Beach Time

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After everyone sees a picture of Leo and everyone talks about how cute he is Noah loudly bangs his fork on the champagne bottle. "Ow Noah, what the fuck." Emma says smacking his shoulder. He gives her a grin before he grabs Lucas hand.

"Aurora, I'm bisexual and I'm with Luca." I fucking knew it. I throw them both a quick smile, but before I could start about how much I love this for them I feel my stomach turn.

Running to the bathroom I hear Charlotte yell out, "OH MY GOD SHES THROWING UP, THE BABY IS HOMOPHOBIC." Charlotte... baby, what the fuck.

When I make it to the toilet everything comes up. I feel like I just threw up a 12 course meal. Matteo runs in and sits on the floor, "Wow, this is how you feel about Luca and Noah? Im ashamed to call you my future wife." He giggles out. He needs to stop hanging out with my friends.

I wipe my mouth with toilet paper and get up, "No Romeo, that is how I feel about you." I blow him a kiss while flushing the toilet. I go over to the sink and grab my toothbrush.

"I have a question." Matteo blurts out as I brush my teeth. I keep brushing my teeth making him wait.

I spit one last time and turn, "Yes," His eyes trial off, "Would you mind...if we made Luca and Noah the Godfather's of the baby."

I haven't thought of Godparents yet. But growing up we've always talked about it, and it seems like something he really wants, I love Luca and Noah. It doesn't seem like anything could go wrong.

I walk closer to him putting my hand on his arm, "I would love them to be!" I exclaim. Matteo's slight frown turns into a smile as he pulls me into a hug kissing my temple.

"Come on let's go back, we have to tell the children to get ready for the beach." I grab his hand checking his watch 8:40 AM. "You know you could just ask, you don't have to pull my arm." Matteo scoffs walking out of the bathroom.

Okay, rude. But I guess he's right. I look into the mirror fixing my hair that surprisingly looks decent.

I walk out to see everyone on the coach on their phones cuddled up. Matteo sits on one of the smaller couch chairs. Everyone looks so happy and content with just themselves, maybe I don't need to be out here.

I go back to the room slipping in and closing the door without anyone noticing. I don't expect them to but I think alone time is truly needed right now.

I've been feeling severely overwhelmed, the wedding is in a few weeks, I have to get Leo here, move into a new home, and find a way to tell everyone I'm expecting, all while keeping Matteo happy and well.

Matteo doesn't need me to make him happy but I know it helps. My phone starts to ring. Leo's Adoption Center. I immediately pick it up.

"Good Morning is this Aurora Nadir." A sweet highpitched voice asks. "Yes this is her, is there a problem?" I really hope there is not. "No, I was just calling to inform you that the paperwork for Leo is all ready and set up for you."

There's a slight pause, I'm not sure what to say right now. I'm so not ready to be an adult, "Feel free to come by anytime to fill it out! Since he is biologically your husbands it should only take a week to get him living with you!" My heart is racing, I want Leo here with us a lot but it's also a lot of responsibility.

"Thank you, Is that all?" I don't want to rush through this phone call but I really want to tell Matteo, "Yes that is all, have an amazing rest of your day." When the phone disconnects I feel like I finally started breathing again.

"MATTEO!" I scream. Immediately I hear his footsteps running to the room, "Aurora, are you ok?" He bursts into the room. "You are not going to believe the phone call I just got." He stands there for a second catching his breath. "What phone call Amore." He says sitting on the bed.

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