Matteo Romeo De-Luca

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⚠️ Smut warning. Also Knife stuff!!!The song should be played where you see a heart or you could play at anytime whatever you like!


Did I do something wrong? Do they hate me? Do they want me to leave them alone? I can't help but wonder if they're happier with me gone. happier if i just wasn't here.

I jump when my phone goes off.

My Romeo: hey baby wyd?

Its like he knew something was wrong.

We change each other's name in our phones like every week. i'm not sure what mine is in his phone.

Aurora: Nothing I'm bored I think i'm going to go out.
My Romeo: alone?
Aurora: yes I want to be alone
My Romeo: take two guard and make sure your location is shared, stuff is getting bad I want you to be safe. I have a surprise for you don't be back until 9. I love you.

Don't be back until 9? Why? God he's going to kill me.

I immediately shoot that thought out of my head and think of something else, what could possibly be wrong with the mafia they literally can't have any problems with the spanish mafia, maybe it's the American mafia but Lucas in charge. "Oh My God it's the Russian Mafia" I scream out. Immediately hitting my face with my hand.

When I was healing Matteo told me the story of Daisy his ex girlfriend they ended really bad he wouldn't tell me what she did but I know it hurt him really bad.

Bad enough for him to never love again, until me. But daisy's dad is in charge of the russian mafia they've been trying to kill him for years but they just aren't strong enough.

I get up off my bed, the world immediately starts spinning. Shit I haven't had anything to eat. That's been hard again recently. It feels like I'm just not enough for him. It feels like I'm trying to impress my dad but Matteo isn't my dad.

"George" I yell just loud enough. Not even 2 seconds later George came in, "Yes, My love." I can't help but send him a smile everytime he does that. George is like 50 years old. He's a good looking old man, he's been my guard since I was a baby, he's my dad basically.

"I'm getting in the shower but can you get me oatmeal" He looks at me and smiles. He once told me that working for me was the highlight of his life, that I was his family. Maybe he just said that to make me feel better but I honestly can't believe he has never found love. George is the best man anyone could ask for.

He nods and walks out closing the door.

After the shower:

As I got out the shower grabbing a towel and wrapped it around my freezing body. Looking at myself in the mirror I can't help but think about Noah. What could I have possible done.

I walk into my room and dry my body throwing on an outfit i've been waiting to wear.

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