being me

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10 AM:

"AURORA COME DOWN LOOK WHATS HERE!" I hear Charlotte yell from down the stairs. My bridesmaids dresses! I grab Leo gently before running down the steps at a steady pace so I don't hurt him.

When I get down the stairs 6 boxes are on the ground, 3 are my dresses and 3 are the tuxedos, I'll leave those for Matteo.

My bridesmaids are Charlotte, Emma, and Amarie. The groomsmen are Noah, Luca, and José.

José has finally came out of hiding and his first appearance back will be at our party tomorrow night to celebrate the joining together of two mafias.

He'll be there with his two daughters, Isabella and Elena, they will be my flower girls and Leo. It'll be my first time meeting one of Matteo's father figures and I'm a little scared, but I think I can put that in the back of my mind until I meet him.

Opening the boxes I see the beautiful red dresses we picked out.

"Fucking beautiful

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"Fucking beautiful." Noah gasps grabbing the one on top. "Hey! Hey! Don't touch!" I grab the dress and put it back in the beautiful pink box.

I look over to see him pouting, so aggravating. "Put these in your room." I say to Emma and Char. "I'll put Amaries in the guest room!"

"Are you scared Aurora?" Luca asks me as I watch the girls walk up the stairs with Leo just admiring eachother, I'm glad that's back.

"Yes, Of course I'm scared, I'm pregnant, have a child, and I'm getting married to a Mafia King. I'm only 18, I'm terrified Luca." I groaned walking to the couch and laying on Noah lap looking up at him.

Luca grabs my feet and sits down placing them back down. "Do you want to talk about it Rory?" Noah asks. I do want to talk about it acually, I have so much to talk about and no one to talk to. "If that's okay." I say back.

They both nod as I look straight up with my hands laying on my stomach holding my tiny bump. "I feel... disconnected from everything. From you, from Matteo, from Leo, from this baby, from George, from my mom, from myself." I stop to look at their reaction, they're just looking at me.

"I don't feel like myself, I feel like someone that isn't me, the person I was so scared to become. A Mafia Wife at 18. Why?"

"Aurora, you are doing your absolute best right now. I can't help you in the way you need but I can tell you that you aren't disconnected from any of those people." Luca reassures me. I give him a soft smile before returning my glances to Noah.

"Babe, Leo adores you in every possible way a son can, Matteo would die for you any second of any day, George would die if he heard you say that, it's also very normal for pregnancy to feel weird to you. You're 18 Aurora." Noah stops playing with my hair and grabs my hand, the way he's done since we were kids.

"Don't ever feel disconnected from us Aurora, until the end of time I'm here for you. One phone call and I'm on my Jet, even to just babysit. You saved me Drea. It's us until the end of time. But I do understand why you feel that way, can I ask about your mom?" He looks very confused about that last part, and to be honest so am I.

I rub my stomach and look back up, counting the diamonds on the chandelier. "She told me not to change when my dad has us locked up, especially my hair. But after what happened to her all I want to do is change my hair and everything about me. What if Matteo doesn't find me attractive anymore? I want to look like his ex and my mom always told me not to do that. To stick up to Mafia men, and I did, right after she died."

Noah takes my hands into his again and begins to rub my stomach, "You, Aurora, are making Mrs. Viv so proud." Noah began to explain before Luca cut in, "I know Sof is proud of you as well."

My eyes fill to their brink. Sofia and my mom? Watching over me? Watching over my children? My life? and being... proud? I begin to sob turning my body over so I'm hugging Noah's torso. "Shh, Aurora you're okay." Noah reassures me playing with my hair once again.

I can't help but sink into Noah, this is the first time i've cried with him since our breakup and he's always been able to cheer me up. "I'm sorry." I sob standing up and starting to walk away, "No, Aurora come back, I really don't mind." Noah calls out to me. I just smile and walk back up the stairs.

I want Leo and Matteo. I want our late night snuggles that I get every night, I feel severely sick today so I want to stay far away from Leo anyway, and because he's playing. So i'm not getting any snuggles.

Walking into my room I'm hit with the smell of Matteo. I can't help but smile, I love his smell, it's mint and watermelon, it doesn't sound nice to say but it does smell nice. Perfect mix of masculine and feminine. Although I think he smells like watermelon because of me. That's my signature smell.

I close the door quietly and slump down onto the bed, opening my photo album De-Lucas. My favorite picture is the first to pop up.

Leo and I do have a special connection, I understand him the way any mother can understand their child

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Leo and I do have a special connection, I understand him the way any mother can understand their child. We communicate in ways him and Matteo could never.

Leo is my son, this baby is my child, and Matteo is about to be my husband. It's hard, very hard to keep up with this life at 18 but I have to. It's the Mafia, what happens in the Mafia doesn't go out.

In the next 3 days I will own a Mafia, I damn sure won't be treating it the way my dad treated his, and I won't treat my children that way either. I am choosing to live the best life I can, I am choosing to be happy.

From this moment on, I will be me, I think.

Word Count:


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