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I slam the car door as George follows, I still don't have my own car, Matteo says he can just buy me another but I want that one back, it holds the memories of our first time.

The guards at the front immediately post up like I'm trying to kill them. "We're here to see Matteo, this is Aurora, you might know her." I look one in his face as his eyes venture down my body as he visibly tenses. God I hate men.

"What's your name love?" I ask as I'm quite curious. "Luke." He speaks with no Accent. He's American. That's surprising considering Matteo told me he would never hire Americans, "They're sloppy and don't know what to do ever." Matteo always says. He's right, I am sloppy. That's why he loves me.


George left me by the office door and went to see Enzo. He left with some sense of urgency. I barge in quietly seeing him with his hands going through his hair shaking and muttering words I can't quite make out. Hanging up on him wasn't a good idea. My stomach turns as I hear sniffles.

I slam the door shut, his bloodshot eyes fall to mine, "Baby," I whisper walking closer. I slowly climb on top of him, cradling him. He doesn't take his eyes off of me, he doesn't say anything, he just stares.

I slowly wrap my arms around him playing with his hair softly. He has a love for when I do that. He pushes me into him holding on to me like I'm leaving him again.

Leaving is one of my main regrets. I'm not sure why I did that I can't imagine life without Matteo. He saved me.

His head becomes buried right under my boobs as I sit up straighter. "Baby what happened?" I ask slightly pulling away.

I've never seen him like this. It's all new but in the end I just want him to be happy. He looks up at me, for once I cup his cheeks, "I can't do this anymore Aurora." He whispers not breaking eye contact.

Giving him a slight kiss on the forehead because I can't figure out how to comfort him I ask the only question I'm sure of, "You can't do what anymore?" He lightly groans, "Get off of me."

I do as he says, I never ever want to make him uncomfortable. I take myself off of him and walk over to chair across from him. Before I sit he gets up, "Do you know everything I fucking do for you Aurora?" he spits coming closer to me.

We're not face to face but we're close to it, "Matteo what the hell are you talking about?" I'm so confused right now, I don't understand him.

"I'm talking about you being a weird ass bitch all the time. I'm about to run a mafia. I have to have a full conversation with the girl who assaulted me because of you. It's all because of fucking you Aurora. Because I fell in love with you, and you can't even stay on the phone for 5 minutes." Now we're face to face.

I feel like he's been keeping this in for a while. I am a quite dangerous and angry person although I try to keep myself light all the time, Matteo will never see that. With him I'm calm or I try to be.

Instead of freaking out I'll listen to him, I'll let him do whatever he wants to me until he's happy until the end of time, without him I'm nothing.

But I still don't completely understand what he's saying What girl? and how did I do something? As I'm thinking he's staring down at me and he looks angry, it scares me. "Matteo please back up" I beg as he inches closer and closer to me.

"What are you gonna do about it, cry or better yet run away." he says laughing slightly. He has to know what he's doing. I can't help but hear my dads voice, telling me how I do everything wrong.

"For once in your life you don't have anything to say Aurora?" He asks. He's not right I have a lot to say. "Back up Matteo." I say, 100% standing my ground until the end. Looking in his eyes I notice they aren't super red but not normal.

His mouth begins to open but before anything comes out there's a knock at the door. Clearing my throat I say I'll get it. Opening the door I see that same blonde girl I saw at the club strutted in. Oh shit. It suddenly all clicked, that's why they broke up. The bitch hurt him. I will kill her no matter what the consequences.

I start  my way out of the room until, "Aurora come here." I hear from Matteo. I turn and see him begging with his eyes only for me to come over to him. I do, sitting on his lap staring Daisy down as her eyes don't leave mine. He's mine, she must know that.

"I'll keep it short Daisy. I could kill all the people left in your mafia in a day, give or take. I'll give you your dead dads body if you call off all things against my mafia."

Daisy's eyes shoot to his, "Baby," my eyes go back to hers. She did that on purpose. "I'll keep it short. There's a few things you should know, one I have a group of my last men coming to kill everyone in this building in approximately 2 minutes when everyone's dead they will be taking all of your money. I still remember where it is." Her eyes meet mine.

"Two, if you make it out alive you should probably know you have a son. He just turned two on April 3rd. I don't want him he's yours."

Both of our mouths drop as she slides a card with an address on it with the name Leo in big letters.

My mind is blank, two children. I don't think I can handle a toddler while pregnant, or a toddler and a baby.

Matteo's grip around me tightens as she gets up. I almost can't breathe. In what feels like a second she's on the floor, Matteo's hand in a slightly slanted line holding the gun with my initials on it. Why does he have that in here?

As he puts the gun down he picks up the card, "Leo." He says softly. I grab his shaking hand looking at his eyes as he looks at mine, "It's ok my love. We got this." I say even though I'm unsure, but any kid that's his is mine.

I will hold this down forever or as long as he needs me to. He doesn't smile, he doesn't laugh, he just looks at me.

"Take this card and go to a safe room. There's no time for you to leave. Don't come out for another 2 hours or if one of my guards, George, or me come get you." He hands me the card as we slowly get up.

"Can I have that?" I ask pointing to the gun with my initials on it, "No amore you can't, It's my lucky gun." He grabs me by my waist and gives me a gentle kiss. He slowly pushes me back and rubs my stomach, "I love you both. I'm sorry."

"I love you Matteo."

Word Count: 1263

Sorry for the late chapter. (and for it being short)

I love you guys ❤️❤️

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