Dio Mio

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I wake up to a burst of wind hitting my skin. Sleeping in a sports bra and shorts always bits me in the ass. I slowly open my eyes looking around. I sit up when I see Matteo outside on the balcony, wearing nothing but sweatpants.

Last night was interesting, we went to bed at about 12, everyone besides us slept in the guest room. Last night I talked to Char and Em like I used to, it's weird to think I moved to Italy only 5 months ago and my life has changed so much. I missed talking to them.

Last night I also learned that no one thinks I can keep jewelry safe and they think I shouldn't wear my ring. Honestly rude.

"You're up!" Matteo whisper screamed, making sure not to wake anyone else. He ran up to the bed, dragging me and pulling me to the balcony, "Isn't it pretty?" He questions turning my back towards him.

I look up at the sky seeing a beautiful sunrise ahead of us, "Our moms did that." He whispers in my ear pulling my closer.

I close my eyes for a second as our body's press against eachothers. Ever since my mom died I've loved the sky, at 15 that's the only thing that kept me going, the thought of her doing that for me.

Matteo places a kiss on my cheek and rubs my stomach lightly which gets me flustered. I still can't believe there's a baby in there. I grab his left hand taking it off my waist and look at his watch 7:45 AM damn it's kinda late for me. I place his hand back on my waist and turn myself around.

"We have to talk my love." He pushes some hair out of my face, "About?" He questions. I just want to talk about the baby and Leo. How that's all going to work, when we tell my friends.

I drag him inside, when we're inside I close the balcony doors and lead him to the bed sitting down. "We need to talk about my friends." He gives me a look and I go on.

"When do we tell them about the baby or about Leo?" I ask. He looks at me blankly. I wish he would just speak, "Um, maybe today?" He says unsure.

I send him a look as I fall onto the bed letting a groan escape my lips. He falls back too making me giggle. "Aurora, look at me." I look over, "You can tell them whenever you want, today, tomorrow, the wedding. I don't care. Leo is your child as well. Leo will think of you as a motherly figure. You get to make these decision's, as the father of both I'm telling you I do not care when you tell them." He gets up and off the bed.

I sit up watching him walk to the door, "Where are you going?" I ask. "I'm going to the kitchen, I'm going to make breakfast for everyone." He cooks?

I feel like I learn something new every day. I get off of the bed and start walking to the door where he is. "Shirt." I bust into laughter, "Matteo..." I laugh out, "Everyone here has seen me naked." I can't stop myself from laughing as he gives me a confused glare.

I squeeze between him and the door frame walking to the kitchen like 2 feet away. By the time I get to the island and sit at a chair he has just started walking towards me.

I have the urge to ask him when he wants to take Leo in. I don't want to rush him but I would like him to be in the wedding. But he's not mine, he's his. I want to respect his boundaries with Leo, but I think it is important to ask.

I look up from playing with my finger nails to Matteo across the island staring at me, "What's wrong?" I stare for a second putting my hands in my lap, "When do you want to get Leo?" I ask.

Matteo's face drops. I don't think he's thought much about it, his mom did just die and I'm 8 weeks pregnant. "Aurora," he sighs, I put my hand on his, "I don't know to be honest. We don't have a solid place to live right now but I want him as soon as possible, I mean that's my son."

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