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The next morning:


"We have the photoshoot today amore, you need to get up." Matteo calls to me from the bathroom.

As much as I want to get up, I can't bring myself to get out of bed. I can't stop thinking about last night.

"What time is it?" I ask sitting up.

"11. It starts in an hour."

This photoshoot was my idea, we're taking pictures in Enzo and Sofias wedding clothes and putting them on display in honor of Sofia at our wedding. As much as Matteo pretends to be okay with his mothers death, all the times he's cried in my arms  before the funeral happened and still at night tell me how much he still cares.

At 8 we have the joining of the mafias parties which is going to be horrid, especially since we have to announce Leo and the pregnancy. All while the thought of my fiancé cheating on me is playing in the back of my head.

I walk into the bathroom and grab my toothbrush that was already put out with toothpaste on it, just like it is every morning.

Next to me on the other sink, Matteo is shaving his face. "What do you think I would look like if I grew out my beard?" I can't help but chuckle as I start to brush my teeth. I think he would look old to be honest but I don't want to hurt his masculinity and young 18 year old brain.

I finish brushing my teeth before smiling at my myself in the mirror, "Amazing." I lean over kissing his cheek then leaving the room.

I back myself back into the room, "Where's Leo?" I ask. "Charlotte." Ahh makes sense.

I rummage through my closet trying to find an outfit to wear there.

I end up putting on a crop top and black biker shorts while Matteo wears a suit. "Leo is going to stay with my dad." Matteo tells me grabbing my purse, bringing it over to me.

I love Enzo but he's not very capable right now. "Are you sure?" I ask trying my hardest to be nice about the situation.

"Are you not sure?" He asks back grabbing my hand and interlocking our fingers. "No, it's fine!" I say through a smile. I don't think Enzo will hurt Leo, so I don't see a real problem.


This dress is sparkly and a little itchy. All I can think about while standing next to Matteo in this light and in front of the camera is how Sofia had to wear such an itchy dress.

They have my hand wrapped around Matteo's arm and us really close, I'm very hot. "Are you two ready?" The photographer asks.

Matteo looks down at me, I give him a reassuring smile before slowly trailing my free hand down his arm, I can feel his hand opening as he speaks, "We're ready." Our fingers connect and suddenly I feel okay, cooler, and more secure than I did earlier.

Every thought of cheating out the window, Matteo wouldn't, couldn't. Matteo loves me, I can tell by the grip he has on my hand, always like he's protecting him.


"Do you guys want to take pictures of me?" I ask already knowing the answer. I hand my phone to my dearest girlfriend Emma as we walk up to the ledge at the lake.

We all decided to go for a walk since we didn't have to watch Leo, our own personal couple time as a group. Noah and Luca picked the place,  Emma  and I just tagged along.

I put my arms up on the edge looking straight at Emma, "Do you know how much I love you?" She whispers. I can't help but smile, I love her with my whole heart, my whole life.

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