ready," she pauses backing up, "And deal with that." She giggles looking down and back up at me.

"But I would much rather you deal with it amore." I walk closer. She shakes her head, "The answers no, deal with it." I immediately stop walking and turn back to my suitcase, "Yes ma'am."

2 Hours Later:

"I love you guys, have a safe flight!" Aurora calls out as we watched our friends get on the running jet. We watch as the doors close and the jet begins to make its way out to the runway.

It eventually takes off and when it does Aurora turns to me, "Are we going home now?" As I was about to open my mouth gunshots fill my ears coming from behind.

I grab Aurora turning her around, my hands on her waist as I shield her. "When I say to, run." I calmly say in her ear. If I stay calm she will. She slowly nods as the shots get closer.

I pull out my pistol I keep with me at all times, putting it down by my side. Quickly I kiss her temple, "Run." I turn around as she runs towards the exit. Aurora is more than highly capable but I would rather die than have anything happen to her.

Everyone's in red, the fucking Russians again. I cock my gun as I walk towards about 15 of them. Each one of them shooting directly at me.

"MATTEO!" my head turns as I hear her scream. My heart drops, Aurora being held with a gun to her head by a very big pale guy. I could take him.

"Put it down." His voice ecos throughout the building. "Will you let her go?" I yell back, just now noticing everyone around us stopped and is weirdly saluting.

The man nods as I watch tears stream down Auroras face. I slowly bend down placing the gun on the ground, I have another one.

My eyes stay on Aurora, hers don't leave mine either. When I stand back up someone behind me grabs my arms and pulls them back.

I groan and watch as Auroras thrown to the ground. "You shouldn't have done that." I whisper. The man walks up to me. He puts his gun in his pants and pulls out a pocket knife as everyone surrounds us. My eyes still find way to Auroras.

She smiles at me slightly before standing up. The knife this man has meets my cheek as he drags it across my left one. I groan out as the painful sensation that I kind of like enters my body. "You hurt us, now you must die." everyone around me starts to chant.

I'm not too worried about dying, they won't do anything. I'm actually only pissed off about them hurting Aurora. I am 100% not intimidated right now. Expect I 100% am.

As I try and find Aurora I hear a gunshot and the feeling of air being taken out of my lungs. I look down and see blood coming from my shirt as the man stands with a smile.

I hear more gunshots as my ears ring. But this time the man in front of me has fallen and my hands are now at my side. I fall to the ground without them holding me up. As the gunshots keep going around me I begin to cough up blood.

I wipe my mouth and grab the gun right next to me on the floor. I turn slightly and shoot. I give up slowly as I see no bullets making it.

I turn my head seeing Aurora with a rifle shooting everything in sight. She looks very badass. I wish I could appreciate it fully without feeling a pit in my stomach.


I watch as the last man falls. "Good," My eyes shoot to Matteo who's coughing up blood once again. I run over to him, "Job." He finishes.

I grab him pulling him up to the best of my abilities, "Come on my love, just please stand up." I plead pulling him up.

As he stands I wrap his arm around my neck as we limp to his car.

6 Hours later:

"Aurora De-Luca." A nurse calls to me, her english broken but it's easy to hear. I take my nails out of my mouth and run over to her.

"Matteo is out of surgery, he's breathing fine, there is nothing wrong with him mostly, atleast 2 week healing time." I grab her and pull her into an embrace as tears leave my eyes. "Thank you ma'am."

I run down the hall and to the right twice to find his room. When I walk in I see him connected to a lot, a lot more than I expected at least. I pull up a chair right next to him. I don't pray a lot but I think Sofia would want me to. I grab his hand as a tear escapes my eye.

"God please, please don't take him from me. I know I don't do this enough but he's the love of my life. Please help him, please save him." I can't help the full on breakdown that comes onto me. "Matteo please, you have to make it through." I whisper into his hand tightening my grip.

Word Count: 1312

instagram: justalvoer

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