What is wrong with Aurora

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TW: Light gore. not a lot. The song at the top can be played whenever.

5 hours later


As a guard escorts me out of the warehouse I can't stop thinking about Matteo. Today was a good day and I don't want to ruin it by asking him if I can go back to America.

I know it's dumb to want to go back but I want to see my friends. They came over for my birthday and I should be at Noah's birthday 'party'.

This is important to me.

When we pulled into the driveway I smile at the driver and give him $100. This is quite literally the last of the money I have, my dad cut me off. Good thing I'm marrying someone rich.

When I walk in I see a trail of yellow flowers leading up the stairs. I'm going to follow them.

As I walk into my room I see Noah talking to Luca while Char and Em are on their phones, "HELLO" I scream. They all look up at me and run over to me at once. We end up on the ground.

"Get off of me, I'm still hurt." I groan out everyone immediately jumps off. I can feel the room spinning and my stomach feeling like I got stabbed again. Shit. "Aurora, are you ok?" Noah asks as he grabs me and pulls me up. I nod and smile, "What are you guys doing here?"

"I wanted to spend my last day with you guys. I'm going to be busy with running a mafia and whatever. We always did our best to stay kids, so before I'm forced to grow up let's spend one more day being kids." Noah let's out. As I look at him looking at Luca, I see them smiling at each other with much more than love.

"So where are we going" I say shaking off the idea of Noah and Luca. "I'm glad you asked. We're going to the beach," instant flashbacks. "Then we're walking around. All at night during the day we aren't doing anything." Yes we are. I'm taking them out but I have to ask Matteo for money. This is the scariest thing i've ever done.

As I excuse myself from my room I pull out my phone and open me and Matteo's messages. As soon as I see his contact name a giggle escapes like it does every time I see it. Lover boy I made him change our contact names during my healing time so we can be one of those couples.

Aurora: hey, you busy?
Lover boy: No. what's wrong? are you ok?
Aurora: My friends are here did you know that?
Lover boy: yes, what's wrong?
Aurora: Ok so basically, my dad cut me off and I want to take them somewhere for Noah's birthday but I have no money, Can I borrow like $1000 I know it's a lot but you're a mafia prince you have to have it. You can also say no if you like.
Lover boy: I know I can say no. When they leave we'll get you a bank account ok?
Aurora: Yea thank you!
Lover boy: I just sent you some money

Cashapp: Lover boy sent you $500,000

"What the actual fuck." I let out in a tiny scream. A scream loud enough to make my friends come out. they all give me confused looks but I just ignored. "We're going out, let's go." I say while walking towards the stairs.

one hour later

George has been driving us around for an hour. As soon as we got in the car Noah and Char were knocked the fuck out. Noah's laying in Lucas lap. Noah is laying in Lucas lap, "OH MY GOD" I scream immediately slapping my face.

Everyone's looking at me, I woke Char and Noah up. "What is up with your outburst today." Noah says before yawning. What's up with my outburst today Noah is dating Luca and my boy- future husband sent me a shit ton of money.

"bugiarde (liars)" I say before turning around. Matteo has been speaking a lot of italian to me but I know liar because he always called me a liar when I was healing. Whenever I said my pain was at a 1 just to leave  the house he would call me a liar. I caught on after the fifth time.

"I am not a liar" Luca says. Shit. I'm not going to bring it up my theories in front of everyone. I'm going to bring it up to Noah first, get my answer, and keep it a secret. I know Lucas gay but like is Noah?

"Wait George stop." Char says, of course George stops, "We should go there." She points out to what looks like an aquarium. I look at everyone nodding and get out of the car with them. George tells us not to move until he parks the car.

It's like 1 in the afternoon right now it's a beautiful april day. April 15th. Almost 3 months from my birthday, 3 months tomorrow it's very weird that me and Noah are exactly three months apart.

I love Birthdays. Not my birthday but other peoples birthdays.

"Come on." George says as we pull in. "6 biglietti per favore (6 tickets please.)." Luca says to the lady in there.

As she gives him the tickets I can't help but think about Matteo. I love my friends but I want him right now I don't feel good here but I can't let them know that.

Luca pays for the tickets, I had the money.


"Per chi stai lavorando? (Who are you working for?)" I ask looking at the man sitting in front of me.

Yesterday I found out there was a mole in the Mafia, I don't like moles. Since I'll be in charge soon my dad let me deal with it. Ultimately he isn't fucking answering my questions. Which is pissing me off more than not being with Aurora right now.

I grab a gun and quickly without thinking shoot his leg just to get him talking. The adrenaline comes rushing to me as he screams in pain, "Dio per favore fermati (God please stop)" He cries out.

I would if he would just tell me. Just as I'm about to shoot again my phone rings. Who the fuck is calling me while I'm at work. They're next.

I start to take my phone out of my pocket and look at the name Lover Girl. That stupid ass name she made me put her as.

I click the accept and put the phone up to my ear as I walk out, " sì amore. (yes love.)" No Answer. "Aurora, i'm at work what's up." I say again. "I love you." Is all she says before hanging up. What. Is she ok? Does she need help?

I can't help but feel my heart sink to the floor. I push the doors open to the room I was in and get the knife on the side. As I push the knife in and out of his stomach and watch his eyes fill with tears and eventually close I feel the weight come off my chest. "Enzo" I yell out to my dad. He's going to clean this up.

He comes in and looks at me, "Is he dead?" I shake my head no.

Now what is wrong with Aurora?

Word count: 1224

I'm off today so I thought why not write 🤘🏽.

Instagram : justalvoer_

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