Le Mura

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*play the song at the point where it says to play the song!*


We're at Le Mura but Matteo told me to stay in the car for a minute. But why? I should just text my friends. Right before I pull out my phone Matteo opens my door. "Let's go Malady" I look at him and giggle, "Why thank you Romeo"

When we walk in the music is blasting and lights are flashing. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. I slowly make my way closer to Matteo making sure not to touch him.

We walk to the bar, "Posso avere una bottiglia di Hennessy e delle tazze, per favore? (Can I get a bottle of Hennessy and cups, please?)" He gets what he asked for and starts walking. I follow ending up in a VIP section with just us. He pours both of us some and we both down it.

Shit that burns. I hate Hennessy. I look at him and he laughs at me. I give him a look telling him to shut the fuck up. In which he does. We take another shot. and another, and another, and another.

"Wanna do me a favor" I ask him. He gives me a what face. "Pour the drink down my throat" His eyes are locked on mine. I feel the tension between us. I kind of like it. His eyes slowly flutter to my lips and back to my eyes.

He nods making me smile. I get my phone and get one of the 5 million bodyguards he has around the club to take a video.

He asks if he can touch me and I nod. His hands lightly grip my neck and slowly move up to my chin and on the back of my neck pulling it down. His big ass hands are so soft. My stomach is full of butterflies. My heart  is beating faster and faster.

"Are you ready baby?" Baby? I nod. He has this deep intense eye contact with me. God, please fuck me. He starts pouring not losing the eye contact we share.

I tap him and he stops after about 10 seconds which I think is impressive. He slowly removes himself. I get my phone back and look at the video while he drinks the rest of the bottle. I'm distracted. I see him get up at the corner of my eye and flinch.

He looks at me confused. Fuck. What did I do. "Can I have this dance?" It's a Chase Atlantic song, of course I want to dance.


I get up and realize I'm stumbling a lot. I'm about to fall and Matteo grabs my arm I quickly pull  it away and he once again looks at me confused. "Oh, it's you, I'm sorry, can I hold onto you?" I ask. He grabs my arm again and pulls me in to him.

We walk onto the dance floor right to the middle. We're surrounded by a lot of people and that makes me nervous. I'm guessing he can tell because he keeps pulling me in closer.

We're grinding on each other you could say but the song is slowed so we're really just slow dancing. He looks at me in my eyes for a second. And I will not dare to lose the eye contact "Who hurt you" I look at him confused, "You flinched. You flinched and you knew It was just me there."

I looked at him, "Who hurt YOU, you flinched" He gives me a look that tells me he doesn't want to talk about it. He pushes me grabbing my hands spinning me and holding my waist, my back now in his front.

We're slowly dancing and he whispers in my ear, "Whoever hurt you will pay for it" I just put the back of my head into his chest and let him move my hips.

How do I tell him my dad did it. How do I tell him the American mafia leader is responsible for all of my pain? How do I tell him that my dad killed my mom and now every time he sees me he has to remind me, or hit me so I know he's superior?

No one knows that not even my best friends. I don't want to pressure them into caring I don't want pity I just want someone to understand.

Matteo is moving my hips and slowly moving his hands up and down. Making me burn with intensity. I want him. Just kiss me at least Romeo. I turn and face him. His hands reach up to my face cupping my cheeks. I can feel my face heat up as he leans in.

"Hey Matteo, who's this?" A  girl about 5'9 with long wavy blonde hair says. He freezes moving his hands down to my waist and tightening his grip on me almost to make him feel ... safe.  "Hi I'm Aurora, Who are you?"

"His girlfriend." I immediately snap out of the drunken state and try and get away from him. But something about him holding me closer as I try and get away makes me think she's not his girlfriend.

"You are not my girlfriend Daisy. Get the hell away from me before I get anyone of these guards to kill you." She smiles putting her hands up slowly backing away. Matteo looks at me again. "Come on, it's time to go"

"We aren't going home in my car. I can't drive. One of the guards are taking us home"  His voice is shaky and I feel horrible. What could have possibly happened between them?

The ride home was quiet. Peaceful quiet. Me and Matteo kept sharing glances which is awkward. Maybe he regrets going out with me.


I pull out my phone to text Luca. He's the only one who understands.

Matteo: She was at the club Aurora and I went to.
Luca: Did she talk to you?
Matteo: yes.
Luca: It's ok you got this. you want to call me?
Matteo: No. I want her dead. You think we can do that?
Luca: You said this 2 years ago and stopped when we had her.
Matteo: right.
Luca: you got this Matteo. I'm here to talk. call me at anytime

I put my phone away and once again look at Aurora. I can't stop thinking about tonight. I almost kissed her, I want to do more then kiss her.

I can't stop thinking about her and her safety. I will kill anyone who hurts her. But only because she's my future wife.

Word count: 1079

I hope you enjoyed. Love you guys!!

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