Use me

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I hear the door open and three very familiar voices whispering. I open my eyes and sit up to see Leo, Char, and Emma at the doorway.

"It's 8, you guys should start getting ready for breakfast. Reservations are at 10." Emma says placing Leo on the bed. He runs up to me while the door shuts.

"Wake up papà for me bubs." I say to him, placing a kiss on his cheek and standing up. I wait until I hear a deep, "Good Morning bubba." From Matteo before going into the bathroom.

"Aurora," Matteo yawns out. I turn to see him and Leo cuddled up. "I love you." He tells me closing his eyes. "I'm getting in the shower. Start getting Leo ready when I'm out please."


I finish curling my hair and walk out of the bathroom. Surprisingly, the outfit I laid out for Leo is actually on him. Matteo almost never does that. In the 45 minutes I was in the bathroom, Leo and Matteo managed to get dressed.

"Why did you curl your hair and not just wear it natural." Matteo complains. He hates that I never wear it natural. So do I, but I just can't. "I don't know." I reply sitting on the bed, wrapped in my towel.

Matteo's in greenish shorts and a white button up, Leo's wearing a basic outfit, a black shirt with grey pants. "Wear your floral dress." Matteo says sounding a little demanding.


"Leo come on we have to go." I put my hands out for him to come into my arms so I can get him off the counter. "No." That was rude. Everyone's in the kitchen just watching us, waiting to leave. I pull his face to mine kissing him all over. His giggles erupt around the whole room.

I grab him and put him on the ground without him fully noticing. "Me and Aurora will meet you guys there. Take Leo, I already put the car seat in your car." Everyone leaves.

Matteo walks close to me, moving the hair from face. My breathing slows down. "You okay amore" He asks kissing down my neck. "I'm just," I can't help but gasp when he sucks down, "stressed."

He moves his mouth from my neck to my lips. "It'll be okay. All of it will be okay. Now put your shoes on." He walks away to the shoe cubby while I sit down.

He grabs my foot and puts my sandals on. "Let's go."

3 PM:

Matteo took me to a lake. We're sitting on a towel just staring. I can't take another second of this. I get up running into the lake. I stand there for a second, feeling his eyes on me. I look around, taking in everything I see.

He eventually joins me, walking closer and closer with a smile on his face. He lays his hand in front of me, "Can I have this dance." I giggle, "There's no music." I inform him. "Who needs music." He says pulling me in to him.

My arms slide around his neck, his planted on my waist. We're close, I can feel his heart beats and feel his steady breathing. "I love you more than you'll ever know my love." I whisper.

"I can't wait to marry you." He whispers back. "Thank you, Romeo." I giggle back. Matteo pulls away and stares at me. "Are you making fun of my middle name, Aurora Andrea." He shakes his head and begins to walk away.

I grab his arm and walk in front of him. "I would never." I whisper looking him up and down. Looking at his tattoos and his abs. "Are you now fucking me with your eyes. Aurora I thought you were better than-" I slam my lips into his.

I want him. I want him now. "Get the stuff and take it in the car. I'll be waiting." I demand. My heart pounds as I walk back to the car, ready.

Ready to show him what I can do. What kept so many guys hooked in that small time that he left me.

I sit alone in the backseat, with the seats down, by myself for a few minutes until he eventually joins me.

The moment our eyes lock I feel a rush of emotions, the most prominent one, horny.



"Would you mind if I fucked you."

"I definitely would not mind."


A few more seconds of eye contact passes. Leaving me feeling unfulfilled, until his hand slides up my thigh and our lips meet.

I glide myself on top of him motioning to take his shorts off without breaking the kiss, luckily no shirt is the way.

He lifts me up, still not breaking the kiss and eases them off of him. I can feel him growing under me, it feels nice. Extremely nice.

I break the kiss, but I miss the kiss. I slide off my cover and my bikini bottoms throwing them next to us. I grab his dick settling it in me before sitting on it.

My whole world shakes, my eyes water, and a moan escapes. But I have to continue. I grab onto his neck pulling myself in and out.

The moans leaving his mouth are louder than me. I slowly bring myself up and down. Bouncing at my own rhythm. The tension between us building.

When my rhythm picks up neither of us can control the things coming out of our mouths. I look down at Matteo who's eyes are filled with something I've never seen before, submissiveness.

I smile at him before grabbing his throat lightly and pulling him in. He grins, "That's right amore. Use me."

"Tell me how much you want to be used Matteo." I let out through moans. His breath still not steady, "I want you to fuck your dick."

Did he just call his dick mine. He's mine. I will use you Matteo. I grind faster and faster until my legs grow weak.

His hands slowly lose the grip on my waist that was tighter than ever before.

"Fuck baby, I'm cumming, keep going." Just like that I stop. He stares at me, baffled. As much as I want to continue, I take this in. "Beg." I demand kissing his neck and playing with his hair.

"Aurora please, please keep going. I need it." You don't have to tell me twice.

I go back into my rhythm. Steady, making sure not to change anything. Before I know it he's cumming, and so am I.

"That was um." I start.

"Absolutely amazing." He finishes.

Absolutely amazing.

Word Count: 1111
Tiktok: ihrtwattpad
Instagram: justalvoer

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