Long Long Naps

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A few weeks later:


I wake up to the sound of my phone going off. I look at it not being my alarm but a facetime Bad bitches + Noey. I answer.

"HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY" Em and Char yell as they throw confetti into the screen. "Happy birthday Drea" Noah let's out with a yawn.

Every year for my birthday they break into my room at 3 AM and throw confetti on me. They also make me clean it up. Such bitches.

"Thank you but" Just as I was going to go on a rant about how It's not going to be a good birthday without them and how much I miss them, the FaceTime call hangs up. Okay then. I check the time 3:00 AM. Today I'm letting myself sleep in.

I wake up to sun in my room. I check the time 8:00 AM. Sleeping in is the best feeling.

Today I'm 18. Today I'm legal. If my dad would change the Mafia rules I would be put in charge today.

But instead I'm here, with a future husband who hates me. When we got back from the retreat he stopped looking at me and stopped talking to me.

Luca is nice to me though. He sends me cute messages every morning. So is Enzo and Sofia. They talk to me all the time and Sofia is so excited about wedding planning.

She told me that as soon as we get married her and Enzo are going on a trip. For just them. I think it's cute. I love the three of them a lot. They make it not horrible.

I got up and decided I'm not journaling today. Why do it. It's just going to say the same things. Instead i'm going to check my phone.

Lucaaaa: Good Morning and Happy Birthday beautiful! Today will be a good day, I'll make sure of it.

I send my thank you and get in the shower. He's right. Today will be a good day. I do my hair and look at my closet. Today I'm going to wear a black graphic sweater with a white skirt and fishnets.

I look at myself in the mirror

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I look at myself in the mirror. I am a fashion icon.

As I walk downstairs I see him. "Matteo can we talk please" He rolls his eyes. God he's so fucking rude for no reason.

"What do you want Aurora." The sound of his deep voice and accent sends butterflies all through me. I love that sound.

To be honest, I don't know what I want. I just want him to talk to me. I want a good relationship so that when we have children we can co-parent well.

"Matteo I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I made you cuddle with me while I was drunk and I thank you for taking care of me." I look at him hoping he'll say something but he just nods and walks away. Why the actual fuck does he always just nod. Say something please.

Just as I was about to turn around and beg him to talk I hear someone singing. I turn my head and see Enzo, Sofia, and Luca, Luca holding a cake in his hand with an "18" candle on it, and Enzo and Sofia holding balloons all that say 18.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to Aurora, Happy birthday to you." I look at them and smile everyone's accent so heavy it's funny. I feel safe here.

"Thank you guys. I was wondering if you guys wanted to do something today. Usually me and my friends would go out but they're in America"

They tell me about their plans. We're going to the mall, and than dinner and we should be out until 9 PM. But we can't leave until 5. Great a whole day of absolutely nothing. I'm so upset because I would rather do a whole day of nothing with my friends.

Since me and Matteo have finally been put in separate rooms I go in mine and Call my friends. No answer. Maybe I should nap. it seems like the best option.


Todays her birthday. Her friends are coming over and throwing her this dumb ball thing. I have to go since it's a Mafia thing and she's my future wife.

My birthdays January 2nd. We didn't do anything but for hers she gets a Mafia Ball. I get why I didn't have one. The retreat. I usually have one each year.

Since we're both 18 now my dad gave me a date we need to be engaged by, August 18th of this year. He wants to stop doing this Mafia thing by the time he's 60 so I understand.

I miss her. I miss her so much it hurts. I want to talk to her but I don't know what to say. She apologized today but I don't understand for what. She did nothing wrong. I was being rude to her. Not the other way around.

I'm about to get in the shower so I'm only in my sweatpants because as soon as I saw her today I knew a long shower to think was the best option. Usually I don't walk around with a shirt on but she's here so out of respect I put a shirt on before I leave my room. 

As I'm about to open the door to my bathroom connected to my room I hear a soft knock. I groan and open the door to see her. She's looking at my face but her eyes slowly make way to my abs. What a slut. I cough and go to grab a shirt. "What do you want Aurora?"

"Your bed is more comfortable. I'm taking a nap in here. It's my birthday so you can't say no. And we have to get married so you can't kill me" Is all she says before rolling herself into my bed. God this woman will be the end of me.

When I got out the shower she was still on my bed. She looks so peaceful, so beautiful. I lean down and kiss her forehead before getting dressed.

6 Hours Later:


I wake up still in Matteo's bed. No matteo in sight. I get up and look in his mirror. After a 6 hour nap I literally don't look bad. Don't even ask me how I slept six hours. I barely get any sleep at night. I miss my bed. "AURORA COME ON ITS TIME TO LEAVE" I hear Luca yell.

I run downstairs almost tripping and look at him. He's wearing a stripped shirt with jeans and air forces.

 He's wearing a stripped shirt with jeans and air forces

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I have a strange thought that Luca isn't in the Mafia. When a parent dies when you're young and in the Mafia for some, you don't actually have to be IN the mafia. It's a respect thing.

Luca takes my hand and leads me outside where I see an Audi with Sofia and Enzo in it. "Let's go have the time of our lives" He says lightly rolling his eyes.

Word count : 1192

This is part 1 of the 3 parts that it's going to take for her birthday. I love you guys.

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Instagram: justalvoer_

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