Family Affairs

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All I can hear is the sound of Leo sobbing. I know I should get up before he wakes anyone else but I'm so tired. "Matteo, can you just bring him in here?" Matteo is swift getting up. I know he's angry.

I stare up at the ceiling. Last night right after the wedding we took a jet back to America, right now I'm in Noah's house, he even got us our own rooms ready. Leo got sick on the flight.

It's currently 10 AM, we landed at 5 and I haven't slept for more than a hour since, Leo has been crying and shaking and sneezing. He has a slight fever but nothing serious.

"Baby, he wants you." I sit up and smile at the baby sniffling in my husbands arms. "Leo, come here, can you tell me where it hurts?" He points to his head as he makes his way to me. When he sits on me his hand goes to his stomach.

"Get the Tylenol out of my medicine bag Matteo." Like always his does what I told him to. He gets it ready and Leo takes it like a champ.

I put Leo on Matteo's spot of the bed while Matteo puts on PJ Mask.

"Let papá lay down bubba." I tell Leo, this makes him very upset. He cuddles up to me crying, "I DON'T WANT TO." Usually, I
wouldn't let him get away with this but he's sick and in a new place. "Okay Bud. just lay down please." He does that.

I watch Matteo sit on the floor next to me. "I love you, I'm sorry." He smiles up at me. "I'll do anything for you amore."

As Leo falls asleep, Matteo slowly moves onto the bottom of the bed. His body is still off the bed but the upper part of his body is laying on the bed. His hand slips on my leg as the other plays in his hair.

I take a picture, giggling.

He looks up at me so I turn my phone, "Big Mafia king defeated by a two year old

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He looks up at me so I turn my phone, "Big Mafia king defeated by a two year old." He stares at me before turning his head to Leo. "He's the Mafia king in training."

I force a smile while my heart sinks, sometimes I forget what we actually do for a living, we're in the mafia, no. We are the Mafia.

Now we're really the Mafia. Matteo's going to be gone more, as soon as this baby is out I have to put my life on the line, with children at home. Sometimes I wonder if my parents felt the same way.

"Amore." I snap back into reality. "What's wrong?" Everytime he asks me that I debate with myself. Do I tell him? or do I keep it to myself.

"I don't want this lifestyle for them, dodging bullets, almost dying everyday, never any time to settle down, I hated it." I sit up more so he can sit on the bed.

"Aurora, you hated it because your dad was a Cagna (bitch), my children will never go through that. My children will be safe, from everyone." He's right. I know he's right, but it doesn't mean I like it.

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