Degrading Kink

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Goddamn she's finally asleep. She's been tossing and turning the whole 40 minutes we've been on this plane. Mom and Dad have left to talk to the pilot so it's just Aurora and me in here. The guards are in some bunker.

I feel bad for her. Kind of. I've known her for like an hour and she's annoyed me 20 times. But she's pretty, really pretty but I don't date so she'll have to live with never talking to me. Just fucking me as many times as it takes for us to have a son.

I looked down at my phone and saw I had messages so I connected to the wi-fi on the Jet.

Matteo: didn't I already show you a picture?
Luca: She could have been cat fishing
Matteo: yes. yes she's cute.
Luca: damn wanna share?
Matteo: ... aren't you gay?
Luca: ...

I roll my eyes at lucas stupidity and put my phone down. Luca is my best friend, even though I hate him. His dad was best friends with my dad since birth but unfortunately when Luca was 10 and I was 11 there was a mole in the mafia and they killed his dad. We all miss him.

Luca is well Luca. He's very nice, he's not funny but he thinks he is. He knows absolutely everything about me. He's the only person that understands me. I still hate him even if  he's like my little brother.

Before I could text Luca to rant about this whole situation I hear a groan. I look over to see Aurora sitting up. She looks... scared? Should I say something?

As I was about to she cut me off, "Why is this happening" I look at her, "It's the mafia. Why does anything happen" She looks at me. We share eye contact it's almost like we're at a war of who will break it first. "Stop fucking looking at me" I groan out. Which manages to make her shut up for the rest of the ride.

two hours later

We finally arrived in Italy. When we got to my house my dad gives us a "game plan".

"Aurora and Matteo, you guys will be sharing a room" He begins.

I try and say something but before I could he shakes his head at me telling me to be quiet. "And I'm sending you guys to a retreat tomorrow so you can get to know each other. This marriage will be taken seriously if not the actual marriage than the business part" I was literally too stunned to speak. I storm into my room and throw some things around.

I look at my doorway and see her standing there. she's clearly very upset. But as soon as her eyes meet mine she starts to smile you can tell it was forced but why did she smile? This girl is crazy I think "Sorry to bother you but can I put my clothes in the dresser and closet." I look at her and nod.

As she doing this I hear sniffles. What a pussy. I get up to walk out of the room but before I could she speaks again, "Can I use the shower" Is she dumb? I nod again. But I don't leave. I sit back down.

She comes out of the bathroom in an oversized hoodie and sweatpants. She has a towel on her head. She looks at my mirror and starts doing her hair.

Her hair is flawless. I can't help but stare at her. I hear her phone go off, stops everything to check it. She giggles the sound of her small laugh sends a weird feeling throughout my body and I can't help but wonder what made her laugh.

She's typing fast. Than she goes back to doing her hair. She must have done this 30 times before actually finishing. So fucking annoying, just do your hair. She looks at me, "Where do I sleep" I laugh, "The floor".

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