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9:55 PM

"I just put him to sleep Matteo, he's fine." I reassure Matteo. He's a little worried because Leo had a cough on the way here. But I think it was just from flying.

"Where do we sleep?" Char interrupts while everyone else walks into our room. "Everyone has their own room. If you don't want to sleep with your partner than find a guest room." Char groans, "How do we know which room is ours?" Emma asks rolling her eyes. I have no idea why everyone is so angry right now.

"It'll have your names on it, I decorated." They all leave my room and I guess find something better to do. "We get married in 4 days" Matteo says calmly. My head spins around, "Can you tell me our schedule for the week." I say internally freaking out while laying down.

"I have no idea. I'll ask my assistant tomorrow." He says getting into bed. "Matteo, can I go to the eye doctor tomorrow?" I ask turing my body towards him. "I guess, but why?" He questions moving his body.

"I don't know things have just been blurry the last like week. It could be nothing." I push myself closer to him giving him a kiss and shutting my eyes.

8 AM


"I don't want to go." Aurora whines getting out of bed. "Why not." I question turning back around towards her. "I just don't want to. Can I steal some of your clothes?" She moves to my closest not waiting for my answer.

She pulls out a white shirt and black shorts from her side. "Do you want to take Leo?" I ask her sitting down on the bed. "No, I think he should stay here."

I grab both of our phones and her purse waiting for her to walk over to me.

I have my own personal doctors office that has a doctor for everything just for my family, so a last minute appointment was easy, if she really wants to reschedule we could. "Can I drive?" She asks grabbing the keys from my hands.

"We're not taking the Audi." I say taking the keys back. She will never drive my car. She can barely drive.


"Listen Char, you either stay in America or go with me." I remind the very upset Charlotte sitting on my bed. I've been done with this argument since it started. I love Char but I know what I want to do, and I'm going to do it.

"I feel like you don't understand where I'm coming from." She groans standing up. "So tell me, please." I beg once again. Char is so closed off it makes me mad sometimes.

"I want to be with you, forever. But America is my home, the place I grew up, where I fell in love with you, our first kiss, all of it was there." She cries. I feel bad, I really do. Like I misunderstood her.

"I understand that but I can't stay here, in one place forever. You know how important my education is. For me, this mafia isn't all I want. It's something I'll always have but not what I always want." I explained.

I sit waiting for her to respond when she sits down next to me but all she does is stare at the wall, "Maybe that makes me selfish, but I deserve to be selfish." She looks at me for a second before her hand moves to my chin pulling me in to her lips.

"I love you so much Emma." She lets out through the kiss that seems endless, like it was needed. We had that night at the club but it wasn't enough. I can feel myself drowning in her touch, this was what I needed. This is everything I needed.

"Charlotte," I break away, "You need to decide." She turns away for a second before standing back up, "It would be dumb for me to not go with you wouldn't it?" She asks smiling down at me.

Throwing myself up and pulling her into a hug feels like my first time breathing. I just got the love of my life back and no one can stop that.

"Should we learn German?" I ask laying down on the bed. "I actually have been at night because I was scared." She says laying down on top of me.

"Tell me something." She looks at me for a second. "schönes Mädchen" She says awkwardly before looking up at me, "What does it mean?" Smiling she opens up to talk again, "Pretty girl."

1 Hour later:


"They aren't even that bad." I reassure Aurora as she throws herself under blankets. "This is bad Matteo." She groans rolling over to look at me. Before I can tell her how beautiful she looks Leo runs in.

"Sorry to interrupt,woah." George says walking to Aurora. "Why do you have glasses?" He questions as I pick up Leo and put him on the bed.

"Apparently it's a pregnancy thing, pretty common so they had glasses on deck, ready for me." She says laying back down and turning to Leo. I lay down when George leaves.

PJ Masks starts to capture Leo's eyes as he sits on the edge of the bed and Aurora on her phone with her pretty glasses has to be my main happy place.

"Look at me amore." I say to get her attention. She looks up at me slightly giving me a good angle to take a picture of her, with all the photos I take our kids will have millions.

"MATTEO STOP THATS NOT FUNNY!" She shouts getting Leo's attention, "MATTEO STOP

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"MATTEO STOP THATS NOT FUNNY!" She shouts getting Leo's attention, "MATTEO STOP." Leo yells back, which Aurora finds funny, I do not. "How about I-" My work phone begins to ring Assassination Team. That's weird, I don't remember calling them in.

"Ciao (hello)." I speak in my mafia serious voice. I get off the bed and walk to the balcony closing the door so Leo and Aurora can still have their fun. "Signore, abbiamo commesso un errore. (Sir, we have made a mistake.)" My main Assasin says over the phone.

"Un errore? Non ti ho chiesto di fare niente.(A mistake? I didn't ask you to do anything)" I'm so confused right now. "Signore, non abbiamo potuto uccidere le persone che hanno ucciso tua madre. (Sir, we couldn't kill the people who killed your mom.)"

I asked for this as soon as it happened and it can't go through? My heart is beating faster than any doctor can explain, with anger, rage, nothing positive. "Sto arrivando. (I'm on my way)"

I hang up the phone and clear my throat. I fix my tie before walking into the room. "I have to go to work bellissima (beautiful)" I speak over to Aurora.

"What happened?" She questions sitting up. "Nothing important," I lie walking over to the bed, "Also, amore, your bridesmaids dresses should come in today." I inform her as I kiss Leo on the forehead and than her.

"Okay, be safe." She yells out to me while I walk out.

Word Count: 1190

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