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"The problem isn't the weed," Luca starts, "The problem is you hang around Emma too much." He grabs my blunt laying himself on my shoulder.

We came outside about 10 minutes ago after watching Char and Em completely ruin karaoke. I want to leave, I hate clubs, I hate the feel, I hate the environment, I hate it all.

"NOAH WHERE ARE YOU!" Char yells out. I see her and everyone else leave the club. "I guess we gotta go." Luca sighs taking a hit from the blunt and putting it in his pocket when it goes out.

"Over here!" I yell standing up. I love them but Luca and me never get time alone.  "They leave soon Noah, It'll be fine." Luca pulls on my arm dragging me towards everyone.

I love my friends but being around them is hard sometimes, I'm not 100% sure why.



"Do you think I look weird?" Matteo asks. I turn to him looking at his all black outfit rolling my eyes, "Do you only own black?" I ask sarcastically. He looks down at his black sweatpants and black hoodie, "Pretty much." He replies.

"Is that mine?" He questions walking closer. I may or may not have stolen his black zip up jacket to put over my white crop top. "It might be." I giggle walking over to the door.

"WHY CHARLOTTE, WHY DO WE HAVE TO DO THAT?" Emma yells from in her bedroom. "What's going on with them?" Matteo asks pulling me in. "Long story." I sigh. "I have time."

I smile up at him as we walk out the door. He opens our rented car sitting in the drivers seat and pulling the chair back. "Climb on top." I can't help but laugh a little at that. He gives me a tired look almost like he's done with my bullshit.

I climb on top of him and close the door, my legs facing the passengers side. "Okay," I start playing with his hair, "Emma wants to move for school but Charlotte doesn't but Charlotte knows how important this is but also doesn't want to move because of other things. Does that make sense?"I finish.

"Nope." Shrugging my shoulders I pick up my phone to a message.

Char: Where are you?

"Can I send her something." Matteo says snatching my phone. In response I
snatch his. I go onto it watching somewhat of him setting up my phone, I guess to send to Char.

He grabs me by my neck gently pulling me closer. Putting my arms around his neck staring at myself as his hand goes up my thigh and to my ass. Butterflies swarm everytime he glides up but also because while staring at myself I don't recognize me.

I'm snapped out of those thoughts when he pushes my head towards him pulling me into a kiss. Our heads turn and a smile peals onto my face. "I love you." he whispers grabbing my phone. "Is that what you wanted?" I whisper back. "Mhm."

He pulls me back into the kiss grabbing my thigh again. I jump at the slam of the door, "We're not going for a walk anymore." Charlotte yells out to us before slamming the door again. "I need to go home." Matteo says.

I move myself over so I'm in the passenger seat. "I don't like these pants." I say out of frustration, they're itchy and annoying. "You could always take them off." He whispers moving towards me. "Or I could go change." I interrupt.

"Guastastupri (cock blocker)." He mutters getting out of the car. Someone has an attitude.

When we walk into our room he throws the pants Emma bought me as a joke at my head. "They're cute, wear them."

I take off my grey sweatpants and replace them with pink pants with little toasters on them. "You look beautiful." He laughs.

Ignoring him I go over to his bag and grab a hoodie pulling it over my head. "I'm kind of tired. Is that okay?" I ask him. He nods his head getting into bed.

The next morning:

"GET OFF OF ME." I yell at Matteo. He decided it would be the best of ideas to lay on top of me. He gets up and moves over to the other side. As soon as his head hits the bed I get on top of him.

He holds me up as I smother him in kisses. I hear the door open but I think it's Leo so I keep bothering Matteo. I sit up and he keeps holding me. Looking back I expect to see an excited toddler but I don't. I see nothing.

While I'm going to tell Matteo how horrible his hair looks my phone goes off.


I burst out laughing as Matteo takes my phone

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I burst out laughing as Matteo takes my phone. "She's the one that came in? I thought it was Leo." He takes me off of him and gets off the bed, leaving me. "You need to be ready by 12." He says taking off his shorts and putting on sweatpants.

"Why?" I ask getting off the bed. "I'm taking you somewhere." He reply's walking out of the room. "Where?" I yell out the room. "SOMEWHERE." He yells back.

Before I reach the door Char bursts in. "Can I pretty please take Leo to the beach today?" She asks. As much as I want to say yes I don't think I can. "Ask Matteo." I say walking out. She grabs my arm pulling me back. "Why can't I ask you?"

"Because Leo is Matteo's." Her face scrunches up , "You are his mom Aurora, act like it." What the fuck. I watch her walk away as the fumes in my head rise. I do act like his mom, I feed him, I love him, I take care of him. What is she talking about?

Walking out I see Matteo on the couch with Luca. "Can I take Leo to the beach?" Charlotte asks Matteo. He just nods and looks at me, "Aurora come here." I walk over to him sitting on his lap. "Are you okay?" Matteo whispers. I smile and nod turning the conversation back to Luca.

Word Count: 1037
Instagram: justalvoer_
tiktok: ihrtwattpad

i'm really sorry for the short and late chapter i've been going through a lot i would really appreciate if you guys gave me time 💘

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