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"Leo, do you want to go for a walk?" I ask. He crawls towards me as if he's ready to go. "Throw me my glasses and my little jacket." I say to Matteo who's putting on a grey hoodie. Picking up Leo I slip on my shoes and give him to Matteo.

I put on my sunglasses and my colorful coverup. I grab Matteo's hand and start walking out.

We stop our walk after about 10 minutes when we reach a sign that says "no parking" Matteo stands by it, "Can you take Leo please?" He asks. I grab him and his head goes to my shoulder, "Tired Leo?" I see Matteo go to take a picture. "Stoppp" I whine. He turns the phone around to show me.

"Okay that's acually cute

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"Okay that's acually cute." Matteo smiles as if he has won and goes back to the sign and this time it's my turn to take a picture, "Stopppp" he whines mimicking me.

I turn my phone around to show him the picture I took

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I turn my phone around to show him the picture I took. He smiles at me kissing my cheek. "Come on, let's walk back." I could not agree more my feet are literally killing me.

My phone starts buzzing as we start our walk back. Char <3  it's a facetime, fuck. I answer, "Hey what's up?" Her, Emma, Noah, and Luca start screaming. "Oh my God you guys are acually here!" Emma screams in the camera. "How the fuck did you know?" Matteo asks taking my phone.

"Well one, we have both of your locations." Char says. An "ohhh" comes out of both me and Matteo's mouths. "Well we're walking to the beach house we bought now. Tell someone to bring your luggage over you're staying until we leave, you all have your own rooms." I explain snatching my phone back. "Okay! Be there in 20!" Char says over the phone.

They all live together now like we planned at 10 years old. Sometimes I get jealous but walking around feeling the breeze with my own little family is something I will always cherish.

30 minutes later:

I sit on my bed looking outside waiting for my friends to arrive, Leo looks too and Matteo sits watching PJ Masks, such a mafia leader.

I see a black BMW pull in to the driveway and I immediately know who's in it, I'm the one that got Char the car. I lightly grab Leo and start to speed walk down the stairs. "They're here!" I yell back to Matteo.

He starts walking out too, when I get to the door he's already caught up to me, "I hate long leg people." I say out of breath. He grabs Leo and opens the door for me rolling his eyes. I walk out and see them exiting the car.

I run over to Char who's running over to me. We pull eachother into an embrace, "I feel like I haven't seen you guys in forever!" She says. I feel the same, we used to see eachother everyday now we just, don't.

Emma gets out of the car with a bouquet of pink and red flowers. She hands them to me kissing my cheek, "For being a mother." She whispers in my ear.

Luca and Noah hug me as well but then they go back to eachother. I can't tell if this is how they are or if they're in the honeymoon stage.

Matteo took everyone to show them their part of the house, Leo's being a little fussy so I'm trying to put him down for a nap, "No, Leo you can't eat that!" I say grabbing the remote out of his mouth.

Maybe I shouldn't have done that. His cries and screams over power me telling him it's okay to be sad but you literally can not eat the remote.

I try to rub his back and give him his pacifier or the Italian juice he really likes but nothing works. Usually I don't burst into tears but I'm pregnant and this just made me realize I'm more overwhelmed than I should be. Tears start to overpower me wiping them away and comforting Leo.

Char walks in to ask me if I need any help but just sees me crying right next to Leo. God, I'm such a mess. "Come on Aurora let's go for a walk. Put on a hoodie." She says. "I can't, the baby." I say sitting up straight. Leo has just started to calm down slightly and taking his cup.

"His dad is here." She reminds me. Matteo walks in and tells me to go. I get up and put on my favorite hoodie and walk out with her.


It took us about 5 minutes to get to a field, 5 minutes of complete and utter silence. "Lay down." Charlotte says laying down. Hesitantly I lay down right next to her. "Look at the sky, it's so pretty." I say. "Your mom did that." She says through a smile grabbing my hand.

Charlotte will always be mine. Char is the closest thing I have to a sister. Although all of my friends are my adopted siblings Char was always the closest to me. She always knows what I'm thinking and why and I can read her like a book.

"I want you to know how good you're doing." She states. Our hands both going to our stomachs. "Thank you Char, really I thank you but I just don't think I can do it somedays." I say back.

"Listen, one bad day doesn't make a bad life. That bun you're cooking in the oven is going to love you just like that beautiful boy does. He's a toddler they're annoying." She laughs. We both look at each other smiling. In this silence I feel comfortable.

"Emma and I have been having some problems recently." She exhales. A "WHAT!" escapes my lips as I sit up staring at her. "She wants to move, but I'm not ready." She stays laying down just looking up into nothing.

"Moving isn't bad Char. It'll be weird at first but maybe that's what you need." I inform. She groans, "I just planned this life since I was old enough to." She says sitting up.

An idea pops into my head as she fidgets with her fingers, she hates silence. I pull out my phone and open one of my favorite albums Char and Em I get out the photo of them the first day the started dating, at 14, almost 3 years ago.

"Char look

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"Char look." I give her the phone. She stares at it for a second. "You've been in love for as long as anyone can remember. You just had the guts to ask her out 3 years ago. It's coming up in like 3 weeks. You guys can get through anything Char, just fight for her."

She stands up groaning. "I hate when you're right." I smile standing up, "Personally, I love when I'm right." We start to walk in the direction back to the house, "Maybe take her to a date at your place." I recommend. "Maybe I will!" She says through a smile.

Word Count: 1195
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