amore mio

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TRIGGER WARNING: abusive parents.
Song at top can be played at any point, I just want to start adding songs! If the song has some importance to the story It'll say it right here but it does not this time!


I look at my dad and back at her dad. "Dad come here" He walks over to me, "What happened?"

"Jose punched him because he said if his wife and kids are ever acting up to beat them. Dante pulled out a gun and started shooting causing everyone in the American Mafia to scream some dumb chant and started shooting." What the actual fuck is he talking about right now.

So Auroras dad is abusive. Auroras dad puts his hands on her or worse. Dante fucking Nadir hurts my girl.

Without truly thinking I walk over to him grabbing my gun and pointing it at him, "Answer the fucking question." I spit at him.

He chuckles or tries his best to, "Of course I do. Why wouldn't I, She's a bitch."  Did he just call her a bitch? I point the gun down and shoot his leg causing him to scream out in pain that makes me laugh. What a pussy. "HEY!" My dad yells at me, walking towards me.

He grabs the gun and throws it while gripping up my shirt, "Keep your emotions in check boy. You really want to tell Aurora you killed her father. Do you?" Yes. No. I don't know.

"ANSWER ME" He spits out. "No" I almost whisper. I push past him and walk up the stairs. When I walk into the house area I see Auroras friends sitting on the couch. All of their heads snap back when they hear the door. "Matteo where the fuck is Aurora." Noah says walking up to me. Where is Aurora?

"With George. Call her she should be safe" I say going to the fridge getting a beer. "She should be safe? You don't fucking know if she's safe. I really hope you don't think you're a good person. You're a fucking dick and you're going to be a shit husband, you don't fucking deserve her." Charlotte yells at me while trying to get in my face. She's a little short but I appreciate the dedication.

I walk right past her and onto one of the  couches.

A few hours later:


When I walked back into the house I saw everyone laying on the couches. Enzo was awake talking to Matteo who was sitting across from him on another couch, sleeping on Enzo is Sofia of course.  On the big couch is literally just Luca and Noah they kind of look like they're cuddling. And on the floor is Char and Em actually cuddling.

I clear my throat, Matteo and Enzo's glances turn towards me. Matteo seems to run towards me and throw me into an embrace. Here we go again, my safe space.

He lets go and cups my cheeks, "Are you ok?" I nod and take his hands off of my cheeks. To be honest, I'm not ok. I just got out of a 3 hour car ride with George and I'm pretty sure my dad is dead. But telling him this would make me weak.

I start walking towards the area everyone's in, "I'm really sorry, I'm just going to go upstairs I am really tired." When I walk up the stairs I tap Matteo's hand and grip onto it.

We walk upstairs and into his room. "Matteo what happened after I left." It's quiet for a second. "Well, José and his family left to stay in a safe house, your friends were kept upstairs, and your dad is downstairs I also shot him" My eyes shoot up at him for that last part, "YOU WHAT" I yell even though I didn't expect it to be that loud.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He told them. He told them what he did to me. He told multiple people tonight. Do my friends know? Is he dead? God I really hope he's not dead. "Do you have any more business with him?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"Aurora, if you don't mind me asking what happened to your mom?" I looked at him once again. I started playing with my bracelet that has the letter VN on it.  Her initials. He grabs my arm and sends me a reassuring look.

"My dad killed my mom when I was 15. He was angry and upset that she could no longer have kids and he didn't get a son. He took it out on us most of the time by hitting us or leaving us in unbearable situations but one day I talked back to him. Dumb move. He drove my mom and I to his place of work." He stared at me for a second.

"He took you guys to a Mafia headquarters, why?" I looked at him and continued, "He brought us into a torture room, He made me watch him beat her, shoot her, and stab her until eventually she was just dead." I gulp before I continue. He notices and puts his hand on my thigh rubbing it which is actually helping me calm down.

"When he was done he moved her out the way and tied me down. I thought I was going to die, but instead he just stabbed me and told me to never disobey him or I would end up dead. She was only 35. She got forced into a marriage with him at 20 and forced to have a child. She never wanted this. She was the most beautiful most pure person alive. And it's my fault she's dead. I can never make up for that. Unless with my life"

He stared at me once again. He started standing up. Damn it I scared him off. He gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek which I melted into. "Come on let me take you somewhere amore mio (my love)" Now I know what that means and I like it.

I stand up and take his hand. He leads me back to the car he got me and opens a door for me. We're back in the same spot we were in earlier.

"I'm going to take you somewhere, somewhere safe. Is that ok?" He asks. "Anywhere with you is ok with me"  He chuckles which sends vibrations down me, making me feel warm inside. He starts the car driving off. Where is this crazy man taking me?

Word count: 1059

I hope you guys enjoyed the backstory with this one

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