Is this the reason?

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As much as I want to slam her up against this car and explore every inch of her body I think it's best we "bond".

"Come on" I take her hand and bring her to the door. I open and close the door after she gets in.

When I get in I look at her. "I'm so sorry for everything you have to go through. No material thing is going to make up for it but I thought I would give you something that happens to be important to me. Cars."

She stares at me for a second before placing her hand on mine almost like she's asking me if she can kiss me. Before she does I lean into her taking in every second of it.

I pull away to look at her before I could tell her how beautiful she is I hear gunshots. "Shit" Bodyguards start flooding into the garage. "What the fuck happened" I ask as George takes Aurora into the Guard Truck.

I watch Aurora leave as two guns enter my hands. They tell me I need to help my dad. Why does this shit always happen?


"Stop George go back" I cry. He's not fucking listening. My friends are in there, my boy- my future husband is in there.

"George if you don't turn this truck around right now I will jump out." his eyes turn to me he gives me a sympathetic look, "You know I can't let you do that my love."

I can feel more tears being produced and pouring out of my eyes. I throw my head back in defeat, "No matter what you do make sure you get a blond wavy haired chick out, she's probably holding hands with another girl with curly hair, and the boy that'll try and protect them, not Matteo. They go by Charlotte, Emma, and Noah. Get them out" I look over at him on the phone, "George what's going on?"

"Your dad. He triggered some people in the Spanish Mafia." Why would he do that? I didn't even see him there? "What did he say?"

"Your dad has a hot ass mouth. The leader of the Spanish Mafia, José is close with Matteo's family. He even lives in the house, you've never seen him?"

I shake my head in response even though I'm not 100% sure. There are so many people walking around the house all the time I'm not sure who anyone is.

He countines, "Well he lives in Italy to work out deals that the Spanish Mafia has with the Italian one. He goes back to Spain to see his family 2 weeks of every month also to work out deals over there."

"His family?" I question. He thinks for a second before speaking "He has 2 daughters Isabella and Elena. 5 and 3. His wife, Marie,  stays home with them for the most part. He decided to bring his family to your party thinking it would be safe. apparently your dad said something about beating them to keep them in check" I looked at him so fast my neck almost broke.

"My dad told this man to abuse his kids and wife?" He nods. My dad is more fucked up then I thought. "I'm surprised I've never seen Jose and that no one has ever brought him up." He shrugs but also seems a bit confused.

I'm surprised my dad was there. I saw no one from the American Mafia there. Was it just him? "He brought his girlfriend by the way, did you meet her?" Once again almost breaking my neck I look at him. "Girlfriend? my dad? why?"

"I'm going to assume companionship." He says earning him an eye roll. He throws one of his hands up as he chuckles "Her name is Rose. She's pretty, not as pretty as Vivian was." He says throwing me another sympathetic glance.

I open my phone and go to my gallery. I pull up the album, Mom and get my favorite picture of her.

 I pull up the album, Mom and get my favorite picture of her

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She was so beautiful. Beyond Compare. I don't understand how my dad could do such a thing just to prove himself.


As I pull away from bashing this guys head with a gun I look around. Everyone in the Italian or Spanish Mafia is getting up wiping themselves off. "There he is" I hear my dad yell.

I walk over and see Auroras dad on the ground almost dead, next to him a scared girl who can't be more than 25. I grab the girl. She flinches, I ignore, "Come on, I'm going to bring you somewhere safe" Me saying that makes her adjust to my hand. Taking her up to Auroras room is the best option.

"You can watch tv, nap, shower, whatever, just don't take anything." I make that clear before walking out and making my way back down.

"Answer the question you prick" I walk down to see Auroras dad, Dante, tied up to a chair with 5 bodyguards and my dad surrounding him. Where the fuck did everyone go? I look at Dante again he's bloody and looks sickly.

"I'll ask you one more time, do you abuse Aurora?" My dad spit out at him. I look at them confused. Is that what this fight is about? Is this why she flinched?

Word count: 899

I'm really sorry for the short chapter. haven't been in the right place mentally don't want to say expect a juicy long chapter next but expect smut soon.

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