Cake Eating

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When I walk into my house for the first time since the party I feel like I can fully breathe again.

There's nothing more terrifying than Mafia party's. The only time at the whole party I felt like I could breathe was when he played our song.

It's like he fills me up with air, in the beginning it was too much air and it knocked me off my feet, made me unstable. But now, now it's something very different. It makes me stable. Like we breathe for eachother when one of us can't.

"I'm going to put Leo in bed," Matteo whispers in my ear from behind while everyone else walks in. I shake my head in approval. It's like 12 in the morning the kid must sleep, "I love you." I whisper back. He kisses the top of my head before walking off.

Noah puts the cake on the table. The cake at the party barely anyone ate but kids. "Are we going to throw it back to the Cake Eating." Em says in a laugh. Eveyone in our "big 4" laughs. "What the fuck is a cake eating." Luca asks.

"Cake Eating is what we did before Auroras dad stopped us like 2 years ago. After a Mafia Party we would take the cake home. Change into our best pajamas and eat the cake. For hours or minutes but someone has to look like their about to throw up." Em explains.

Cake Eating is dangerous but no one stops us, but my dad. "Meet back here in 5 minutes." Noah states while Matteo enters the room.

I run over grabbing his hand and dragging him to the room. I begin to undress, quickly. Matteo stands there looking dumb. "Matteo, get ready to go to sleep." He just nods.

When we're finally done he's in plaid looking pajama pants with no shirt and i'm in my silky pajama set shirt with black silk shorts.

We walk back out just in time and open the cake. The cake says "17" as to make fact that the Italian Mafia and the American Mafia have been at peace for 17 years. I didn't know that until yesterday.

I sit at the best seat and look up at Matteo standing behind me, like a fucking guard dog.

"Are y'all ready?" Charlotte says barging in. She always puts on basically lingerie in hopes Emma will fuck her, unfortunately it only worked once.

Eveyone takes a peice of cake but me. Instead Matteo takes mine, he comes down and lifts my face up. Putting the piece in my mouth. I smile watching him, his eyes, his lips, his hair dangling, and his jaw. Until his mouth starts to move. He licks his lips and goes down to my ear. "Tonight, I want you. I want you bad." He stands quickly and clears his throat.

"is this cake poison?" Em starts, "My stomach hurts so bad." I can tell what she's doing when she looks at Charlotte. "Mine does too." I add in. "It looks like Noah and Luca win." Charlotte says. "Clean the cake up." Matteo adds grabbing my hand.

We run to our room while Char and Em run to theres. Leaving Noah and Luca stranded. I feel bad but you know what happens. Teens get horny.

When we make it to the room he rips open the buttons on my shirt and begins kissing my neck until we reach the bed.

He lays me down on the bed hovering over top of me. He stares, "Do you think it's bad we can't wait 2 days before having sex?" He asks stroking my hair, "Maybe a little." I reply, "But I don't care."

I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him into to my lips. Taking in every kiss. Every moan. Every groan. Every touch.

His hand slips down to the back of my bra unclipping it. Without breaking the kiss.

He looks down as I pull the bra off. He smiles, he smiles. I love his smile. "I love you, Aurora." He moves down to my neck sucking and leaving cute little kisses. He goes down to my breast leaving marks everywhere his mouth touches.

His hand is everywhere, on everything. Enjoying everything. He plays with the waistline of my pants making me gasp. His hands are so cold. "I want you more than anything, Aurora."


He gets up off the bed walking to my side. I lay there, feeling very, dead. He just fucked the soul out of me. My legs are shaking and I feel like they have a heartbeat. Thinking about how fast he pounded into me, how he laughed when I winced at his size, when he looked at me and told me how good I felt.

Suddenly my body wakes up. I want him, again. I want more. "Matteo." I say sitting up. He gives me a hmm sound as he grabs my hand leading me to the bathroom. "Fuck me again." I say stopping myself from walking, well limping.

"No." He says in reply continuing to walk. "Why,"  He closes the bathroom door as I go to the toliet.  "You have bruises on your thighs, hickeys all over your body, you can barely walk, and if you weren't already pregnant you would definitely be now. You've had enough for tonight."

I guess I understand where he's coming from. I wash my hands and walk out grabbing onto his arm. "Get me one of you're shirts." I'm hungry but I literally have no clothes on. He has boxers on, I do not.

He throws me a pair of his boxers and a big oversized white shirt. I start to walk out of the room and towards the kitchen. I open the refrigerator and grab a bottle of water.

I take a sip as Charlotte and Em come out of their room. "You done too?" I ask them. They both grab water and look at me. "Round one." I smile at them and shoo them away. I know they're joking because in reality Char and Em don't have sex. Not normally at least.

I walk back to my room expecting Matteo to be sleep, but he's not. He's looking at his phone. He's smiling. I sit on the bed and crawl closer to him. Bringing myself up to look over his shoulder.

 Bringing myself up to look over his shoulder

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"I'm so cute." He says. "Shut up." I say back laying back down. You are cute Matteo and I don't think I could live without you.

"Tonight was fun, Cake Eating and Pussy Eating." Matteo sighs out as he cuddles up to me. I can't help the thunder of laughs that come out of either of us.

Word count: 1130

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