Chapter Three - Ready?

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I inhale the fresh. 'Isn't this the nicest smell ever?!' I ask. Lynn looks at me and say, 'You know how weird this sounds right?', we both laugh. I love how we always know what the other is thinking!

'Okay, ready for the first lesson? I ask Lynn. She nods. 'Okay great, the first thing we need to do is put on our equipment.' We will both be skiing today because it is the easiest to learn for a newbie. After some time, we finally are ready to go up with the lift.

While we are sitting, we talk about the memories I have here. I met my first boyfriend here, well boyfriend. I would call it a holiday love. We were young and it was all nice and exciting, but we had very different lives off the slopes. I just didn't work out for the better. But we had good memories though!

We laughed about me being clumsy, but you always have that with your first times. It surely didn't look like how they present it on TV shows.


I wished I would have been there! It would have been a blast, seeing Vera like that. It would have made my year, I'm sure of it! But we will make a lot of memories here as well, us being together is entertainment itself.

The higher we get, the more nervous I become. I just don't want to be the girl who falls out of the lift or rolls down the hill. I've never been good in learning something new. But I will try my best, it must go well! I need to relax, just breath.

'Please promise me you will pick me up when I fall' I asked Vera. 'Hahaha hell no, I will first laugh and after I'm done, I will help you!' she says. 'Very funny' I say grumpy. 'Don't think so less of yourself, you will do fine! You have always been the most athletic, so everything will turn out great!'

She is right, I have always been good at all different kinds of sports. But I set the bar too high for myself, too many expectations of myself and others puts a lot of stress on my mind. I need to let it go!



It's good to be back, this place makes me feel like a little boy again. All the good memories we have here makes me smile. 'What makes you smile champ?' asks Lando. 'Huh?!'. Lando laughed, 'What is that smile, please elaborate so I can enjoy it as well' he says. 'Just all the good memories I have here, to many to tell you at once. I will explain some over the next few days. It helps when I bring you with me to some particular places' I answered him. 'Can't wait!'.

We are ready to go up, since I gathered all the stuff we need some time ago, we only needed to change into some warm clothes. The snowboards are at the garage downstairs. Once we got those we left to the slopes.

On the way, we talk about what we will do today. It will be a long, but good day. The weather is perfect, fresh snow and a blue sky. What do you want more?!

Tonight, will be the first time we will go to a party since Abu Dhabi. Lando insisted on going, I didn't think it was a good idea. I just want an anonymous vacation. Don't get me wrong, I love my fans and supporters, but not this week. I need to find myself again, I don't even know who Max Verstappen is, besides the son of, a Formula one driver, and first Dutch World Champion.


I've never seen a more beautiful view. Well, not completely true, I have seen a lot of the world already. But this view is new for me. 'Everything is just so white! When I'm naked I'm sure nobody will see me' I giggled as we stand in the queue to go up. Max kicks my leg, 'Just shut up!'. We both laughed, people started to look at us. I hope nobody recognize us; I know that would ruin Max' holiday.

I almost fell to get into the lift, that would have been really something for me to do. It's just something new, a new experience. Since I'm 22 years old, I have seen and done more things than someone of 80 years old. But this isn't one of them. You are never too old to learn they say right?

I'm excited! Never expected to be this excited, but now I'm here I'm glad I came. This will all be great! It will be a good day, one to remember. I'm sure of it!

Love Is In the Snow {Lando Norris & Max Verstappen}Where stories live. Discover now