its all for you

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All I can think about is him. He's next to me right now helping me and I love it. I love that he wants a girl and not a boy. Even if it confuses me.

I love him. I love that he's here. But I hate the fact that my brain won't forget everything he put me through.

I'm handed a letter as George walks out.

My Dearest Aurora,

There's nothing more to say to you but I love you. You will forever be il mio cuore. Hearing this news is shocking and I can't believe it. I wish I could explain the feelings i'm having at this very moment. I am so so sorry for everything that went down my love. I'll explain it all later. I don't know when I'll give this to you but just know, my sweet girl, you and this baby mean the absolute world to me. Whatever you want to do, we can do until the end of time.

I love you amore, Till death,
Your Romeo.

I fold the letter up and stand. I walk out the bathroom and towards my bed. He wrote me a letter back, Matteo is Matteo. He's my Romeo he's my savior but I don't understand what is going on. He just told me how much he hates me and that he is literally going to kill me when I have our first son, so why now all of a sudden does he love me?

He comes out of the bathroom with tears in his eyes, "Come outside with me," I put the letter in my drawer next to my bed and look outside, "it's raining Romeo." I say wiping the one tear that fell out of my eyes.

He rolls his eyes going to my closet. He pulls out one of his button ups with a frown. I took all of his other clothes out of my room. "This is all you have amore?"

"Stop calling me that." I demand taking the shirt out of his hands. As I button it up I can see he's upset. This whole thing is making me more angry by the second. I can clearly tell he doesn't hate me. But he could also be pretending to not hate me. I just want a normal life, normal pregnancy, and a normal husband. But I will never get that.

I start walking past him and to the door. Like always he follows.

I make it to the front door and stand there. If he opens the door for me it's still my Romeo, if he doesn't, he must really hate me. I can't explain this theory but I know it's right. I stand for a second before he opens the door, "Princess" he says with his hand out. I walk out and make my way to the other door which I open myself because I am perfectly capable.

It's cold and rain is hitting the ground hard. He comes up behind me. I can feel him. I want so badly to turn around and feel his body on mine. I turn around and my eyes meet his. His eyes are filled with a sparkle of hope and love. I love the feeling of getting lost in his eyes but I can't seem to shake the things said to me. I want it to all go back to normal from before that night.

"A dance?" He asks holding his hand out. I can't help but laugh considering the fact that this is 100% weird and has to be a dream.

He just stares at me not moving his hand. Whats the worst that can happen if I take his hand? He pulls me into him, I immediately sink into his warmth, the warmth I craved and needed.

We waltz around for a second before he pushed me back and spins me around but unlike our first dance I was put right back in front of him almost like he doesn't want to ever let go.


After a couple of minutes we stop dancing. We're standing silently looking at each other. We haven't talked this whole time but it's not weird it feels needed almost.

I can hear his breathing getting shaking as he  starts to grab something out of his pocket, a gun. He's about to kill me.

My eyes go wide as he slowly puts it in my hands, "You know how to use this correct?" He questions. I slowly nod taking it checking to see if there's bullets in there. There in fact is.

"I love you Aurora. It's for that reason that you choose my faith, my path, the life I can continue living or die right now, this second." He pauses and points the gun to his stomach as his breathing becomes more and more unsteady, "Aurora you, you are a masterpiece that took time to make. I never believed in love after Daisy but than I met you. I will never be worthy enough for you. You deserve to get out of this." He pushes the gun closer to himself.

I feel tears streaming down my face as my breathing becomes unsteady. I couldn't imagine my life without him. Matteo is my perfect life, my perfect partner, my perfect happy ending. As much as I hate him right now I don't think I could ever live a life without him.

His hand reaches my cheek as he wipes my tears away, "Don't cry Aurora. It's all for you. everything I do is for you." He whispers kissing my forehead. I sink into the kiss for a second. He releases his lips and I immediately feel something missing.

I take a big gulp and put the gun into his hand. I pull him into the biggest embrace I can. As we both melt into this hug the gun drops and the rain falls. But in this moment I can feel the tingles of cold I felt earlier go away.


I wake up immediately getting flushed with memories from this morning. I told him he could take a nap in my bed. I turn my head and see him laying far away from me, we fell asleep differently.

I sit up slightly and check the time '3:45 PM'. He's supposed to leave soon. He never told me what his outbursts are coming from but I don't want to know.

This morning was a crazy morning. He gave me a gun and told me to shoot, he told me to shoot him. This morning is a morning I will never fully recover from.

Word Count: 1033

Hey bitches this is a short chapter I'm sorry ☹️.

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