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"Hello Matteo, please answer." I beg. I hear his breathing on the phone, "Yeah baby I'm here. Send me your location." My phone got smashed during my mini crash so I hang up and send George's location.

"You're so fucking dumb Aurora." George yells. My eyes snap to his, "Yeah I fucking said it. Why didn't you tell me you still felt sick Aurora." His voice cracks slightly before he turns away.

He's making a big deal out of a little crash. After we started driving again everything got dizzy and I couldn't control myself. I swerved over and hit a tree at a pretty fast speed but not fast enough for me to die. I passed out when I hit the tree and my car is destroyed.

I remember waking up in a hospial bed with some lady that only spoke Italian giving me an IV. They now have to send in someone that speaks English every time someone comes in here.

Apparently I was just severely dehydrated with the flu. The baby is fine, I even got a picture and a due date, January 18th. I'm exactly 3 weeks and the baby was conceived around April 16th meaning it's Matteo's.

The crash left me with back pains and a cut on my cheek. We're about 3 hours from Matteo's house so it's going to take him a long time to get here. Until then I guess I have to cool down George who's sitting on a chair just staring at me.

"George, maybe you should go back." I suggest. He's stressed out here. He doesn't deserve that. He slowly stands up and makes his way to me. He rubs my forehead and I smile at him, "I would never, ever leave you Aurora."

A nurse and a lady barge in, "Okay ma'am this doctor is going to give you a brain tumor test now, in about an hour someone is going to come in to test the baby. The testing will take a long time so prepare to stay.  It's about to what? 5 AM now." I smile and nod like always.

I really wish Matteo would hurry the fuck up.

4 hours later:


I get to the hospital and rush inside. I see a big red sign with the time 9:35 AM. I rush up to the front desk lady with  purple hair and freckles who's eyes go wide when I walk in, "Good morning sir is everything alright?" she asks, stuttering more than a normal person.

"Can you tell me where Aurora Nadir is. She was in an accident last night, she's pregnant, with a tall old guy named George." She starts aggressively typing as I look around. 10 people are in this waiting area, they all look sad in a way.

"Yes she's here. What is your relation to the patient?" She giggles out. Why the fuck is she giggling.

"Boyfriend." she rolls her eyes and turns to the computer mumbling something I can't quite hear, now I roll my eyes. "Room 105 right down the hall." I start to speed walk over to her room looking at all of the numbers.

Wait. I back up and see 105. I slam open the door and see Aurora and George both jump awake. I run over to Aurora and cup her face, "Oh my God, Aurora are you ok?" I start to search her for any cuts, only seeing a Hello Kitty bandaid on her cheek. I bet she picked that out.

"I'm fine, what is wrong with you people. Why are you both freaking out." George stands up, "We're both freaking out because you or the baby could have died...." He keeps going and I can hear his voice but my mind becomes distracted by the picture sitting next to Aurora, an ultrasound photo.

I pick it up when I hear George stop. I look up to see both of them staring at me, "What's this" I ask. "That's our baby Matteo. Our baby coming January. I'm 3 weeks." My eyes immediately go to hers. She's smiling at me but I don't think I can form a smile right now.

As my eyes fill up with tears Auroras face drops. I quickly shut my eyes and get all of the tears out. I would be a bad dad. The thought of kids scares the shit out of me I don't want to seriously mess them up. But with Aurora maybe I can do it. "When can you leave?" I ask.

"Tonight. They're just keeping an eye on the baby," she pauses mid thought, "I don't want to live with your parents anymore." She blurts out immediately throwing her hand over her mouth.

I can understand why she doesn't want to. Papá was a bitch to her. "We have another house. We have lots of houses. Wherever you want to go. Do you want to stay in Rome?" she looks at George for a second and back to me, "I want to be wherever you two are, always."

I smile at her and turn to George. He looks exhausted. I kiss her forehead and go sit in one of the chairs by her. "George lay down on the couch, she's fine I promise." he hesitates for a second, I slowly pull up my shirt showing a gun on my waistband making Aurora roll her eyes, "I won't let anyone hurt her." he slowly sits down.


About 30 minutes have passed, everyone is asleep but me. I can't help but think about the time we spent during her healing period. One specific time about a week after the stabbing. We were in my room both on our backs looking up just talking.

"What's your favorite color amore." I ask still looking up. Anything to distract her from the pain she's feeling. In this week I've learned a lot about her just by asking random questions, and she happens to talk a lot.

"Red, yours is green right?" I nod "We match, like Christmas, we must be soulmates my love" she exclaims while turning her head towards me. I allow myself to turn as well but instead of just my head I turn my whole body to the side.

"You are my soulmate Aurora Andrea"

"Okay. The baby seems to be absolutely perfect. You guys can leave now the tests didn't take as long as we expected." A doctor comes in saying breaking my train of thought. She has a deep accent. I look up at her with beautiful tan skin and brown eyes, she almost looks like Aurora. "Can I wake her?" she asks.

I turn and tap Aurora making her eyes flutter open. When she sees the doctor she immediately straightens up groaning in pain at the same time. "Hello." The doctor comes up and shakes her hand, "You can go home now. If you see any spotting come back." She hands Aurora the dispatch papers and goes on her way.

This was the longest night of my life, from killing Dante to speeding to a hospital. Now I get to go home.

Word Count : 1205

Interact for another chapter early

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