We want Dante

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11 PM


As I walked in the house all I want to do is shower and go to bed. I take my tie off as I sit at the bar in the kitchen. I take a breath and get up. I make myself a cocktail and sit back down.

Today I hurt Dante worse than I wanted to. He's missing a few teeth, one or two or maybe 30 bones are broken, but he pissed me off. Most people in the every Mafia around the world know not to piss me off, I'm dangerous when angry, I have no control.

I got out my phone to text Luca who left to go visit José in America. It should be like 5 AM there.

Matteo: Hey, how's the trip?
Luca: Good. How's home?
Matteo: I almost killed Dante.
Luca: Damn. He actually abused her?
Matteo: apparently a lot. He broke her arms a lot. Gave her like 3 concussions.
Luca: Damn i'm sorry. But don't kill him Matteo. Her friend, Noah, isn't 18 yet. you want the American mafia to go to someone trusted.
Matteo: Yea.

I put my phone away as I put the cup in the dishwasher. As I walk up the stairs I think about her. I miss her touch. I wonder if she got my gift.

I walk in her room expecting her to be sleep but instead I see her bathroom door open and the light shining out.

I walk in seeing her on the bathroom floor blood everywhere as she's passed out by the toilet with knife and blood coming out her arms and stomach. I run up to her "Aurora" I yell shaking her. Her eyes flicker open as she looks at me.

She smiles and tries to move her hand to my face. "No, don't move" I say with my voice cracking. I can't lose her. I look around and see a note on the toilet,

We want Dante. - American Mafia.

Those bitches. I go down and scoop her up in my arms. I yell for my mom as I take her down the stairs. George sees her in my arms, "Sir, what happened." He questions while following me.

I turn to look at him, "What happened. What fucking happened is none of your guards pay attention. You're the highest paid guard here, you're in charge of all the other guards. What are you doing here if you're going to let people in who want to kill us." I turn back around and go into the Mafia part of the house.

In there we have a "hospital" with doctors and places for surgery.

I sit her down on one of the beds and doctors take a look at her as my mom barges in. She takes one look at her and back at me. My mom could always see through me. She always knows when something wrong. "Come here baby". She says before pulling me into an embrace. I let out a sigh as I lean into her. This night could not get worse.

I let go and see them rushing Aurora somewhere. A doctor comes up to me, "We're taking her to the other room for surgery."

I'm going to kill everyone in the American Mafia no matter how long it takes.

5 hours later


I've been sitting here with my mom for hours. My dad is yelling at the guards and tracing every step that each one of them took. I'm putting all of them on my kill list as well.

I see a doctor come out to us, "She made it through surgery. She lost a lot of blood. That's what we helped mostly. It's going to be a long healing process but for the most part I don't think she'll need to go to an actual hospital" He walks away as they roll her back out.

I walk over to her and push a piece of lose hair out of her face. I kiss her forehead before sitting down. My mom walks up to her and says a prayer. I can't hear it but I know it's good. My mom loves prayer.

She comes and sits next to me, "God will help her. She'll be just fine."

3 hours later


It's 6AM. I haven't slept. I haven't showered. I've just been sitting here, watching. My mom and dad went off to sleep. My dad didn't even tell me what happened.

I look away for a second until I hear a voice, "Romeo" I hear with a giggle. My stomach fills with butterflies. I look over and run up to her. "Aurora. Hey." I say rubbing her forehead. She winches as she tries to move. "Don't move baby. You're ok" I say before I call over the doctor.

When the doctors done checking her out she looks at me. I could melt in her eyes, her body, and her soul. "Wedding" Is all she says. What is wrong with her. "What amore (love)."

"Our wedding. when is the wedding?" Why is she asking this. "I don't know. sometime before August of next year. Do you have a date in mind?" I ask. She smiles and then winces making me move closer to her, "Yes. June. A June wedding like Caroline." Who the hell is Caroline. Oh wait. She was just talking about this in the morning. Caroline is from The Vampire Diaries. She got married and had a June wedding. I think.

I just nod. "Whatever you want." She smiles again. "Who did this Aurora."

She stops smiling immediately. "I can't tell you that." She can't tell me who hurt her. What the hell is going on? "Why Drea." I question getting angry. "Because I grew up with them. They're just a kid Matteo. They did what they were told"

Why does she think I care? "Aurora. Tell me Now." I say with more bass in my voice than normal. Why did I just give her my "mafia boss" voice.

She looks at me before biting her lip. "Nick Polo. He's 15. His dad is my dads actual best friend. He was scared when he did it. He came in my room while I was sleep. He stabbed my stomach like 3 times. Dragged me to the bathroom. Put the note on the toilet. He looked at me with a face that told me sorry. And he cut my arms. That's what happened but Matteo please don't hurt him. His dad is just like mine."

The last part caught my attention. I'm not going to hurt the kid. I'm going to hurt his dad.

Word count: 1067

Hey guys. this is a short chapter but also a plot twist because we love those <3.

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