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"The problem is you embarrassed me in front of my guards." He says writing something down at his desk. I stand up from the couch, "I'm done arguing Matteo, you just have to trust me." I say walking closer to him.

"I know but I feel like you should of talked to me about it first, but I'm done arguing for now. We have to get ready to leave anyway." He closes his notebook and stands up.

2 Hours Later:

"I packed his bag, my bag, your bag, what am I missing?" I say panting around my bedroom. "You got everything, we just need to get Leo." Matteo reassures me for the 5th time wrapping his arms around my waist to calm me down, to no one's surprise it works.

"Come on, it's 10 now, we gotta go." I pull myself off of him and call in the guards going with us on the trip, "Please take these bags to the Jet." I say smiling.


Aurora's out helping Wayne and his family get settled into their part of the Jet. They're being sent to New York with 5 million dollars. Getting off this Jet and getting drove to their new house. Sometimes I hate that she's so caring but at the same time I would want someone to do that for me.

George and the rest of the guards we're taking are at the back of the Jet while Leo and I are sitting in the front wrapped in a blanket. I've already explained what's going to happen to Leo so he isn't confused.

I got him an iPad with headphones so he should be quiet or sleep for most of the 13 hour flight. Oh God I'm raising an iPad kid.

"Matteo, this baby is kicking my ass." Aurora yawns out laying down on her seat across from me and Leo. "It's ok amore, just take a nap." After about 10 minutes we're in the air. I look over at Leo leaning against me with his seat out then across to Aurora.

She's laying down on her phone, "Why'd you let him go Aurora?" I ask. Her eyes go from her phone to me, "An instinct that he wasn't going to hurt anyone. He was scared and I remembered him, I trained him in shooting, he literally could not shoot. He isn't going to hurt you or the mafia." She says proving her point and going back to her phone.

Aurora is someone who looks out for others and that's something I love about her. No matter who it is she can make friends with them and she loves to do it. The world has failed her in so many way but she still looks back at it smiling.

That's why she's making such a great mother, she's forgives everything. She forgave her dad and stopped talking to me when I killed him.

Aurora feels so deeply that I don't think I'll ever understand her emotions, but watching her and trying to understand has become one of my favorite things.

Aurora is everything I could ever ask for. Right now as I watch her drift off and I feel Leo cuddle into me more I feel like this is where I'm meant to be. I hate kids and I hate people but she changed me. "Ti amo Aurora." I say. Her eyes flutter open, "I love you." she replies drifting off.

I grab my phone and take a picture of her, candid photos of Aurora are my favorite type of photo of her. I open the photo and smile.

"Mamma carina (mama pretty)" Leo babbles grabbing the phone

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"Mamma carina (mama pretty)" Leo babbles grabbing the phone. Him knowing Italian is actually very impressive. "Sì, la mamma è carina (Yes, mama is pretty)" I'm not sure he understood that because he just gave my phone back.

If my calculations are correct we should get there at 1 in the morning at California time. I look over noticing Leo drifting off, I guess it's family nap time?

I'm really excited for this trip actually, I bought us a three part mansion on the beach, main part for me and Aurora, second part for Leo and the guards since we want the protection to be with him not us, third part for our friends.

7 AM:


Last night was very bland, but I thank Matteo for taking control of Leo and just letting me sleep, of course I woke up sometimes and played with Leo to give Matteo a break but a break is important when pregnant.

When we got to California a guard brought our stuff in and we slept until now. Matteo and I just woke up, we agreed that we would tell everyone we flew in at about 10, until then it's family time.

I got myself out of Matteo's grip as he groans that I'm leaving him. I sit at the end of the bed and start a video. "Matteo come here now." I demand. He slowly makes way to the end of the bed. "I'm colddddd." He whines.

"You should have went to bed with a shirt on." I give him a smile to make up for my sarcastic comment. "Okay Matteo, I have a few questions for you." I say, the questions did come from tiktok and I have no shame.

He sends me a confused look, "What?" I look at the camera. "Matteo Romeo De-Luca what's one thing you're excited for in the future?" I ask.

His cold hands make way to my neck turning my head to his, "I'm most excited to see you give birth, most excited for the wedding, for our family, for Char and Emma's family, for Noah and Lucas family. I'm most excited for anything with you."  He smiles at me and I return it as butterflies enter my stomach in swarms.

He places a kiss on my forehead. As soon as I go to ask another question I hear a guard knock on the door, "Leo is awake!" George says. Matteo gets up and walks to the door. I grab my phone and stop recording. I skim through the video my eyes are caught by one part.

I take a screenshot and put my phone down

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I take a screenshot and put my phone down. Leo runs up to the bed. I grab him and lay us down on the bed, "Good morning bubba." I say placing a kiss on his forehead. "Good morning mamma." He says grabbing my face and placing a kiss on my nose. He's so precious and his Italian accent is the cutest.

As Matteo lays next to us on the bed Leo turns cuddling up to him, "Good morning papá" Matteo smiles at me and back down to Leo, "Buongiorno Leo (Good morning Leo)"

Leo rolls back to me, "PJ?" He asks. I grab the remote, go to Netflix and put on PJ masks. Leo grabs his pacifier and crawls to the top of the bed leaving me and Matteo. "Wanna walk to the beach Matteo?" I ask. The beach is like right outside our house, it wouldn't be a long walk. "Sure, if you really want to." He responds.

Word Count: 1194
Instagram: justalvoer_
tiktok: ihrtwattpad

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