Leave, now

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"Wake up Matteo, you gotta go" I say relentlessly not wanting him to leave. He shakes his head and turns to me. "What time is it amo- Aurora?" I wanted him to say it. I want to hear him call me again. Sometimes I wish his mom didn't teach him to respect women's wishes.

"It's 3:50" I get up making my part of the bed. I watch him get up and yawn, "Aurora I'll be back tomorrow morning. I have something important to tell you ok?" He gets up and walks over to me, "But for now I have to go talk to papà" He kisses my forehead and rubs my stomach leaving my room, "Put my clothes back in your closet" He yells out before my door slams making me giggle.

I go outside my room in hopes of seeing the guard I made get me something the other day. I see him right outside my door. I guess it's George's sleeping hour, "Hello. Can you do me a favor please" I say. "Yes ma'am what is it you need?" I like being called ma'am it makes me feel like I'm in charge.

"Can you put me all the clothes in Matteo's second closet in here where they belong. Just put them on my bed."

"Yes Ma'am. permission to break barron Ma'am." I nod and walk off into my room.

I grab everthing I need to take a shower and walk into my bathroom. My hair is curly right now but what if I straighten it for him? He likes my hair curly though so I'll keep it the way it is.


As I step out of the shower I get a tight cramp in the one side of my stomach. The baby can't be kicking yet it's a clump of cells. I go out into my room and see a note on my bed,

Clothes are in your closet!

The feeling of Matteo's clothes bring me more comfort than anything else. I walk to my closet and see it full once again. I look around and grab a black hoodie. I go to my dresser and grab shorts along with a bra and underwear.

Wearing a matching set just for him, green, his favorite color. I put it all on and sit on my bed. This pain still won't go away. It feels like a sharp pain. Almost like I'm getting stabbed on my side and my back. Maybe the baby's mad I slept all day.

Taking a nap is probably the best option here but I don't want to push it off. Besides I do have to eat dinner, for the baby of course. I start my walk downstairs.

I see Enzo, the one person I don't want to see. "Hey." I say smiling breezing past him, I do notice an eye roll.

Maybe it's the fact that I'm pregnant or the fact that I've been pretending like I can't be a massive bitch while I've been living here but I'm done with the disrespect, "You know what Enzo, I don't know what your problem is but I've done nothing wrong. You being plain disrespectful isn't going to help anything so please just talk to me."

His eyes turn to me fast causing my breath to suck in, not very noticeable but definitely out of fear. "Who the fuck are you talking to, do you know who I am?".

That just pissed me off because who does he think he's talking to, "Do you know who I am Enzo," I say walking closer feeling a sense of boldness come over me, "I can ruin you in the blink of an eye. I know a thing or two about abusive men. I've killed a lot in my lifetime. By a lot I mean more than you did at 15."

My eyes immediately go to his hands which are in a fist. God I'm about to fight this old man while pregnant. He begins to yells, "Fuck you and your guard. Both of you can leave, now." As he angrily storms away like a toddler I can't help but wonder where I'm going next.

A tear rolls down my check as I nervously wipe it away. Here we go again, Aurora ruining another father figure. I walk up the stairs and into my room. The guard that usually doesn't talk unless talked to is still in front of my room but this time he talks, without asking to break barren may I add, "Aurora, are you okay?" I look at him very confused considering he's never called me Aurora, "Yes I'm fine, Can you help me pack?"

We walk into my room and I set my 5 suitcases by the bed. I walk over to my closet as the Guard stays in place, "Please go to my dresser and put all of that stuff in the big blue suitcase." He goes to do what he was told while I grab the pink and black suitcases and take everything out of my closet.


About 30 minutes roll by and we're finally done. That pain I felt before is still there, stabbing at me. Maybe I should just ignore it. "Okay all the shoes, accessory, stuff like that go in the purple suitcase" He starts that while I start taking things off my wall to put in the purple bag.

1 Hour Later

We're finally in the car. Before I left I put a letter on Matteo's bed. George and I don't know where we're headed but he's taking the car he was assigned, to take my luggage and I'm taking the car Matteo bought me.

The pain still hasn't gone away but I think I should wait it out. I should call Matteo, he would know what to do. I make that thought leave my mind immediately, I can't bother Matteo.

We drive around for about 30 minutes before I get a call Arranged Mom I don't want to pick up a call from Sofia but I know I should.

"Hey Sofia what's up?" I grit out. "Where are you and where's your stuff?" Why did she have to ask the worst question, "I bought Matteo and I a home. I'll be back after I get my stuff put into the house. I love you, have a good night." My hand begins to slip to the end button as I wait for her response, "Okay Cara I love you.  (dear)"

I hang up and sigh. I love that women with all of my heart. She's there for me when I need and loves me like my mother did. It's like my mom made her and sent her for me. Sofia is the opposite of Enzo. I want to tell her so badly that I'm pregnant but I don't know how.

2 Hours Later

I feel like we've been driving forever but at this point it's whatever there's no end point. George has called me a few times to make sure me and the baby are okay and each time it was the same. I know if I tell him about the pains he'll take me to a hospital but I don't really want that.

It's about 9 at night right now as I take a turn my stomach begins to turn. I pull over and open my door throwing up to no point, no end. Just throwing up. George pulls over and comes to my side, "George I'm in a lot of pain right now." George sits on the ground slightly next to me, "Alright my love. We can stay here for a second." I close my eyes.

Word Count: 1279

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