M + A

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3 weeks later:


"Today, on the beautiful day of June 3rd we lay one of our own to rest. She lived an amazing life but died a tragic death on May 13th we ask all of you to keep her family in your prayers." I grab onto Aurora as her casket goes down. She looks at me sending me a sympathetic smile.

Goodbye mom. 

2 hours later:

"I love you Matteo." Aurora says while playing with my hair as I lay on her stomach. I can't stand to get out of bed but today I have something to do, something my mom would have wanted me to do.

No one know that Auroras pregnant, she's almost 2 months and still no one knows, the weddings in a few weeks, I'm in a random ass safe house, and my dad is in and out of hospitals for having seizures.

The only good thing in my life right now is Aurora and this baby. I want Aurora to know just how much I love her, so today I'm proposing.

"Baby," I say looking up, "Can you go get dressed and pack a bag. I wanna take you somewhere." Her eyes beam. She doesn't really like staying in the house but she's been doing it for me.

I go into the spare bathroom and take a shower.


I finished up my outfit, just a white button up with the first buttons undone and black dress pants. the normal outfit.

When she comes out of the room she amazes me. I'm blown away everytime I see her. She has the slightest bump that no one will really notice unless they look.

"Where are we going?" She asks

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"Where are we going?" She asks. "Rome." Is all I say as we walk down the stairs.

5 hours later:

I look over seeing Aurora sleep. I swear she is always sleep, just stay awake for 5 minutes amore. I tap her shoulder and she pops up.

Looking around you see a hotel on a very pretty beach with a nice view. It's about 7 o'clock now, still a long time to do what I need to do.

"Come on Aurora."

We make it into the hotel with our bags, we're staying for a few days. "Is that what you want to wear to the beach?" She asks me. She's always judging my outfits. "Yes ma'am." I grab her hand interlocking our fingers.

We make it to the elevator waiting area. I press a button as Aurora looks off into the sky, "That's my mom and Sofia doing that." I look at the sky seeing a beautiful mix of purple and pink. "Yeah baby" I kiss her temple holding back the rush of tears I need to let out but refuse.

Aurora has been talking about her moms lately, maybe to make me feel better, I don't know.

We get onto the elevator and go to the beach. There's some people but not a lot. "Come on." She drags me over to the water line. "Look how pretty." The waves seem to crash harder and harder as does my chest.

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